local config = require("config") config.db = "data/unittest.db" local mock = {} local env = {} mock.env = env --Mirror print prior to lua 5.4 --local oldprint = print local ntostring -- Modules that get required lazily local login_post local fuzzy local claim_post print_table= function(...) print("Print called") local args = {...} local mapped_args = {} for k,v in ipairs(args) do print("mapping",v) mapped_args[k] = ntostring(v) end print(table.concat(mapped_args,"\t")) end local tables_called = {} function ntostring(arg) io.stdout:write("Calling tostring with:",tostring(arg),"\n") if type(arg) ~= "table" then return tostring(arg) end local function tbl_to_string(tbl,indent) if tables_called[tbl] then return tostring(tbl) end tables_called[tbl] = true if type(tbl) ~= "table" then error("tbl_to_string must be called with a table, got a " .. type(tbl)) end local lines = {string.rep("\t",indent) .. "{"} for k, v in pairs(tbl) do local kv = {} for i,n in pairs{k,v} do if type(n) == "table" then kv[i] = string.format("%q",tbl_to_string(n,indent+1)) else kv[i] = string.format("%q",tostring(n)) end end table.insert( lines, string.rep("\t",indent+1) .. kv[1] .. ":" .. kv[2] ) end table.insert(lines,string.rep("\t",indent) .. "}") return table.concat(lines,"\n") end --It's a table local ret = tbl_to_string(arg,0) tables_called = {} return ret end local smr_mock_env = { --An empty function that gets called to set up databases and do other --startup-time stuff, runs once for each worker process. configure = spy.new(function(...) end), http_request_get_host = spy.new(function(req) return req.host or "test.host" end), http_request_get_path = spy.new(function(req) return req.path or "/" end), http_request_populate_qs = spy.new(function(req) req.qs_populated = true end), http_request_populate_post = spy.new(function(req) req.post_populated = true end), http_populate_multipart_form = spy.new(function(req) req.post_populated = true end), http_argument_get_string = spy.new(function(req,str) assert(req.args,"requests should have a .args table") assert( req.method == "GET" and req.qs_populated or req.method == "POST" and req.post_populated,[[ http_argument_get_string() can only be called after the appropriate populate method has been called, either http_request_populate_qs(req) or http_request_populate_post(req)]] ) return req.args[str] end), http_file_get = spy.new(function(req,filename) assert(req.multipart_forum_populated,[[ http_file_get() can only be called after the approriate populate method has been called. (http_populate_multipart_form()) ]]) return req.file["pass"] end), http_response = spy.new(function(req,errcode,html) req.responsecode = errcode req.response = html end), http_response_header = spy.new(function(req,name,value) req.response_headers = req.response_headers or {} req.response_headers[name] = value end), http_method_text = spy.new(function(req) return req.method end), http_populate_cookies = spy.new(function(req) req.cookies_populated = true req.cookies = req.cookies or {} end), http_request_cookie = spy.new(function(req,cookie_name) assert(req.cookies_populated,[[ http_request_cookie() can only be called after http_populate_cookies() has been called. ]]) return req.cookies[cookie_name] end), http_response_cookie = spy.new(function(req,name,value) req.cookies = {[name] = value} end), log = spy.new(function(priority, message) --[[print(string.format("[LOG %q]: %s",priority,message))]] end), --Logging: LOG_DEBUG = "debug", LOG_INFO = "info", LOG_NOTICE = "notice", LOG_WARNING = "warning", LOG_ERR = "error", LOG_CRIT = "critical", LOG_ALERT = "alert", LOG_EMERG = "emergency", sha3 = spy.new(function(message) return "digest" end), } local smr_mock_env_m = { __index = smr_mock_env, __newindex = function(self,key,value) local setter = debug.getinfo(2) if setter.source ~= "=[C]" and key ~= "configure" then error(string.format( "Tried to create a global %q with value %s\n%s", key, tostring(value), debug.traceback() ),2) else rawset(self,key,value) end end } local sfmt = string.format local string_fmt_override = { format = spy.new(function(fmt,...) local args = {...} for i = 1,#args do if args[i] == nil then args[i] = "nil" end end table.insert(args,1,fmt) return sfmt(unpack(args)) end) } setmetatable(string_fmt_override,{__index = string}) local smr_override_env = { --Detour assert so we don't actually perform any checks assert = spy.new(function(bool,msg,level) return bool end), --Allow string.format to accept nil as arguments string = string_fmt_override } mock.olds = {} function mock.setup() setmetatable(_G,smr_mock_env_m) for k,v in pairs(smr_override_env) do mock.olds[k] = _G[k] _G[k] = v end end function mock.mockdb() local config = require("config") config.db = "data/unittest.db" assert(os.execute("rm " .. config.db)) package.loaded.db = nil local db = require("db") end function mock.teardown() setmetatable(_G,{}) for k,v in pairs(mock.olds) do _G[k] = v end end local session_m = {__index = { login = function(self, who, pass) if not self.args then error("Request should have a .args table") end print("Right before requireing login_post endpoint, self.args is " .. tostring(self.args)) print("After requireing login_post edpoint, self.args is " .. tostring(self.args)) self.args.user = who self.args.pass = pass login_post(self) error("TODO") end, logout = function(self) error("TODO") end, req = function(self, args) end }} function mock.session(tbl) if post_login == nil then login_post = require("endpoints.login_post") fuzzy = require("spec.fuzzgen") claim_post = require("endpoints.claim_post") configure() end local username = fuzzy.subdomain() local claim_req = { method = "POST", host = "test.host", path = "/_claim", args = { user = username } } claim_post(claim_req) local login_req = { method = "POST", host = "test.host", path = "/_login", args = { user = username }, file = { pass = claim_req.response } } login_post(login_req) local cookie = login_req.response_headers["set-cookie"] local sessionid = cookie:match("session=([^;]+)") local req = { host = "test.host", cookies = { session = sessionid } } return req, username end return mock