+++ weight = 21 +++ # Configuration Place configuration values in `config.toml` or a presentation's front matter (`_index.md`). --- ## Reveal.js themes Themes control the look and feel of your presentation. Set the `theme` param to any [valid Reveal.js theme](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#theming). ```toml [params.reveal_hugo] theme = "moon" ``` --- ## Use a custom theme To use a custom Reveal.js theme, place the CSS file in the `static` directory and set the `custom_theme` param. ```toml [params.reveal_hugo] custom_theme = "reveal-hugo/themes/robot-lung.css" ``` --- ## Bundled themes reveal-hugo comes with 2 extra Reveal.js themes: - [robot-lung](https://github.com/dzello/revealjs-themes#robot-lung) (this one) - [sunblind](https://github.com/dzello/revealjs-themes#sunblind)
They live in the `static/reveal-hugo/themes` folder and also [on Github](https://github.com/dzello/revealjs-themes). --- ## Reveal.js params Set **snakecase** versions of Reveal.js params, which will be camelized and passed to `Reveal.initialize`. ```toml [params.reveal_hugo] history = true slide_number = true transition = 'zoom' transition_speed = 'fast' ``` [Full list of params](https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js/#configuration) --- ## highlight.js themes To change the syntax highlighting theme, set the `highlight_theme` to a valid [highlight.js theme name](https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/). ```toml [params.reveal_hugo] highlight_theme = "zenburn" ``` --- ## Extending the layout Use partials to add HTML to the page for one or all presentations at a time. 💡 This is the recommended way to add script and style tags to customize your presentations. --- Here is where partials go for different presentations and places on the page.

| Presentation | Before </head> | Before </body> | |--------------|---------------------------------|---------------------------------| | All | reveal-hugo/head.html | reveal-hugo/body.html | | Root | home/reveal-hugo/head.html | home/reveal-hugo/body.html | | Section | {section}/reveal-hugo/head.html | {section}/reveal-hugo/body.html | --- ## Custom CSS Example In `home/reveal-hugo/head.html`: ```html ``` --- ## Custom JS Example In `home/reveal-hugo/body.html`: ```html ```