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var __index = {"config":{"lang":["en","de"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"index.html","title":"Home","text":"<pre><code>__ __ _\n\\ \\ / /_ _ _ __ (_) ___\n \\ V / _` | '_ \\| |/ __|\n | | (_| | | | | | (__\n |_|\\__,_|_| |_|_|\\___|\nYet another node info collector\n</code></pre> <p><code>yanic</code> is a respondd client that fetches, stores and publishes information about a Freifunk network.</p>"},{"location":"index.html#the-goals","title":"The goals:","text":"<ul> <li>Generating JSON for Meshviewer</li> <li>Storing statistics in InfluxDB or Graphite to be analyzed by Grafana</li> <li>Provide a little webserver for a standalone installation with a meshviewer</li> </ul>"},{"location":"about.html","title":"About","text":"<p>A little overview of yanic in connection with other software: </p>"},{"location":"about.html#how-respondd-works","title":"How respondd works","text":"<p>It sends the <code>gluon-neighbour-info</code> request and collects the answers.</p> <p>It will send UDP packets with multicast address <code>ff05:0:0:0:0:0:2:1001</code> and port <code>1001</code>.</p> <p>If a node does not answer, it will request with the last know address under the port <code>1001</code>.</p>"},{"location":"about.html#related-projects","title":"Related projects","text":""},{"location":"about.html#yanic-collecting-data","title":"yanic collecting data","text":"<p>VPNs (respondd for servers):</p> <ul> <li>mesh-announce from FreiFunkNord</li> <li>respondd from Sunz3r</li> </ul> <p>Nodes (respondd for nodes): gluon</p>"},{"location":"about.html#alternative-collectors-of-respondd-data","title":"Alternative collectors of respondd data:","text":"<ul> <li>Node informant written in Go</li> <li>HopGlass Server written in Node.js</li> </ul>"},{"location":"about.html#yanic-published-data","title":"yanic published data","text":"<p>Databases:</p> <ul> <li>InfluxDB SQL-like timeserial database</li> <li>Graphite RRD file Based</li> <li>and more</li> </ul> <p>Visualization from Databases: Grafana</p> <p>Output:</p> <ul> <li>meshviewer-ffrgb:<ul> <li>meshviewer</li> </ul> </li> <li>nodelist:<ul> <li>ffapi<ul> <li>freifunk-karte.de</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li>meshviewer (others):<ul> <li>unmaintained origin meshviewer branch: master (v1) and dev (v2)</li> </ul> </li> </ul>"},{"location":"running.html","title":"Running Yanic","text":"Community Meshviewer Database Visualisation (Grafana) Freifunk Bremen meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg with a patch to show state.json grafana - with influxdb Freifunk Regensburg meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg grafana - without yanic Freifunk Frankfurt am Main meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg - Freifunk Hannover meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg with 'minimal cosmetic modifications' grafana with influxdb Freifunk Hochstift meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg - Freifunk in Mainz , Wiesbaden & Umgebung meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg grafana with influxdb Freifunk Ulzen meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg - Freifunk Gera Greiz meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg grafana - with influxdb Freifunk Westpfalz meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg grafana- with influxdb Freifunk Rhein-Sieg e.V. meshviewer from Freifunk Regensburg grafana- with influxdb"},{"location":"running.html#meshviewer-collector","title":"meshviewer-collector","text":"<p>A little project starts, to collect meshviewer-ffrgb data from multiple communities.</p> <p>List of communities: https://github.com/genofire/meshviewer-collector</p> <p>Meshviewer with colleced data: multi.meshviewer.org Status: data.meshviewer.org/collector.</p>"},{"location":"dev/database.html","title":"Add new database type","text":"<p>Write a new package to implement the interface database.Connection:</p> <pre><code>type Connection interface {\n InsertNode(node *runtime.Node)\n\n InsertLink(*runtime.Link, time.Time)\n\n InsertGlobals(*runtime.GlobalStats, time.Time, string)\n\n PruneNodes(deleteAfter time.Duration)\n\n Close()\n}\n</code></pre> <p>InsertNode is stores statistics per node</