# About A little overview of yanic in connection with other software: ![Overview](overview.svg) ## How respondd works It sends the `gluon-neighbour-info` request and collects the answers. It will send UDP packets with multicast address `ff02:0:0:0:0:0:2:1001` and port `1001`. If a node does not answer, it will request with the last know address under the port `1001`. ## Related projects #### yanic collecting data VPNs (respondd for servers): * [mesh-announce](https://github.com/ffnord/mesh-announce) from FreiFunkNord * [respondd](https://github.com/Sunz3r/ext-respondd) from Sunz3r Nodes (respondd for nodes): [gluon](https://github.com/freifunk-gluon/gluon/) #### Alternative collectors of respondd data: * [Node informant](https://github.com/ffdo/node-informant) written in Go * [HopGlass Server](https://github.com/plumpudding/hopglass-server) written in Node.js #### yanic published data **Databases:** * [InfluxDB](https://influxdata.com/) SQL-like timeserial database * [Graphite](https://graphiteapp.org/) RRD file Based Visualization from Databases: [Grafana](https://grafana.com/) **Output:** * meshviewer-ffrgb: * [meshviewer](https://github.com/ffrgb/meshviewer) * nodelist: * [ffapi](https://freifunk.net/api-generator/) * [freifunk-karte.de](https://freifunk-karte.de) * meshviewer (others): * unmaintained [origin meshviewer](https://github.com/ffnord/meshviewer) branch: master (v1) and dev (v2)