
251 lines
5.7 KiB

package models
import (
// Nodes struct: cache DB of Node's structs
type Nodes struct {
Version int `json:"version"`
Timestamp jsontime.Time `json:"timestamp"`
List map[string]*Node `json:"nodes"` // the current nodemap, indexed by node ID
config *Config
type GlobalStats struct {
Nodes uint32
Clients uint32
ClientsWifi uint32
ClientsWifi24 uint32
ClientsWifi5 uint32
// NewNodes create Nodes structs
func NewNodes(config *Config) *Nodes {
nodes := &Nodes{
List: make(map[string]*Node),
config: config,
if config.Nodes.NodesPath != "" {
go nodes.worker()
nodes.Version = 2
return nodes
// Update a Node
func (nodes *Nodes) Update(nodeID string, res *data.ResponseData) *Node {
now := jsontime.Now()
node, _ := nodes.List[nodeID]
if node == nil {
node = &Node{
Firstseen: now,
nodes.List[nodeID] = node
node.Lastseen = now
node.Flags.Online = true
// Update neighbours
if val := res.Neighbours; val != nil {
node.Neighbours = val
// Update nodeinfo
if val := res.NodeInfo; val != nil {
node.Nodeinfo = val
node.Flags.Gateway = val.VPN
// Update statistics
if val := res.Statistics; val != nil {
// Update channel utilization if previous statistics are present
if node.Statistics != nil && node.Statistics.Wireless != nil && val.Wireless != nil {
node.Statistics = val
return node
// GetNodesMini get meshviewer valide JSON
func (nodes *Nodes) GetNodesMini() *meshviewer.Nodes {
meshviewerNodes := &meshviewer.Nodes{
Version: 1,
List: make(map[string]*meshviewer.Node),
Timestamp: nodes.Timestamp,
for nodeID := range nodes.List {
node, _ := meshviewerNodes.List[nodeID]
nodeOrigin := nodes.List[nodeID]
if node == nil {
node = &meshviewer.Node{
Firstseen: nodeOrigin.Firstseen,
Lastseen: nodeOrigin.Lastseen,
Flags: nodeOrigin.Flags,
Nodeinfo: nodeOrigin.Nodeinfo,
meshviewerNodes.List[nodeID] = node
// Calculate Total
total := nodeOrigin.Statistics.Clients.Total
if total == 0 {
total = nodeOrigin.Statistics.Clients.Wifi24 + nodeOrigin.Statistics.Clients.Wifi5
node.Statistics = &meshviewer.Statistics{
NodeId: nodeOrigin.Statistics.NodeId,
Gateway: nodeOrigin.Statistics.Gateway,
RootFsUsage: nodeOrigin.Statistics.RootFsUsage,
LoadAverage: nodeOrigin.Statistics.LoadAverage,
Memory: nodeOrigin.Statistics.Memory,
Uptime: nodeOrigin.Statistics.Uptime,
Idletime: nodeOrigin.Statistics.Idletime,
Processes: nodeOrigin.Statistics.Processes,
MeshVpn: nodeOrigin.Statistics.MeshVpn,
Traffic: nodeOrigin.Statistics.Traffic,
Clients: total,
return meshviewerNodes
// Periodically saves the cached DB to json file
func (nodes *Nodes) worker() {
c := time.Tick(time.Second * time.Duration(nodes.config.Nodes.SaveInterval))
for range c {
// Expires nodes and set nodes offline
func (nodes *Nodes) expire() {
nodes.Timestamp = jsontime.Now()
// Nodes last seen before expireTime will be removed
maxAge := nodes.config.Nodes.MaxAge
if maxAge <= 0 {
maxAge = 7 // our default
expireTime := nodes.Timestamp.Add(-time.Duration(maxAge) * time.Hour * 24)
// Nodes last seen before offlineTime are changed to 'offline'
offlineTime := nodes.Timestamp.Add(-time.Minute * 10)
// Locking foo
defer nodes.Unlock()
for id, node := range nodes.List {
if node.Lastseen.Before(expireTime) {
// expire
delete(nodes.List, id)
} else if node.Lastseen.Before(offlineTime) {
// set to offline
node.Flags.Online = false
func (nodes *Nodes) save() {
// Locking foo
defer nodes.RUnlock()
// serialize nodes
save(nodes, nodes.config.Nodes.NodesPath)
save(nodes.GetNodesMini(), nodes.config.Nodes.NodesMiniPath)
if path := nodes.config.Nodes.GraphsPath; path != "" {
save(nodes.BuildGraph(), path)
// Returns global statistics for InfluxDB
func (nodes *Nodes) GlobalStats() (result *GlobalStats) {
result = &GlobalStats{}
for _, node := range nodes.List {
if node.Flags.Online {
result.Nodes += 1
if stats := node.Statistics; stats != nil {
result.Clients += stats.Clients.Total
result.ClientsWifi24 += stats.Clients.Wifi24
result.ClientsWifi5 += stats.Clients.Wifi5
result.ClientsWifi += stats.Clients.Wifi
// Returns fields for InfluxDB
func (stats *GlobalStats) Fields() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"nodes": stats.Nodes,
"clients.total": stats.Clients,
"clients.wifi": stats.ClientsWifi,
"clients.wifi24": stats.ClientsWifi24,
"clients.wifi5": stats.ClientsWifi5,
func (nodes *Nodes) load() {
path := nodes.config.Nodes.NodesPath
log.Println("loading", path)
if filedata, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path); err == nil {
if err = json.Unmarshal(filedata, nodes); err == nil {
log.Println("loaded", len(nodes.List), "nodes")
} else {
log.Println("failed to unmarshal nodes:", err)
} else {
log.Println("failed loading cached nodes:", err)
func save(input interface{}, outputFile string) {
data, err := json.Marshal(input)
if err != nil {
tmpFile := outputFile + ".tmp"
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(tmpFile, data, 0644); err != nil {
if err := os.Rename(tmpFile, outputFile); err != nil {