{ config, pkgs, ... }: { home.sessionVariables = { XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP = "sway"; MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND = "1"; }; home.packages = with pkgs; [ sway alacritty swayidle swaylock-effects mako wl-clipboard xdg-desktop-portal-wlr bemenu i3blocks acpi lm_sensors ponymix brightnessctl #gammastep grim slurp ]; wayland.windowManager.sway = let ws1="1💬"; #ws2="2📝"; ws2="2🌟"; ws3="3🍁"; ws4="4🍀"; ws5="5🌈"; ws6="6💎"; ws7="7🎥"; ws8="8🌍"; ws9="9🔒"; ws10="10🌀"; modifier = config.wayland.windowManager.sway.config.modifier; in { enable = false; xwayland = false; config = { terminal = "alacritty"; menu = "bemenu-run -i -p 'Run:' --fn 'pango:monospace 7'"; bars = [{ position = "top"; }]; #keybinding = [ #]; assigns = { "${ws1}" = [ { app_id = "(?i)empathy"; } { app_id = "(?i)gajim"; } { app_id = "(?i)dino"; } { app_id = "(?i)pidgin"; } ]; "${ws2}" = [ { app_id = "(?i)thunderbird"; } { app_id = "(?i)evolution"; } ]; "${ws4}" = [ { app_id = "(?i)atril"; } { app_id = "(?i)evince"; } ]; "${ws7}" = [ { app_id = "(?i)mpv"; } ]; "${ws8}" = [ { app_id = "(?i)firefox"; } { app_id = "(?i)firefoxdeveloperedition"; } ]; }; window.commands = [ { command = "move to scratchpad"; criteria = { title = "Firefox.* Sharing Indicator"; }; } { command = "sticky enable"; criteria = { title = "Picture-in-Picture"; }; } { command = "floating enable"; criteria = { title = "Picture-in-Picture"; }; } { command = "floating enable"; criteria = { title = "Extension: \(Tree Style Tab\) - .*"; }; } ]; }; }; services.gammastep = { enable = true; provider = "geoclue2"; # duskTime = "22:00-23:00"; # dawnTime = "6:00-10:00"; }; programs.alacritty = { enable = false; settings = { background_opacity = 0.95; font.size = 8; schemes.base16.primary.background = "0x0a0a0a"; colors = "*base16"; }; }; }