"OK"); } $syncInterval = intval(CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "hs3refresh", 60)); date_default_timezone_set(DbUtils::getTimeZone()); $currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $itemNameForLastSync = 'lasths3sync'; $sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid FROM %work% WHERE item=?"; $row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($itemNameForLastSync)); if ($row->countid > 0) { $sql = "SELECT TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,value,NOW()) as synctimediff FROM %work% WHERE item=?"; $row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($itemNameForLastSync)); $lastdone = $row->synctimediff; if ($lastdone < $syncInterval) { return array("status" => "OK"); } } else { $sql = "INSERT INTO %work% (item,value) VALUES(?,?)"; CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($itemNameForLastSync,$currentTime)); } $sql = "UPDATE %work% SET value=? WHERE item=?"; CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($currentTime,$itemNameForLastSync)); $resultOfHsOutSync = self::syncHs3Out($pdo); $resultOfHsInSync = self::syncHs3In($pdo); return array("status" => "OK"); } private static function syncHs3Out($pdo) { $hsoutfile = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, 'hsoutfile', ''); if ($hsoutfile !== '') { if ( !file_exists($hsoutfile) ) { CommonUtils::log($pdo, "HS3", "Error HS3CASH.OUT does not exist."); return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Fehler beim Zugriff auf HS3CASH.OUT. Datei $hsoutfile existiert nicht."); } try { $pdo->beginTransaction(); if (($handle = fopen($hsoutfile, "r")) !== FALSE) { $sql = "DELETE FROM %hsout%"; CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, null); $sql = "INSERT INTO %hsout% (reservationid,object,guest) VALUES(?,?,?)"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql)); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 0, ";")) !== FALSE) { $num = count($data); if ($num >= 3) { $reservationid = $data[0]; $objectid = $data[1]; $guestname = $data[2]; $stmt->execute(array($reservationid,$objectid,$guestname)); } } $pdo->commit(); fclose($handle); CommonUtils::log($pdo, "HS3", "HS/3 Outfile read."); $ok = unlink($hsoutfile); if (!$ok) { CommonUtils::log($pdo, "HS3", "Error deleting HS3CASH.OUT."); return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Datei HS3CASH.OUT konnte nicht gelöscht werden."); } } else { $pdo->rollBack(); CommonUtils::log($pdo, "HS3", "Error accessing HS3CASH.OUT."); return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Fehler beim Zugriff auf HS3CASH.OUT."); } } catch (Exception $e) { $pdo->rollBack(); return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Fehler beim Zugriff auf HS3CASH.OUT. Meldung: $e"); } } return array("status" => "OK"); } private static function syncHs3In($pdo) { $hsinfile = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, 'hsinfile', ''); if ($hsinfile !== '') { if ( file_exists($hsinfile) ) { CommonUtils::log($pdo, "HS3", "HS3CASH.IN still exists - cannot transmit data."); return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Fehler beim Zugriff auf HS3CASH.IN. Datei $hsinfile existiert noch."); } try { $txt = ''; $pdo->beginTransaction(); $sql = "SELECT * from %hsin%"; $result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, null); if (count($result) > 0) { $lines = array(); foreach($result as $anEntry) { $entryArr = array(); $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["reservationid"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["billid"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["date"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["time"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["number"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["prodid"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["prodname"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . str_replace(".",',',$anEntry['tax']) . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . str_replace(".",',',$anEntry['brutto']) . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . str_replace(".",',',$anEntry['total']) . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["currency"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["waiterid"] . '"'; $entryArr[] = '"' . $anEntry["waitername"] . '"'; $entryTxt = join(';',$entryArr); $lines[] = $entryTxt; } $fullFileContent = implode("\r\n",$lines); if (file_put_contents($hsinfile, $fullFileContent) == FALSE) { $pdo->rollBack(); CommonUtils::log($pdo, "HS3", "Error accessing HS3CASH.IN. Cannot write to file."); return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Fehler beim Zugriff auf HS3CASH.IN. Datei nicht beschreibbar."); } } $sql = "DELETE FROM %hsin%"; CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, null); $pdo->commit(); CommonUtils::log($pdo, "HS3", "HS/3 Infile written."); return array("status" => "OK"); } catch (Exception $e) { $pdo->rollBack(); return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Fehler beim Zugriff auf HS3CASH.IN. Meldung: $e"); } } } public static function insertIntoHsin($pdo,$billid) { $hotelinterface = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "hotelinterface", 0); if ($hotelinterface != 1) { // HS/3 is not active thus do nothing return; } $hscurrency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "hscurrency", "EUR"); if (strlen($hscurrency) > 3) { $hscurrency = substr($hscurrency,0,3); } $sql = "SELECT DATE_FORMAT(DATE(billdate),'%d.%m.%Y') as billdate,TIME_FORMAT(TIME(billdate),'%H:%i') as billtime,reservationid,userid,username,brutto,paymentid from %bill%,%user% WHERE %bill%.id=? AND userid=%user%.id"; $row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($billid)); if ($row->paymentid != 7) { return; } $waitername = substr($row->username,0,20); $sign = ''; if ($row->brutto < 0) { $sign = '-'; } $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) as count,productid,productname,tax,price,SUM(price) as sumprice FROM %queue%,%billproducts% WHERE %billproducts%.billid=? AND %billproducts%.queueid=%queue%.id GROUP BY productid,price,tax"; $items = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($billid)); foreach ($items as $anItem) { $sql = "INSERT INTO %hsin% (reservationid,billid,date,time,number,prodid,prodname,tax,brutto,total,currency,waiterid,waitername) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; $tax = str_replace(".",',',$anItem['tax']); $brutto = $sign . $anItem['price']; $total = $sign . $anItem['sumprice']; $prodname = $anItem['productname']; if (strlen($prodname) > 100) { $prodname = substr($prodname, 0,100); } try { CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array( $row->reservationid, $billid, $row->billdate, $row->billtime, $anItem['count'], $anItem['productid'], $prodname, $tax, $brutto, $total, $hscurrency, $row->userid, $waitername )); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e; } } } } ?>