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2015-03-31 14:49:03 +02:00
* StringTest file
* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html CakePHP(tm) Tests
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Utility
* @since CakePHP(tm) v
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
App::uses('String', 'Utility');
* StringTest class
* @package Cake.Test.Case.Utility
class StringTest extends CakeTestCase {
public function setUp() {
$this->Text = new String();
public function tearDown() {
* testUuidGeneration method
* @return void
public function testUuidGeneration() {
$result = String::uuid();
$pattern = "/^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/";
$match = (bool)preg_match($pattern, $result);
* testMultipleUuidGeneration method
* @return void
public function testMultipleUuidGeneration() {
$check = array();
$count = mt_rand(10, 1000);
$pattern = "/^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/";
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$result = String::uuid();
$match = (bool)preg_match($pattern, $result);
$this->assertFalse(in_array($result, $check));
$check[] = $result;
* testInsert method
* @return void
public function testInsert() {
$string = 'some string';
$expected = 'some string';
$result = String::insert($string, array());
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = :sum. Cake is :adjective.';
$expected = '2 + 2 = 4. Cake is yummy.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = %sum. Cake is %adjective.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'), array('before' => '%'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = 2sum2. Cake is 9adjective9.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'), array('format' => '/([\d])%s\\1/'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = 12sum21. Cake is 23adjective45.';
$expected = '2 + 2 = 4. Cake is 23adjective45.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'), array('format' => '/([\d])([\d])%s\\2\\1/'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = ':web :web_site';
$expected = 'www http';
$result = String::insert($string, array('web' => 'www', 'web_site' => 'http'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = <sum. Cake is <adjective>.';
$expected = '2 + 2 = <sum. Cake is yummy.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'), array('before' => '<', 'after' => '>'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = \:sum. Cake is :adjective.';
$expected = '2 + 2 = :sum. Cake is yummy.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = !:sum. Cake is :adjective.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'), array('escape' => '!'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '2 + 2 = \%sum. Cake is %adjective.';
$expected = '2 + 2 = %sum. Cake is yummy.';
$result = String::insert($string, array('sum' => '4', 'adjective' => 'yummy'), array('before' => '%'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = ':a :b \:a :a';
$expected = '1 2 :a 1';
$result = String::insert($string, array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = ':a :b :c';
$expected = '2 3';
$result = String::insert($string, array('b' => 2, 'c' => 3), array('clean' => true));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = ':a :b :c';
$expected = '1 3';
$result = String::insert($string, array('a' => 1, 'c' => 3), array('clean' => true));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = ':a :b :c';
$expected = '2 3';
$result = String::insert($string, array('b' => 2, 'c' => 3), array('clean' => true));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = ':a, :b and :c';
$expected = '2 and 3';
$result = String::insert($string, array('b' => 2, 'c' => 3), array('clean' => true));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '":a, :b and :c"';
$expected = '"1, 2"';
$result = String::insert($string, array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2), array('clean' => true));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '"${a}, ${b} and ${c}"';
$expected = '"1, 2"';
$result = String::insert($string, array('a' => 1, 'b' => 2), array('before' => '${', 'after' => '}', 'clean' => true));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '<img src=":src" alt=":alt" class="foo :extra bar"/>';
$expected = '<img src="foo" class="foo bar"/>';
$result = String::insert($string, array('src' => 'foo'), array('clean' => 'html'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '<img src=":src" class=":no :extra"/>';
$expected = '<img src="foo"/>';
$result = String::insert($string, array('src' => 'foo'), array('clean' => 'html'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = '<img src=":src" class=":no :extra"/>';
$expected = '<img src="foo" class="bar"/>';
$result = String::insert($string, array('src' => 'foo', 'extra' => 'bar'), array('clean' => 'html'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert("this is a ? string", "test");
$expected = "this is a test string";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert("this is a ? string with a ? ? ?", array('long', 'few?', 'params', 'you know'));
$expected = "this is a long string with a few? params you know";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert('update saved_urls set url = :url where id = :id', array('url' => 'http://www.testurl.com/param1:url/param2:id', 'id' => 1));
$expected = "update saved_urls set url = http://www.testurl.com/param1:url/param2:id where id = 1";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert('update saved_urls set url = :url where id = :id', array('id' => 1, 'url' => 'http://www.testurl.com/param1:url/param2:id'));
$expected = "update saved_urls set url = http://www.testurl.com/param1:url/param2:id where id = 1";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert(':me cake. :subject :verb fantastic.', array('me' => 'I :verb', 'subject' => 'cake', 'verb' => 'is'));
$expected = "I :verb cake. cake is fantastic.";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert(':I.am: :not.yet: passing.', array('I.am' => 'We are'), array('before' => ':', 'after' => ':', 'clean' => array('replacement' => ' of course', 'method' => 'text')));
$expected = "We are of course passing.";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert(
':I.am: :not.yet: passing.',
array('I.am' => 'We are'),
array('before' => ':', 'after' => ':', 'clean' => true)
$expected = "We are passing.";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::insert('?-pended result', array('Pre'));
$expected = "Pre-pended result";
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = 'switching :timeout / :timeout_count';
$expected = 'switching 5 / 10';
$result = String::insert($string, array('timeout' => 5, 'timeout_count' => 10));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = 'switching :timeout / :timeout_count';
$expected = 'switching 5 / 10';
$result = String::insert($string, array('timeout_count' => 10, 'timeout' => 5));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = 'switching :timeout_count by :timeout';
$expected = 'switching 10 by 5';
$result = String::insert($string, array('timeout' => 5, 'timeout_count' => 10));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$string = 'switching :timeout_count by :timeout';
$expected = 'switching 10 by 5';
$result = String::insert($string, array('timeout_count' => 10, 'timeout' => 5));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* test Clean Insert
* @return void
public function testCleanInsert() {
$result = String::cleanInsert(':incomplete', array(
'clean' => true, 'before' => ':', 'after' => ''
$this->assertEquals('', $result);
$result = String::cleanInsert(':incomplete', array(
'clean' => array('method' => 'text', 'replacement' => 'complete'),
'before' => ':', 'after' => '')
$this->assertEquals('complete', $result);
$result = String::cleanInsert(':in.complete', array(
'clean' => true, 'before' => ':', 'after' => ''
$this->assertEquals('', $result);
$result = String::cleanInsert(':in.complete and', array(
'clean' => true, 'before' => ':', 'after' => '')
$this->assertEquals('', $result);
$result = String::cleanInsert(':in.complete or stuff', array(
'clean' => true, 'before' => ':', 'after' => ''
$this->assertEquals('stuff', $result);
$result = String::cleanInsert(
'<p class=":missing" id=":missing">Text here</p>',
array('clean' => 'html', 'before' => ':', 'after' => '')
$this->assertEquals('<p>Text here</p>', $result);
* Tests that non-insertable variables (i.e. arrays) are skipped when used as values in
* String::insert().
* @return void
public function testAutoIgnoreBadInsertData() {
$data = array('foo' => 'alpha', 'bar' => 'beta', 'fale' => array());
$result = String::insert('(:foo > :bar || :fale!)', $data, array('clean' => 'text'));
$this->assertEquals('(alpha > beta || !)', $result);
* testTokenize method
* @return void
public function testTokenize() {
$result = String::tokenize('A,(short,boring test)');
$expected = array('A', '(short,boring test)');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::tokenize('A,(short,more interesting( test)');
$expected = array('A', '(short,more interesting( test)');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::tokenize('A,(short,very interesting( test))');
$expected = array('A', '(short,very interesting( test))');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::tokenize('"single tag"', ' ', '"', '"');
$expected = array('"single tag"');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = String::tokenize('tagA "single tag" tagB', ' ', '"', '"');
$expected = array('tagA', '"single tag"', 'tagB');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
public function testReplaceWithQuestionMarkInString() {
$string = ':a, :b and :c?';
$expected = '2 and 3?';
$result = String::insert($string, array('b' => 2, 'c' => 3), array('clean' => true));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* test that wordWrap() works the same as built-in wordwrap function
* @dataProvider wordWrapProvider
* @return void
public function testWordWrap($text, $width, $break = "\n", $cut = false) {
$result = String::wordWrap($text, $width, $break, $cut);
$expected = wordwrap($text, $width, $break, $cut);
$this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Text not wrapped same as built-in function.');
* data provider for testWordWrap method
* @return array
public function wordWrapProvider() {
return array(
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.',
'A very long woooooooooooord.',
'A very long woooooooooooord. Right.',
* test that wordWrap() properly handle unicode strings.
* @return void
public function testWordWrapUnicodeAware() {
$text = 'Но вим омниюм факёльиси элыктрам, мюнырэ лэгыры векж ыт. Выльёт квюандо нюмквуам ты кюм. Зыд эю рыбюм.';
$result = String::wordWrap($text, 33, "\n", true);
$expected = <<<TEXT
Но вим омниюм факёльиси элыктрам,
мюнырэ лэгыры векж ыт. Выльёт квю
андо нюмквуам ты кюм. Зыд эю рыбю
$this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Text not wrapped.');
$text = 'Но вим омниюм факёльиси элыктрам, мюнырэ лэгыры векж ыт. Выльёт квюандо нюмквуам ты кюм. Зыд эю рыбюм.';
$result = String::wordWrap($text, 33, "\n");
$expected = <<<TEXT
Но вим омниюм факёльиси элыктрам,
мюнырэ лэгыры векж ыт. Выльёт
квюандо нюмквуам ты кюм. Зыд эю
$this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Text not wrapped.');
* test wrap method.
* @return void
public function testWrap() {
$text = 'This is the song that never ends. This is the song that never ends. This is the song that never ends.';
$result = String::wrap($text, 33);
$expected = <<<TEXT
This is the song that never ends.
This is the song that never ends.
This is the song that never ends.
$this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Text not wrapped.');
$result = String::wrap($text, array('width' => 20, 'wordWrap' => false));
$expected = 'This is the song th' . "\n" .
'at never ends. This' . "\n" .
' is the song that n' . "\n" .
'ever ends. This is ' . "\n" .
'the song that never' . "\n" .
' ends.';
$this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Text not wrapped.');
$text = 'Но вим омниюм факёльиси элыктрам, мюнырэ лэгыры векж ыт. Выльёт квюандо нюмквуам ты кюм. Зыд эю рыбюм.';
$result = String::wrap($text, 33);
$expected = <<<TEXT
Но вим омниюм факёльиси элыктрам,
мюнырэ лэгыры векж ыт. Выльёт
квюандо нюмквуам ты кюм. Зыд эю
$this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result, 'Text not wrapped.');
* test wrap() indenting
* @return void
public function testWrapIndent() {
$text = 'This is the song that never ends. This is the song that never ends. This is the song that never ends.';
$result = String::wrap($text, array('width' => 33, 'indent' => "\t", 'indentAt' => 1));
$expected = <<<TEXT
This is the song that never ends.
This is the song that never ends.
This is the song that never ends.
$this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result);
* testTruncate method
* @return void
public function testTruncate() {
$text1 = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$text2 = 'Heiz&ouml;lr&uuml;cksto&szlig;abd&auml;mpfung';
$text3 = '<b>&copy; 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.</b><br />written by Alexander Wegener';
$text4 = '<img src="mypic.jpg"> This image tag is not XHTML conform!<br><hr/><b>But the following image tag should be conform <img src="mypic.jpg" alt="Me, myself and I" /></b><br />Great, or?';
$text5 = '0<b>1<i>2<span class="myclass">3</span>4<u>5</u>6</i>7</b>8<b>9</b>0';
$text6 = '<p><strong>Extra dates have been announced for this year\'s tour.</strong></p><p>Tickets for the new shows in</p>';
$text7 = 'El moño está en el lugar correcto. Eso fue lo que dijo la niña, ¿habrá dicho la verdad?';
$text8 = 'Vive la R' . chr(195) . chr(169) . 'publique de France';
$text9 = 'НОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыь';
$text10 = 'http://example.com/something/foo:bar';
$elipsis = "\xe2\x80\xa6";
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text1, 15), 'The quick br...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text1, 15, array('exact' => false)), 'The quick...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text1, 100), 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text2, 10), 'Heiz&ou...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text2, 10, array('exact' => false)), '...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text3, 20), '<b>&copy; 2005-20...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text4, 15), '<img src="my...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text5, 6, array('ellipsis' => '')), '0<b>1<');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text1, 15, array('html' => true)), 'The quick brow' . $elipsis);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text1, 15, array('exact' => false, 'html' => true)), 'The quick' . $elipsis);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text2, 10, array('html' => true)), 'Heiz&ouml;lr&uuml;c' . $elipsis);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text2, 10, array('exact' => false, 'html' => true)), $elipsis);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text3, 20, array('html' => true)), '<b>&copy; 2005-2007, Cake S' . $elipsis . '</b>');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text4, 15, array('html' => true)), '<img src="mypic.jpg"> This image ta' . $elipsis);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text4, 45, array('html' => true)), '<img src="mypic.jpg"> This image tag is not XHTML conform!<br><hr/><b>But the' . $elipsis . '</b>');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text4, 90, array('html' => true)), '<img src="mypic.jpg"> This image tag is not XHTML conform!<br><hr/><b>But the following image tag should be conform <img src="mypic.jpg" alt="Me, myself and I" /></b><br />Great,' . $elipsis);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text5, 6, array('ellipsis' => '', 'html' => true)), '0<b>1<i>2<span class="myclass">3</span>4<u>5</u></i></b>');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text5, 20, array('ellipsis' => '', 'html' => true)), $text5);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text6, 57, array('exact' => false, 'html' => true)), "<p><strong>Extra dates have been announced for this year's" . $elipsis . "</strong></p>");
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text7, 255), $text7);
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text7, 15), 'El moño está...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text8, 15), 'Vive la R' . chr(195) . chr(169) . 'pu...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text9, 10), 'НОПРСТУ...');
$this->assertSame($this->Text->truncate($text10, 30), 'http://example.com/somethin...');
$text = '<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a>Iamatestwithnospacesandhtml</a></span></p>';
$result = $this->Text->truncate($text, 10, array(
'ellipsis' => '...',
'exact' => false,
'html' => true
$expected = '<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a>...</a></span></p>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$text = '<p><span style="font-size: medium;">El biógrafo de Steve Jobs, Walter
Isaacson, explica porqué Jobs le pidió que le hiciera su biografía en
este artículo de El País.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="font-size:
large;">Por qué Steve era distinto.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a href="http://www.elpais.com/
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Ya se ha publicado la biografía de
Steve Jobs escrita por Walter Isaacson "<strong>Steve Jobs by Walter
Isaacson</strong>", aquí os dejamos la dirección de amazon donde
podeís adquirirla.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a>http://www.amazon.com/Steve-
$result = $this->Text->truncate($text, 500, array(
'ellipsis' => '... ',
'exact' => false,
'html' => true
$expected = '<p><span style="font-size: medium;">El biógrafo de Steve Jobs, Walter
Isaacson, explica porqué Jobs le pidió que le hiciera su biografía en
este artículo de El País.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><span style="font-size:
large;">Por qué Steve era distinto.</span></span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a href="http://www.elpais.com/
<p><span style="font-size: medium;">Ya se ha publicado la biografía de
Steve Jobs escrita por Walter Isaacson "<strong>Steve Jobs by Walter
Isaacson</strong>", aquí os dejamos la dirección de amazon donde
podeís adquirirla.</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size: medium;"><a>... </a></span></p>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
// test deprecated `ending` (`ellipsis` taking precedence if both are defined)
$result = $this->Text->truncate($text1, 31, array(
'ending' => '.',
'exact' => false,
$expected = 'The quick brown fox jumps.';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = $this->Text->truncate($text1, 31, array(
'ellipsis' => '..',
'ending' => '.',
'exact' => false,
$expected = 'The quick brown fox jumps..';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testTruncate method with non utf8 sites
* @return void
public function testTruncateLegacy() {
Configure::write('App.encoding', 'ISO-8859-1');
$text = '<b>&copy; 2005-2007, Cake Software Foundation, Inc.</b><br />written by Alexander Wegener';
$result = $this->Text->truncate($text, 31, array(
'html' => true,
'exact' => false,
$expected = '<b>&copy; 2005-2007, Cake Software...</b>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = $this->Text->truncate($text, 31, array(
'html' => true,
'exact' => true,
$expected = '<b>&copy; 2005-2007, Cake Software F...</b>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testTail method
* @return void
public function testTail() {
$text1 = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$text2 = 'Heiz&ouml;lr&uuml;cksto&szlig;abd&auml;mpfung';
$text3 = 'El moño está en el lugar correcto. Eso fue lo que dijo la niña, ¿habrá dicho la verdad?';
$text4 = 'Vive la R' . chr(195) . chr(169) . 'publique de France';
$text5 = 'НОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыь';
$result = $this->Text->tail($text1, 13);
$this->assertEquals('...e lazy dog', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text1, 13, array('exact' => false));
$this->assertEquals('...lazy dog', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text1, 100);
$this->assertEquals('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text2, 10);
$this->assertEquals('...;mpfung', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text2, 10, array('exact' => false));
$this->assertEquals('...', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text3, 255);
$this->assertEquals($text3, $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text3, 21);
$this->assertEquals('...á dicho la verdad?', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text4, 25);
$this->assertEquals('...a R' . chr(195) . chr(169) . 'publique de France', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text5, 10);
$this->assertEquals('...цчшщъыь', $result);
$result = $this->Text->tail($text5, 6, array('ellipsis' => ''));
$this->assertEquals('чшщъыь', $result);
* testHighlight method
* @return void
public function testHighlight() {
$text = 'This is a test text';
$phrases = array('This', 'text');
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, $phrases, array('format' => '<b>\1</b>'));
$expected = '<b>This</b> is a test <b>text</b>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$phrases = array('is', 'text');
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, $phrases, array('format' => '<b>\1</b>', 'regex' => "|\b%s\b|iu"));
$expected = 'This <b>is</b> a test <b>text</b>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$text = 'This is a test text';
$phrases = null;
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, $phrases, array('format' => '<b>\1</b>'));
$this->assertEquals($text, $result);
$text = 'This is a (test) text';
$phrases = '(test';
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, $phrases, array('format' => '<b>\1</b>'));
$this->assertEquals('This is a <b>(test</b>) text', $result);
$text = 'Ich saß in einem Café am Übergang';
$expected = 'Ich <b>saß</b> in einem <b>Café</b> am <b>Übergang</b>';
$phrases = array('saß', 'café', 'übergang');
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, $phrases, array('format' => '<b>\1</b>'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testHighlightHtml method
* @return void
public function testHighlightHtml() {
$text1 = '<p>strongbow isn&rsquo;t real cider</p>';
$text2 = '<p>strongbow <strong>isn&rsquo;t</strong> real cider</p>';
$text3 = '<img src="what-a-strong-mouse.png" alt="What a strong mouse!" />';
$text4 = 'What a strong mouse: <img src="what-a-strong-mouse.png" alt="What a strong mouse!" />';
$options = array('format' => '<b>\1</b>', 'html' => true);
$expected = '<p><b>strong</b>bow isn&rsquo;t real cider</p>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $this->Text->highlight($text1, 'strong', $options));
$expected = '<p><b>strong</b>bow <strong>isn&rsquo;t</strong> real cider</p>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $this->Text->highlight($text2, 'strong', $options));
$this->assertEquals($this->Text->highlight($text3, 'strong', $options), $text3);
$this->assertEquals($this->Text->highlight($text3, array('strong', 'what'), $options), $text3);
$expected = '<b>What</b> a <b>strong</b> mouse: <img src="what-a-strong-mouse.png" alt="What a strong mouse!" />';
$this->assertEquals($this->Text->highlight($text4, array('strong', 'what'), $options), $expected);
* testHighlightMulti method
* @return void
public function testHighlightMulti() {
$text = 'This is a test text';
$phrases = array('This', 'text');
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, $phrases, array('format' => array('<b>\1</b>', '<em>\1</em>')));
$expected = '<b>This</b> is a test <em>text</em>';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testStripLinks method
* @return void
public function testStripLinks() {
$text = 'This is a test text';
$expected = 'This is a test text';
$result = $this->Text->stripLinks($text);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$text = 'This is a <a href="#">test</a> text';
$expected = 'This is a test text';
$result = $this->Text->stripLinks($text);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$text = 'This <strong>is</strong> a <a href="#">test</a> <a href="#">text</a>';
$expected = 'This <strong>is</strong> a test text';
$result = $this->Text->stripLinks($text);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$text = 'This <strong>is</strong> a <a href="#">test</a> and <abbr>some</abbr> other <a href="#">text</a>';
$expected = 'This <strong>is</strong> a test and <abbr>some</abbr> other text';
$result = $this->Text->stripLinks($text);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testHighlightCaseInsensitivity method
* @return void
public function testHighlightCaseInsensitivity() {
$text = 'This is a Test text';
$expected = 'This is a <b>Test</b> text';
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, 'test', array('format' => '<b>\1</b>'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$result = $this->Text->highlight($text, array('test'), array('format' => '<b>\1</b>'));
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testExcerpt method
* @return void
public function testExcerpt() {
$text = 'This is a phrase with test text to play with';
$expected = '...ase with test text to ...';
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, 'test', 9, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$expected = 'This is a...';
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, 'not_found', 9, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$expected = 'This is a phras...';
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, null, 9, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$expected = $text;
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, null, 200, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$expected = '...a phrase w...';
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, 'phrase', 2, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$phrase = 'This is a phrase with test text';
$expected = $text;
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, $phrase, 13, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$text = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';
$phrase = 'bbbbbbbb';
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, $phrase, 10);
$expected = '...aaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaa...';
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testExcerptCaseInsensitivity method
* @return void
public function testExcerptCaseInsensitivity() {
$text = 'This is a phrase with test text to play with';
$expected = '...ase with test text to ...';
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, 'TEST', 9, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$expected = 'This is a...';
$result = $this->Text->excerpt($text, 'NOT_FOUND', 9, '...');
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* testListGeneration method
* @return void
public function testListGeneration() {
$result = $this->Text->toList(array());
$this->assertEquals('', $result);
$result = $this->Text->toList(array('One'));
$this->assertEquals('One', $result);
$result = $this->Text->toList(array('Larry', 'Curly', 'Moe'));
$this->assertEquals('Larry, Curly and Moe', $result);
$result = $this->Text->toList(array('Dusty', 'Lucky', 'Ned'), 'y');
$this->assertEquals('Dusty, Lucky y Ned', $result);
$result = $this->Text->toList(array(1 => 'Dusty', 2 => 'Lucky', 3 => 'Ned'), 'y');
$this->assertEquals('Dusty, Lucky y Ned', $result);
$result = $this->Text->toList(array(1 => 'Dusty', 2 => 'Lucky', 3 => 'Ned'), 'and', ' + ');
$this->assertEquals('Dusty + Lucky and Ned', $result);
$result = $this->Text->toList(array('name1' => 'Dusty', 'name2' => 'Lucky'));
$this->assertEquals('Dusty and Lucky', $result);
$result = $this->Text->toList(array('test_0' => 'banana', 'test_1' => 'apple', 'test_2' => 'lemon'));
$this->assertEquals('banana, apple and lemon', $result);