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2015-03-31 14:49:03 +02:00
* ControllerTestCase file
* CakePHP(tm) Tests <http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html>
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html CakePHP(tm) Tests
* @package Cake.TestSuite
* @since CakePHP(tm) v 2.0
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
App::uses('Dispatcher', 'Routing');
App::uses('CakeTestCase', 'TestSuite');
App::uses('Router', 'Routing');
App::uses('CakeRequest', 'Network');
App::uses('CakeResponse', 'Network');
App::uses('Helper', 'View');
App::uses('CakeEvent', 'Event');
* ControllerTestDispatcher class
* @package Cake.TestSuite
class ControllerTestDispatcher extends Dispatcher {
* The controller to use in the dispatch process
* @var Controller
public $testController = null;
* Use custom routes during tests
* @var boolean
public $loadRoutes = true;
* Returns the test controller
* @return Controller
protected function _getController($request, $response) {
if ($this->testController === null) {
$this->testController = parent::_getController($request, $response);
$this->testController->helpers = array_merge(array('InterceptContent'), $this->testController->helpers);
$this->testController->response = $this->response;
foreach ($this->testController->Components->loaded() as $component) {
$object = $this->testController->Components->{$component};
if (isset($object->response)) {
$object->response = $response;
if (isset($object->request)) {
$object->request = $request;
return $this->testController;
* Loads routes and resets if the test case dictates it should
* @return void
protected function _loadRoutes() {
if (!$this->loadRoutes) {
* InterceptContentHelper class
* @package Cake.TestSuite
class InterceptContentHelper extends Helper {
* Intercepts and stores the contents of the view before the layout is rendered
* @param string $viewFile The view file
public function afterRender($viewFile) {
$this->_View->assign('__view_no_layout__', $this->_View->fetch('content'));
* ControllerTestCase class
* @package Cake.TestSuite
abstract class ControllerTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
* The controller to test in testAction
* @var Controller
public $controller = null;
* Automatically mock controllers that aren't mocked
* @var boolean
public $autoMock = true;
* Use custom routes during tests
* @var boolean
public $loadRoutes = true;
* The resulting view vars of the last testAction call
* @var array
public $vars = null;
* The resulting rendered view of the last testAction call
* @var string
public $view = null;
* The resulting rendered layout+view of the last testAction call
* @var string
public $contents = null;
* The returned result of the dispatch (requestAction), if any
* @var string
public $result = null;
* The headers that would have been sent by the action
* @var string
public $headers = null;
* Flag for checking if the controller instance is dirty.
* Once a test has been run on a controller it should be rebuilt
* to clean up properties.
* @var boolean
protected $_dirtyController = false;
* Used to enable calling ControllerTestCase::testAction() without the testing
* framework thinking that it's a test case
* @param string $name The name of the function
* @param array $arguments Array of arguments
* @return the return of _testAction
* @throws BadMethodCallException when you call methods that don't exist.
public function __call($name, $arguments) {
if ($name === 'testAction') {
return call_user_func_array(array($this, '_testAction'), $arguments);
throw new BadMethodCallException("Method '{$name}' does not exist.");
* Lets you do functional tests of a controller action.
* ### Options:
* - `data` Will be used as the request data. If the `method` is GET,
* data will be used a GET params. If the `method` is POST, it will be used
* as POST data. By setting `$options['data']` to a string, you can simulate XML or JSON
* payloads to your controllers allowing you to test REST webservices.
* - `method` POST or GET. Defaults to POST.
* - `return` Specify the return type you want. Choose from:
* - `vars` Get the set view variables.
* - `view` Get the rendered view, without a layout.
* - `contents` Get the rendered view including the layout.
* - `result` Get the return value of the controller action. Useful
* for testing requestAction methods.
* @param string $url The url to test
* @param array $options See options
* @return mixed
protected function _testAction($url = '', $options = array()) {
$this->vars = $this->result = $this->view = $this->contents = $this->headers = null;
$options = array_merge(array(
'data' => array(),
'method' => 'POST',
'return' => 'result'
), $options);
$restore = array('get' => $_GET, 'post' => $_POST);
$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] = strtoupper($options['method']);
if (is_array($options['data'])) {
if (strtoupper($options['method']) === 'GET') {
$_GET = $options['data'];
$_POST = array();
} else {
$_POST = $options['data'];
$_GET = array();
$request = $this->getMock('CakeRequest', array('_readInput'), array($url));
if (is_string($options['data'])) {
$Dispatch = new ControllerTestDispatcher();
foreach (Router::$routes as $route) {
if ($route instanceof RedirectRoute) {
$route->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('send'));
$Dispatch->loadRoutes = $this->loadRoutes;
$Dispatch->parseParams(new CakeEvent('ControllerTestCase', $Dispatch, array('request' => $request)));
if (!isset($request->params['controller']) && Router::currentRoute()) {
$this->headers = Router::currentRoute()->response->header();
if ($this->_dirtyController) {
$this->controller = null;
$plugin = empty($request->params['plugin']) ? '' : Inflector::camelize($request->params['plugin']) . '.';
if ($this->controller === null && $this->autoMock) {
$this->generate($plugin . Inflector::camelize($request->params['controller']));
$params = array();
if ($options['return'] === 'result') {
$params['return'] = 1;
$params['bare'] = 1;
$params['requested'] = 1;
$Dispatch->testController = $this->controller;
$Dispatch->response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('send'));
$this->result = $Dispatch->dispatch($request, $Dispatch->response, $params);
$this->controller = $Dispatch->testController;
$this->vars = $this->controller->viewVars;
$this->contents = $this->controller->response->body();
if (isset($this->controller->View)) {
$this->view = $this->controller->View->fetch('__view_no_layout__');
$this->_dirtyController = true;
$this->headers = $Dispatch->response->header();
$_GET = $restore['get'];
$_POST = $restore['post'];
return $this->{$options['return']};
* Generates a mocked controller and mocks any classes passed to `$mocks`. By
* default, `_stop()` is stubbed as is sending the response headers, so to not
* interfere with testing.
* ### Mocks:
* - `methods` Methods to mock on the controller. `_stop()` is mocked by default
* - `models` Models to mock. Models are added to the ClassRegistry so they any
* time they are instantiated the mock will be created. Pass as key value pairs
* with the value being specific methods on the model to mock. If `true` or
* no value is passed, the entire model will be mocked.
* - `components` Components to mock. Components are only mocked on this controller
* and not within each other (i.e., components on components)
* @param string $controller Controller name
* @param array $mocks List of classes and methods to mock
* @return Controller Mocked controller
* @throws MissingControllerException When controllers could not be created.
* @throws MissingComponentException When components could not be created.
public function generate($controller, $mocks = array()) {
list($plugin, $controller) = pluginSplit($controller);
if ($plugin) {
App::uses($plugin . 'AppController', $plugin . '.Controller');
$plugin .= '.';
App::uses($controller . 'Controller', $plugin . 'Controller');
if (!class_exists($controller . 'Controller')) {
throw new MissingControllerException(array(
'class' => $controller . 'Controller',
'plugin' => substr($plugin, 0, -1)
$mocks = array_merge_recursive(array(
'methods' => array('_stop'),
'models' => array(),
'components' => array()
), (array)$mocks);
list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($controller);
$controllerObj = $this->getMock($name . 'Controller', $mocks['methods'], array(), '', false);
$controllerObj->name = $name;
$request = $this->getMock('CakeRequest');
$response = $this->getMock('CakeResponse', array('_sendHeader'));
$controllerObj->__construct($request, $response);
$config = ClassRegistry::config('Model');
foreach ($mocks['models'] as $model => $methods) {
if (is_string($methods)) {
$model = $methods;
$methods = true;
if ($methods === true) {
$methods = array();
$this->getMockForModel($model, $methods, $config);
foreach ($mocks['components'] as $component => $methods) {
if (is_string($methods)) {
$component = $methods;
$methods = true;
if ($methods === true) {
$methods = array();
list($plugin, $name) = pluginSplit($component, true);
$componentClass = $name . 'Component';
App::uses($componentClass, $plugin . 'Controller/Component');
if (!class_exists($componentClass)) {
throw new MissingComponentException(array(
'class' => $componentClass
$config = isset($controllerObj->components[$component]) ? $controllerObj->components[$component] : array();
$componentObj = $this->getMock($componentClass, $methods, array($controllerObj->Components, $config));
$controllerObj->Components->set($name, $componentObj);
$this->_dirtyController = false;
$this->controller = $controllerObj;
return $this->controller;