
43 lines
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App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
class SearchController extends AppController {
* This controller use User Model
* @var array
public $uses = array('DreamjobWorker','DreamjobJobOpening');
public $components = array('MiconwareSession');
* Displays a view
* @param mixed What page to display
* @return void
* @throws NotFoundException When the view file could not be found
* or MissingViewException in debug mode.
public function listopening() {
$profil = $this->MiconwareSession->getCompany();
if(!empty($profil) and count($profil) > 0){
$workers = $this->DreamjobWorker->find('all',array('conditions' => array('DreamjobWorker.searchhidden'=>false)));
$con = $this->MiconwareSession->getOpeningCondition();
$openings = $this->DreamjobJobOpening->find('all',array('conditions' => $con));