2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
package eu.siacs.conversations.services ;
import android.app.Notification ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
import android.app.NotificationChannel ;
import android.app.NotificationChannelGroup ;
import android.app.NotificationManager ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
import android.app.PendingIntent ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
import android.content.Context ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
import android.content.Intent ;
import android.content.SharedPreferences ;
2017-08-22 12:19:18 +02:00
import android.content.res.Resources ;
2014-10-24 14:34:46 +02:00
import android.graphics.Bitmap ;
2017-03-06 03:31:15 +01:00
import android.graphics.Typeface ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
import android.media.AudioAttributes ;
import android.media.RingtoneManager ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
import android.net.Uri ;
2015-01-14 04:46:06 +01:00
import android.os.Build ;
2014-10-24 13:29:18 +02:00
import android.os.SystemClock ;
2017-07-01 13:41:24 +02:00
import android.preference.PreferenceManager ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
import android.support.annotation.RequiresApi ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
import android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat ;
2014-10-24 18:27:53 +02:00
import android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.BigPictureStyle ;
import android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.Builder ;
2016-08-31 17:02:42 +02:00
import android.support.v4.app.NotificationManagerCompat ;
2017-04-14 13:23:01 +02:00
import android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat.CarExtender.UnreadConversation ;
2016-08-25 17:30:44 +02:00
import android.support.v4.app.RemoteInput ;
2017-03-29 18:30:28 +02:00
import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat ;
2017-03-06 03:31:15 +01:00
import android.text.SpannableString ;
import android.text.style.StyleSpan ;
2014-10-21 14:57:16 +02:00
import android.util.DisplayMetrics ;
2016-06-19 11:04:59 +02:00
import android.util.Log ;
2017-04-29 19:25:57 +02:00
import android.util.Pair ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
2017-05-13 08:10:47 +02:00
import java.io.File ;
2018-05-07 11:13:46 +02:00
import java.io.IOException ;
2014-11-05 21:37:40 +01:00
import java.util.ArrayList ;
2014-12-14 08:02:17 +01:00
import java.util.Calendar ;
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
import java.util.Collections ;
2017-03-23 15:34:52 +01:00
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
2014-11-05 21:37:40 +01:00
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
2014-11-18 15:26:28 +01:00
import java.util.List ;
2016-08-25 15:20:06 +02:00
import java.util.Map ;
2017-03-23 15:34:52 +01:00
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger ;
2014-11-05 21:37:40 +01:00
import java.util.regex.Matcher ;
import java.util.regex.Pattern ;
2014-10-24 13:29:18 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.Config ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.R ;
2014-10-17 11:01:38 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Account ;
2016-08-26 13:35:01 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Contact ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Conversation ;
2018-04-26 13:22:31 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Conversational ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.entities.Message ;
2017-05-13 08:10:47 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.persistance.FileBackend ;
2018-03-07 19:05:28 +01:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.ConversationsActivity ;
2014-11-18 15:26:28 +01:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.ManageAccountActivity ;
2014-12-14 08:02:17 +01:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.TimePreference ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.Compatibility ;
2015-03-10 21:46:13 +01:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.GeoHelper ;
2015-01-12 16:09:39 +01:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.UIHelper ;
2017-04-30 16:19:39 +02:00
import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.XmppConnection ;
2014-09-28 15:21:56 +02:00
public class NotificationService {
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
public static final Object CATCHUP_LOCK = new Object ( ) ;
private static final String CONVERSATIONS_GROUP = " eu.siacs.conversations " ;
private static final int NOTIFICATION_ID_MULTIPLIER = 1024 * 1024 ;
private final XmppConnectionService mXmppConnectionService ;
private final LinkedHashMap < String , ArrayList < Message > > notifications = new LinkedHashMap < > ( ) ;
private final HashMap < Conversation , AtomicInteger > mBacklogMessageCounter = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
private Conversation mOpenConversation ;
private boolean mIsInForeground ;
private long mLastNotification ;
NotificationService ( final XmppConnectionService service ) {
this . mXmppConnectionService = service ;
private static boolean displaySnoozeAction ( List < Message > messages ) {
int numberOfMessagesWithoutReply = 0 ;
for ( Message message : messages ) {
if ( message . getStatus ( ) = = Message . STATUS_RECEIVED ) {
+ + numberOfMessagesWithoutReply ;
} else {
return false ;
return numberOfMessagesWithoutReply > = 3 ;
public static Pattern generateNickHighlightPattern ( final String nick ) {
return Pattern . compile ( " (?<=(^| \\ s)) " + Pattern . quote ( nick ) + " \\ b " ) ;
@RequiresApi ( api = Build . VERSION_CODES . O )
public void initializeChannels ( ) {
final Context c = mXmppConnectionService ;
2018-09-16 14:40:28 +02:00
final NotificationManager notificationManager = c . getSystemService ( NotificationManager . class ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
if ( notificationManager = = null ) {
return ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannelGroup ( new NotificationChannelGroup ( " status " , c . getString ( R . string . notification_group_status_information ) ) ) ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannelGroup ( new NotificationChannelGroup ( " chats " , c . getString ( R . string . notification_group_messages ) ) ) ;
final NotificationChannel foregroundServiceChannel = new NotificationChannel ( " foreground " ,
c . getString ( R . string . foreground_service_channel_name ) ,
NotificationManager . IMPORTANCE_MIN ) ;
foregroundServiceChannel . setDescription ( c . getString ( R . string . foreground_service_channel_description ) ) ;
foregroundServiceChannel . setShowBadge ( false ) ;
foregroundServiceChannel . setGroup ( " status " ) ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannel ( foregroundServiceChannel ) ;
final NotificationChannel errorChannel = new NotificationChannel ( " error " ,
c . getString ( R . string . error_channel_name ) ,
NotificationManager . IMPORTANCE_LOW ) ;
errorChannel . setDescription ( c . getString ( R . string . error_channel_description ) ) ;
errorChannel . setShowBadge ( false ) ;
errorChannel . setGroup ( " status " ) ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannel ( errorChannel ) ;
2018-09-06 15:37:31 +02:00
final NotificationChannel videoCompressionChannel = new NotificationChannel ( " compression " ,
c . getString ( R . string . video_compression_channel_name ) ,
NotificationManager . IMPORTANCE_LOW ) ;
videoCompressionChannel . setShowBadge ( false ) ;
videoCompressionChannel . setGroup ( " status " ) ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannel ( videoCompressionChannel ) ;
2018-09-16 14:40:28 +02:00
final NotificationChannel exportChannel = new NotificationChannel ( " export " ,
c . getString ( R . string . export_channel_name ) ,
NotificationManager . IMPORTANCE_LOW ) ;
exportChannel . setShowBadge ( false ) ;
exportChannel . setGroup ( " status " ) ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannel ( exportChannel ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
final NotificationChannel messagesChannel = new NotificationChannel ( " messages " ,
c . getString ( R . string . messages_channel_name ) ,
NotificationManager . IMPORTANCE_HIGH ) ;
messagesChannel . setShowBadge ( true ) ;
messagesChannel . setSound ( RingtoneManager . getDefaultUri ( RingtoneManager . TYPE_NOTIFICATION ) , new AudioAttributes . Builder ( )
. setContentType ( AudioAttributes . CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION )
. setUsage ( AudioAttributes . USAGE_NOTIFICATION_RINGTONE )
. build ( ) ) ;
messagesChannel . setLightColor ( 0xff00ff00 ) ;
final int dat = 70 ;
final long [ ] pattern = { 0 , 3 * dat , dat , dat } ;
messagesChannel . setVibrationPattern ( pattern ) ;
messagesChannel . enableVibration ( true ) ;
messagesChannel . enableLights ( true ) ;
messagesChannel . setGroup ( " chats " ) ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannel ( messagesChannel ) ;
final NotificationChannel silentMessagesChannel = new NotificationChannel ( " silent_messages " ,
c . getString ( R . string . silent_messages_channel_name ) ,
NotificationManager . IMPORTANCE_LOW ) ;
silentMessagesChannel . setDescription ( c . getString ( R . string . silent_messages_channel_description ) ) ;
silentMessagesChannel . setShowBadge ( true ) ;
silentMessagesChannel . setLightColor ( 0xff00ff00 ) ;
silentMessagesChannel . enableLights ( true ) ;
silentMessagesChannel . setGroup ( " chats " ) ;
notificationManager . createNotificationChannel ( silentMessagesChannel ) ;
public boolean notify ( final Message message ) {
final Conversation conversation = ( Conversation ) message . getConversation ( ) ;
return message . getStatus ( ) = = Message . STATUS_RECEIVED
& & ! conversation . isMuted ( )
& & ( conversation . alwaysNotify ( ) | | wasHighlightedOrPrivate ( message ) )
& & ( ! conversation . isWithStranger ( ) | | notificationsFromStrangers ( ) )
private boolean notificationsFromStrangers ( ) {
return mXmppConnectionService . getBooleanPreference ( " notifications_from_strangers " , R . bool . notifications_from_strangers ) ;
private boolean isQuietHours ( ) {
if ( ! mXmppConnectionService . getBooleanPreference ( " enable_quiet_hours " , R . bool . enable_quiet_hours ) ) {
return false ;
final SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager . getDefaultSharedPreferences ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
final long startTime = preferences . getLong ( " quiet_hours_start " , TimePreference . DEFAULT_VALUE ) % Config . MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY ;
final long endTime = preferences . getLong ( " quiet_hours_end " , TimePreference . DEFAULT_VALUE ) % Config . MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY ;
final long nowTime = Calendar . getInstance ( ) . getTimeInMillis ( ) % Config . MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY ;
if ( endTime < startTime ) {
return nowTime > startTime | | nowTime < endTime ;
} else {
return nowTime > startTime & & nowTime < endTime ;
public void pushFromBacklog ( final Message message ) {
if ( notify ( message ) ) {
synchronized ( notifications ) {
getBacklogMessageCounter ( ( Conversation ) message . getConversation ( ) ) . incrementAndGet ( ) ;
pushToStack ( message ) ;
private AtomicInteger getBacklogMessageCounter ( Conversation conversation ) {
synchronized ( mBacklogMessageCounter ) {
if ( ! mBacklogMessageCounter . containsKey ( conversation ) ) {
mBacklogMessageCounter . put ( conversation , new AtomicInteger ( 0 ) ) ;
return mBacklogMessageCounter . get ( conversation ) ;
public void pushFromDirectReply ( final Message message ) {
synchronized ( notifications ) {
pushToStack ( message ) ;
updateNotification ( false ) ;
public void finishBacklog ( boolean notify , Account account ) {
synchronized ( notifications ) {
mXmppConnectionService . updateUnreadCountBadge ( ) ;
if ( account = = null | | ! notify ) {
updateNotification ( notify ) ;
} else {
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
final int count ;
final List < String > conversations ;
synchronized ( this . mBacklogMessageCounter ) {
conversations = getBacklogConversations ( account ) ;
count = getBacklogMessageCount ( account ) ;
updateNotification ( count > 0 , conversations ) ;
private List < String > getBacklogConversations ( Account account ) {
final List < String > conversations = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( Iterator < Map . Entry < Conversation , AtomicInteger > > it = mBacklogMessageCounter . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ; it . hasNext ( ) ; ) {
Map . Entry < Conversation , AtomicInteger > entry = it . next ( ) ;
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . getAccount ( ) = = account ) {
conversations . add ( entry . getKey ( ) . getUuid ( ) ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
return conversations ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
private int getBacklogMessageCount ( Account account ) {
int count = 0 ;
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
for ( Iterator < Map . Entry < Conversation , AtomicInteger > > it = mBacklogMessageCounter . entrySet ( ) . iterator ( ) ; it . hasNext ( ) ; ) {
Map . Entry < Conversation , AtomicInteger > entry = it . next ( ) ;
if ( entry . getKey ( ) . getAccount ( ) = = account ) {
count + = entry . getValue ( ) . get ( ) ;
it . remove ( ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , account . getJid ( ) . asBareJid ( ) + " : backlog message count= " + count ) ;
return count ;
public void finishBacklog ( boolean notify ) {
finishBacklog ( notify , null ) ;
private void pushToStack ( final Message message ) {
final String conversationUuid = message . getConversationUuid ( ) ;
if ( notifications . containsKey ( conversationUuid ) ) {
notifications . get ( conversationUuid ) . add ( message ) ;
} else {
final ArrayList < Message > mList = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
mList . add ( message ) ;
notifications . put ( conversationUuid , mList ) ;
public void push ( final Message message ) {
synchronized ( CATCHUP_LOCK ) {
final XmppConnection connection = message . getConversation ( ) . getAccount ( ) . getXmppConnection ( ) ;
if ( connection ! = null & & connection . isWaitingForSmCatchup ( ) ) {
connection . incrementSmCatchupMessageCounter ( ) ;
pushFromBacklog ( message ) ;
} else {
pushNow ( message ) ;
private void pushNow ( final Message message ) {
mXmppConnectionService . updateUnreadCountBadge ( ) ;
if ( ! notify ( message ) ) {
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , message . getConversation ( ) . getAccount ( ) . getJid ( ) . asBareJid ( ) + " : suppressing notification because turned off " ) ;
return ;
final boolean isScreenOn = mXmppConnectionService . isInteractive ( ) ;
if ( this . mIsInForeground & & isScreenOn & & this . mOpenConversation = = message . getConversation ( ) ) {
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , message . getConversation ( ) . getAccount ( ) . getJid ( ) . asBareJid ( ) + " : suppressing notification because conversation is open " ) ;
return ;
synchronized ( notifications ) {
pushToStack ( message ) ;
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
final Conversational conversation = message . getConversation ( ) ;
final Account account = conversation . getAccount ( ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
final boolean doNotify = ( ! ( this . mIsInForeground & & this . mOpenConversation = = null ) | | ! isScreenOn )
& & ! account . inGracePeriod ( )
& & ! this . inMiniGracePeriod ( account ) ;
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
updateNotification ( doNotify , Collections . singletonList ( conversation . getUuid ( ) ) ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
public void clear ( ) {
synchronized ( notifications ) {
for ( ArrayList < Message > messages : notifications . values ( ) ) {
markAsReadIfHasDirectReply ( messages ) ;
notifications . clear ( ) ;
updateNotification ( false ) ;
public void clear ( final Conversation conversation ) {
synchronized ( this . mBacklogMessageCounter ) {
this . mBacklogMessageCounter . remove ( conversation ) ;
synchronized ( notifications ) {
markAsReadIfHasDirectReply ( conversation ) ;
if ( notifications . remove ( conversation . getUuid ( ) ) ! = null ) {
cancel ( conversation . getUuid ( ) , NOTIFICATION_ID ) ;
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
updateNotification ( false , null , true ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
private void markAsReadIfHasDirectReply ( final Conversation conversation ) {
markAsReadIfHasDirectReply ( notifications . get ( conversation . getUuid ( ) ) ) ;
private void markAsReadIfHasDirectReply ( final ArrayList < Message > messages ) {
if ( messages ! = null & & messages . size ( ) > 0 ) {
Message last = messages . get ( messages . size ( ) - 1 ) ;
if ( last . getStatus ( ) ! = Message . STATUS_RECEIVED ) {
if ( mXmppConnectionService . markRead ( ( Conversation ) last . getConversation ( ) , false ) ) {
mXmppConnectionService . updateConversationUi ( ) ;
private void setNotificationColor ( final Builder mBuilder ) {
mBuilder . setColor ( ContextCompat . getColor ( mXmppConnectionService , R . color . green600 ) ) ;
public void updateNotification ( final boolean notify ) {
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
updateNotification ( notify , null , false ) ;
public void updateNotification ( final boolean notify , final List < String > conversations ) {
updateNotification ( notify , conversations , false ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
private void updateNotification ( final boolean notify , final List < String > conversations , final boolean summaryOnly ) {
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
final SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager . getDefaultSharedPreferences ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
final boolean notifyOnlyOneChild = notify & & conversations ! = null & & conversations . size ( ) = = 1 ; //if this check is changed to > 0 catchup messages will create one notification per conversation
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
if ( notifications . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
cancel ( NOTIFICATION_ID ) ;
} else {
if ( notify ) {
this . markLastNotification ( ) ;
final Builder mBuilder ;
if ( notifications . size ( ) = = 1 & & Build . VERSION . SDK_INT < Build . VERSION_CODES . N ) {
mBuilder = buildSingleConversations ( notifications . values ( ) . iterator ( ) . next ( ) , notify ) ;
modifyForSoundVibrationAndLight ( mBuilder , notify , preferences ) ;
notify ( NOTIFICATION_ID , mBuilder . build ( ) ) ;
} else {
mBuilder = buildMultipleConversation ( notify ) ;
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
if ( notifyOnlyOneChild ) {
mBuilder . setGroupAlertBehavior ( NotificationCompat . GROUP_ALERT_CHILDREN ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
modifyForSoundVibrationAndLight ( mBuilder , notify , preferences ) ;
if ( ! summaryOnly ) {
for ( Map . Entry < String , ArrayList < Message > > entry : notifications . entrySet ( ) ) {
2018-09-09 21:34:41 +02:00
String uuid = entry . getKey ( ) ;
Builder singleBuilder = buildSingleConversations ( entry . getValue ( ) , notifyOnlyOneChild ? conversations . contains ( uuid ) : notify ) ;
if ( ! notifyOnlyOneChild ) {
singleBuilder . setGroupAlertBehavior ( NotificationCompat . GROUP_ALERT_SUMMARY ) ;
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
singleBuilder . setGroup ( CONVERSATIONS_GROUP ) ;
setNotificationColor ( singleBuilder ) ;
notify ( entry . getKey ( ) , NOTIFICATION_ID , singleBuilder . build ( ) ) ;
notify ( NOTIFICATION_ID , mBuilder . build ( ) ) ;
private void modifyForSoundVibrationAndLight ( Builder mBuilder , boolean notify , SharedPreferences preferences ) {
final Resources resources = mXmppConnectionService . getResources ( ) ;
final String ringtone = preferences . getString ( " notification_ringtone " , resources . getString ( R . string . notification_ringtone ) ) ;
final boolean vibrate = preferences . getBoolean ( " vibrate_on_notification " , resources . getBoolean ( R . bool . vibrate_on_notification ) ) ;
final boolean led = preferences . getBoolean ( " led " , resources . getBoolean ( R . bool . led ) ) ;
final boolean headsup = preferences . getBoolean ( " notification_headsup " , resources . getBoolean ( R . bool . headsup_notifications ) ) ;
if ( notify & & ! isQuietHours ( ) ) {
if ( vibrate ) {
final int dat = 70 ;
final long [ ] pattern = { 0 , 3 * dat , dat , dat } ;
mBuilder . setVibrate ( pattern ) ;
} else {
mBuilder . setVibrate ( new long [ ] { 0 } ) ;
Uri uri = Uri . parse ( ringtone ) ;
try {
mBuilder . setSound ( fixRingtoneUri ( uri ) ) ;
} catch ( SecurityException e ) {
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , " unable to use custom notification sound " + uri . toString ( ) ) ;
if ( android . os . Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > = Build . VERSION_CODES . LOLLIPOP ) {
mBuilder . setCategory ( Notification . CATEGORY_MESSAGE ) ;
mBuilder . setPriority ( notify ? ( headsup ? NotificationCompat . PRIORITY_HIGH : NotificationCompat . PRIORITY_DEFAULT ) : NotificationCompat . PRIORITY_LOW ) ;
setNotificationColor ( mBuilder ) ;
mBuilder . setDefaults ( 0 ) ;
if ( led ) {
mBuilder . setLights ( 0xff00FF00 , 2000 , 3000 ) ;
private Uri fixRingtoneUri ( Uri uri ) {
if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > = Build . VERSION_CODES . N & & " file " . equals ( uri . getScheme ( ) ) ) {
return FileBackend . getUriForFile ( mXmppConnectionService , new File ( uri . getPath ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
return uri ;
private Builder buildMultipleConversation ( final boolean notify ) {
final Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( mXmppConnectionService , notify ? " messages " : " silent_messages " ) ;
final NotificationCompat . InboxStyle style = new NotificationCompat . InboxStyle ( ) ;
style . setBigContentTitle ( notifications . size ( )
+ " "
+ mXmppConnectionService
. getString ( R . string . unread_conversations ) ) ;
final StringBuilder names = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
Conversation conversation = null ;
for ( final ArrayList < Message > messages : notifications . values ( ) ) {
if ( messages . size ( ) > 0 ) {
conversation = ( Conversation ) messages . get ( 0 ) . getConversation ( ) ;
final String name = conversation . getName ( ) . toString ( ) ;
SpannableString styledString ;
int count = messages . size ( ) ;
styledString = new SpannableString ( name + " : " + mXmppConnectionService . getResources ( ) . getQuantityString ( R . plurals . x_messages , count , count ) ) ;
styledString . setSpan ( new StyleSpan ( Typeface . BOLD ) , 0 , name . length ( ) , 0 ) ;
style . addLine ( styledString ) ;
} else {
styledString = new SpannableString ( name + " : " + UIHelper . getMessagePreview ( mXmppConnectionService , messages . get ( 0 ) ) . first ) ;
styledString . setSpan ( new StyleSpan ( Typeface . BOLD ) , 0 , name . length ( ) , 0 ) ;
style . addLine ( styledString ) ;
names . append ( name ) ;
names . append ( " , " ) ;
if ( names . length ( ) > = 2 ) {
names . delete ( names . length ( ) - 2 , names . length ( ) ) ;
mBuilder . setContentTitle ( notifications . size ( )
+ " "
+ mXmppConnectionService
. getString ( R . string . unread_conversations ) ) ;
mBuilder . setContentText ( names . toString ( ) ) ;
mBuilder . setStyle ( style ) ;
if ( conversation ! = null ) {
mBuilder . setContentIntent ( createContentIntent ( conversation ) ) ;
mBuilder . setGroupSummary ( true ) ;
mBuilder . setGroup ( CONVERSATIONS_GROUP ) ;
mBuilder . setDeleteIntent ( createDeleteIntent ( null ) ) ;
mBuilder . setSmallIcon ( R . drawable . ic_notification ) ;
return mBuilder ;
private Builder buildSingleConversations ( final ArrayList < Message > messages , final boolean notify ) {
final Builder mBuilder = new NotificationCompat . Builder ( mXmppConnectionService , notify ? " messages " : " silent_messages " ) ;
if ( messages . size ( ) > = 1 ) {
final Conversation conversation = ( Conversation ) messages . get ( 0 ) . getConversation ( ) ;
final UnreadConversation . Builder mUnreadBuilder = new UnreadConversation . Builder ( conversation . getName ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
mBuilder . setLargeIcon ( mXmppConnectionService . getAvatarService ( )
. get ( conversation , getPixel ( 64 ) ) ) ;
mBuilder . setContentTitle ( conversation . getName ( ) ) ;
int count = messages . size ( ) ;
mBuilder . setContentText ( mXmppConnectionService . getResources ( ) . getQuantityString ( R . plurals . x_messages , count , count ) ) ;
} else {
Message message ;
if ( ( message = getImage ( messages ) ) ! = null ) {
modifyForImage ( mBuilder , mUnreadBuilder , message , messages ) ;
} else {
modifyForTextOnly ( mBuilder , mUnreadBuilder , messages ) ;
RemoteInput remoteInput = new RemoteInput . Builder ( " text_reply " ) . setLabel ( UIHelper . getMessageHint ( mXmppConnectionService , conversation ) ) . build ( ) ;
PendingIntent markAsReadPendingIntent = createReadPendingIntent ( conversation ) ;
NotificationCompat . Action markReadAction = new NotificationCompat . Action . Builder (
R . drawable . ic_drafts_white_24dp ,
mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . mark_as_read ) ,
markAsReadPendingIntent ) . build ( ) ;
String replyLabel = mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . reply ) ;
NotificationCompat . Action replyAction = new NotificationCompat . Action . Builder (
R . drawable . ic_send_text_offline ,
replyLabel ,
createReplyIntent ( conversation , false ) ) . addRemoteInput ( remoteInput ) . build ( ) ;
NotificationCompat . Action wearReplyAction = new NotificationCompat . Action . Builder ( R . drawable . ic_wear_reply ,
replyLabel ,
createReplyIntent ( conversation , true ) ) . addRemoteInput ( remoteInput ) . build ( ) ;
mBuilder . extend ( new NotificationCompat . WearableExtender ( ) . addAction ( wearReplyAction ) ) ;
mUnreadBuilder . setReplyAction ( createReplyIntent ( conversation , true ) , remoteInput ) ;
mUnreadBuilder . setReadPendingIntent ( markAsReadPendingIntent ) ;
mBuilder . extend ( new NotificationCompat . CarExtender ( ) . setUnreadConversation ( mUnreadBuilder . build ( ) ) ) ;
int addedActionsCount = 1 ;
mBuilder . addAction ( markReadAction ) ;
if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > = Build . VERSION_CODES . N ) {
mBuilder . addAction ( replyAction ) ;
+ + addedActionsCount ;
if ( displaySnoozeAction ( messages ) ) {
String label = mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . snooze ) ;
PendingIntent pendingSnoozeIntent = createSnoozeIntent ( conversation ) ;
NotificationCompat . Action snoozeAction = new NotificationCompat . Action . Builder (
R . drawable . ic_notifications_paused_white_24dp ,
label ,
pendingSnoozeIntent ) . build ( ) ;
mBuilder . addAction ( snoozeAction ) ;
+ + addedActionsCount ;
if ( addedActionsCount < 3 ) {
final Message firstLocationMessage = getFirstLocationMessage ( messages ) ;
if ( firstLocationMessage ! = null ) {
String label = mXmppConnectionService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . show_location ) ;
PendingIntent pendingShowLocationIntent = createShowLocationIntent ( firstLocationMessage ) ;
NotificationCompat . Action locationAction = new NotificationCompat . Action . Builder (
R . drawable . ic_room_white_24dp ,
label ,
pendingShowLocationIntent ) . build ( ) ;
mBuilder . addAction ( locationAction ) ;
+ + addedActionsCount ;
if ( addedActionsCount < 3 ) {
Message firstDownloadableMessage = getFirstDownloadableMessage ( messages ) ;
if ( firstDownloadableMessage ! = null ) {
String label = mXmppConnectionService . getResources ( ) . getString ( R . string . download_x_file , UIHelper . getFileDescriptionString ( mXmppConnectionService , firstDownloadableMessage ) ) ;
PendingIntent pendingDownloadIntent = createDownloadIntent ( firstDownloadableMessage ) ;
NotificationCompat . Action downloadAction = new NotificationCompat . Action . Builder (
R . drawable . ic_file_download_white_24dp ,
label ,
pendingDownloadIntent ) . build ( ) ;
mBuilder . addAction ( downloadAction ) ;
+ + addedActionsCount ;
if ( conversation . getMode ( ) = = Conversation . MODE_SINGLE ) {
Contact contact = conversation . getContact ( ) ;
Uri systemAccount = contact . getSystemAccount ( ) ;
if ( systemAccount ! = null ) {
mBuilder . addPerson ( systemAccount . toString ( ) ) ;
mBuilder . setWhen ( conversation . getLatestMessage ( ) . getTimeSent ( ) ) ;
mBuilder . setSmallIcon ( R . drawable . ic_notification ) ;
mBuilder . setDeleteIntent ( createDeleteIntent ( conversation ) ) ;
mBuilder . setContentIntent ( createContentIntent ( conversation ) ) ;
return mBuilder ;
private void modifyForImage ( final Builder builder , final UnreadConversation . Builder uBuilder ,
final Message message , final ArrayList < Message > messages ) {
try {
final Bitmap bitmap = mXmppConnectionService . getFileBackend ( )
. getThumbnail ( message , getPixel ( 288 ) , false ) ;
final ArrayList < Message > tmp = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( final Message msg : messages ) {
if ( msg . getType ( ) = = Message . TYPE_TEXT
& & msg . getTransferable ( ) = = null ) {
tmp . add ( msg ) ;
final BigPictureStyle bigPictureStyle = new NotificationCompat . BigPictureStyle ( ) ;
bigPictureStyle . bigPicture ( bitmap ) ;
if ( tmp . size ( ) > 0 ) {
CharSequence text = getMergedBodies ( tmp ) ;
bigPictureStyle . setSummaryText ( text ) ;
builder . setContentText ( text ) ;
} else {
builder . setContentText ( UIHelper . getFileDescriptionString ( mXmppConnectionService , message ) ) ;
builder . setStyle ( bigPictureStyle ) ;
} catch ( final IOException e ) {
modifyForTextOnly ( builder , uBuilder , messages ) ;
private void modifyForTextOnly ( final Builder builder , final UnreadConversation . Builder uBuilder , final ArrayList < Message > messages ) {
if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > = Build . VERSION_CODES . N ) {
NotificationCompat . MessagingStyle messagingStyle = new NotificationCompat . MessagingStyle ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . me ) ) ;
final Conversation conversation = ( Conversation ) messages . get ( 0 ) . getConversation ( ) ;
if ( conversation . getMode ( ) = = Conversation . MODE_MULTI ) {
messagingStyle . setConversationTitle ( conversation . getName ( ) ) ;
for ( Message message : messages ) {
String sender = message . getStatus ( ) = = Message . STATUS_RECEIVED ? UIHelper . getMessageDisplayName ( message ) : null ;
messagingStyle . addMessage ( UIHelper . getMessagePreview ( mXmppConnectionService , message ) . first , message . getTimeSent ( ) , sender ) ;
builder . setStyle ( messagingStyle ) ;
} else {
if ( messages . get ( 0 ) . getConversation ( ) . getMode ( ) = = Conversation . MODE_SINGLE ) {
builder . setStyle ( new NotificationCompat . BigTextStyle ( ) . bigText ( getMergedBodies ( messages ) ) ) ;
builder . setContentText ( UIHelper . getMessagePreview ( mXmppConnectionService , messages . get ( 0 ) ) . first ) ;
} else {
final NotificationCompat . InboxStyle style = new NotificationCompat . InboxStyle ( ) ;
SpannableString styledString ;
for ( Message message : messages ) {
final String name = UIHelper . getMessageDisplayName ( message ) ;
styledString = new SpannableString ( name + " : " + message . getBody ( ) ) ;
styledString . setSpan ( new StyleSpan ( Typeface . BOLD ) , 0 , name . length ( ) , 0 ) ;
style . addLine ( styledString ) ;
builder . setStyle ( style ) ;
int count = messages . size ( ) ;
if ( count = = 1 ) {
final String name = UIHelper . getMessageDisplayName ( messages . get ( 0 ) ) ;
styledString = new SpannableString ( name + " : " + messages . get ( 0 ) . getBody ( ) ) ;
styledString . setSpan ( new StyleSpan ( Typeface . BOLD ) , 0 , name . length ( ) , 0 ) ;
builder . setContentText ( styledString ) ;
} else {
builder . setContentText ( mXmppConnectionService . getResources ( ) . getQuantityString ( R . plurals . x_messages , count , count ) ) ;
/** message preview for Android Auto **/
for ( Message message : messages ) {
Pair < CharSequence , Boolean > preview = UIHelper . getMessagePreview ( mXmppConnectionService , message ) ;
// only show user written text
if ( ! preview . second ) {
uBuilder . addMessage ( preview . first . toString ( ) ) ;
uBuilder . setLatestTimestamp ( message . getTimeSent ( ) ) ;
private Message getImage ( final Iterable < Message > messages ) {
Message image = null ;
for ( final Message message : messages ) {
if ( message . getStatus ( ) ! = Message . STATUS_RECEIVED ) {
return null ;
if ( message . getType ( ) ! = Message . TYPE_TEXT
& & message . getTransferable ( ) = = null
& & message . getEncryption ( ) ! = Message . ENCRYPTION_PGP
& & message . getFileParams ( ) . height > 0 ) {
image = message ;
return image ;
private Message getFirstDownloadableMessage ( final Iterable < Message > messages ) {
for ( final Message message : messages ) {
if ( message . getTransferable ( ) ! = null | | ( message . getType ( ) = = Message . TYPE_TEXT & & message . treatAsDownloadable ( ) ) ) {
return message ;
return null ;
private Message getFirstLocationMessage ( final Iterable < Message > messages ) {
for ( final Message message : messages ) {
if ( message . isGeoUri ( ) ) {
return message ;
return null ;
private CharSequence getMergedBodies ( final ArrayList < Message > messages ) {
final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( Message message : messages ) {
if ( text . length ( ) ! = 0 ) {
text . append ( " \ n " ) ;
text . append ( UIHelper . getMessagePreview ( mXmppConnectionService , message ) . first ) ;
return text . toString ( ) ;
private PendingIntent createShowLocationIntent ( final Message message ) {
Iterable < Intent > intents = GeoHelper . createGeoIntentsFromMessage ( mXmppConnectionService , message ) ;
for ( Intent intent : intents ) {
if ( intent . resolveActivity ( mXmppConnectionService . getPackageManager ( ) ) ! = null ) {
return PendingIntent . getActivity ( mXmppConnectionService , generateRequestCode ( message . getConversation ( ) , 18 ) , intent , PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ;
return createOpenConversationsIntent ( ) ;
private PendingIntent createContentIntent ( final String conversationUuid , final String downloadMessageUuid ) {
final Intent viewConversationIntent = new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , ConversationsActivity . class ) ;
viewConversationIntent . setAction ( ConversationsActivity . ACTION_VIEW_CONVERSATION ) ;
viewConversationIntent . putExtra ( ConversationsActivity . EXTRA_CONVERSATION , conversationUuid ) ;
if ( downloadMessageUuid ! = null ) {
viewConversationIntent . putExtra ( ConversationsActivity . EXTRA_DOWNLOAD_UUID , downloadMessageUuid ) ;
return PendingIntent . getActivity ( mXmppConnectionService ,
generateRequestCode ( conversationUuid , 8 ) ,
viewConversationIntent ,
PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ;
} else {
return PendingIntent . getActivity ( mXmppConnectionService ,
generateRequestCode ( conversationUuid , 10 ) ,
viewConversationIntent ,
PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ;
private int generateRequestCode ( String uuid , int actionId ) {
return ( actionId * NOTIFICATION_ID_MULTIPLIER ) + ( uuid . hashCode ( ) % NOTIFICATION_ID_MULTIPLIER ) ;
private int generateRequestCode ( Conversational conversation , int actionId ) {
return generateRequestCode ( conversation . getUuid ( ) , actionId ) ;
private PendingIntent createDownloadIntent ( final Message message ) {
return createContentIntent ( message . getConversationUuid ( ) , message . getUuid ( ) ) ;
private PendingIntent createContentIntent ( final Conversational conversation ) {
return createContentIntent ( conversation . getUuid ( ) , null ) ;
private PendingIntent createDeleteIntent ( Conversation conversation ) {
final Intent intent = new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , XmppConnectionService . class ) ;
intent . setAction ( XmppConnectionService . ACTION_CLEAR_NOTIFICATION ) ;
if ( conversation ! = null ) {
intent . putExtra ( " uuid " , conversation . getUuid ( ) ) ;
return PendingIntent . getService ( mXmppConnectionService , generateRequestCode ( conversation , 20 ) , intent , 0 ) ;
return PendingIntent . getService ( mXmppConnectionService , 0 , intent , 0 ) ;
private PendingIntent createReplyIntent ( Conversation conversation , boolean dismissAfterReply ) {
final Intent intent = new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , XmppConnectionService . class ) ;
intent . setAction ( XmppConnectionService . ACTION_REPLY_TO_CONVERSATION ) ;
intent . putExtra ( " uuid " , conversation . getUuid ( ) ) ;
intent . putExtra ( " dismiss_notification " , dismissAfterReply ) ;
final int id = generateRequestCode ( conversation , dismissAfterReply ? 12 : 14 ) ;
return PendingIntent . getService ( mXmppConnectionService , id , intent , 0 ) ;
private PendingIntent createReadPendingIntent ( Conversation conversation ) {
final Intent intent = new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , XmppConnectionService . class ) ;
intent . setAction ( XmppConnectionService . ACTION_MARK_AS_READ ) ;
intent . putExtra ( " uuid " , conversation . getUuid ( ) ) ;
intent . setPackage ( mXmppConnectionService . getPackageName ( ) ) ;
return PendingIntent . getService ( mXmppConnectionService , generateRequestCode ( conversation , 16 ) , intent , PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ;
private PendingIntent createSnoozeIntent ( Conversation conversation ) {
final Intent intent = new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , XmppConnectionService . class ) ;
intent . setAction ( XmppConnectionService . ACTION_SNOOZE ) ;
intent . putExtra ( " uuid " , conversation . getUuid ( ) ) ;
intent . setPackage ( mXmppConnectionService . getPackageName ( ) ) ;
return PendingIntent . getService ( mXmppConnectionService , generateRequestCode ( conversation , 22 ) , intent , PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ;
private PendingIntent createTryAgainIntent ( ) {
final Intent intent = new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , XmppConnectionService . class ) ;
intent . setAction ( XmppConnectionService . ACTION_TRY_AGAIN ) ;
return PendingIntent . getService ( mXmppConnectionService , 45 , intent , 0 ) ;
private PendingIntent createDismissErrorIntent ( ) {
final Intent intent = new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , XmppConnectionService . class ) ;
intent . setAction ( XmppConnectionService . ACTION_DISMISS_ERROR_NOTIFICATIONS ) ;
return PendingIntent . getService ( mXmppConnectionService , 69 , intent , 0 ) ;
private boolean wasHighlightedOrPrivate ( final Message message ) {
if ( message . getConversation ( ) instanceof Conversation ) {
Conversation conversation = ( Conversation ) message . getConversation ( ) ;
final String nick = conversation . getMucOptions ( ) . getActualNick ( ) ;
final Pattern highlight = generateNickHighlightPattern ( nick ) ;
if ( message . getBody ( ) = = null | | nick = = null ) {
return false ;
final Matcher m = highlight . matcher ( message . getBody ( ) ) ;
return ( m . find ( ) | | message . getType ( ) = = Message . TYPE_PRIVATE ) ;
} else {
return false ;
public void setOpenConversation ( final Conversation conversation ) {
this . mOpenConversation = conversation ;
public void setIsInForeground ( final boolean foreground ) {
this . mIsInForeground = foreground ;
private int getPixel ( final int dp ) {
final DisplayMetrics metrics = mXmppConnectionService . getResources ( )
. getDisplayMetrics ( ) ;
return ( ( int ) ( dp * metrics . density ) ) ;
private void markLastNotification ( ) {
this . mLastNotification = SystemClock . elapsedRealtime ( ) ;
private boolean inMiniGracePeriod ( final Account account ) {
final int miniGrace = account . getStatus ( ) = = Account . State . ONLINE ? Config . MINI_GRACE_PERIOD
: Config . MINI_GRACE_PERIOD * 2 ;
return SystemClock . elapsedRealtime ( ) < ( this . mLastNotification + miniGrace ) ;
public Notification createForegroundNotification ( ) {
final Notification . Builder mBuilder = new Notification . Builder ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
mBuilder . setContentTitle ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . conversations_foreground_service ) ) ;
if ( Compatibility . twentySix ( ) | | Config . SHOW_CONNECTED_ACCOUNTS ) {
List < Account > accounts = mXmppConnectionService . getAccounts ( ) ;
int enabled = 0 ;
int connected = 0 ;
for ( Account account : accounts ) {
if ( account . isOnlineAndConnected ( ) ) {
connected + + ;
enabled + + ;
} else if ( account . isEnabled ( ) ) {
enabled + + ;
mBuilder . setContentText ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . connected_accounts , connected , enabled ) ) ;
} else {
mBuilder . setContentText ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . touch_to_open_conversations ) ) ;
mBuilder . setContentIntent ( createOpenConversationsIntent ( ) ) ;
mBuilder . setWhen ( 0 ) ;
mBuilder . setPriority ( Notification . PRIORITY_LOW ) ;
mBuilder . setSmallIcon ( R . drawable . ic_link_white_24dp ) ;
if ( Compatibility . twentySix ( ) ) {
mBuilder . setChannelId ( " foreground " ) ;
return mBuilder . build ( ) ;
private PendingIntent createOpenConversationsIntent ( ) {
return PendingIntent . getActivity ( mXmppConnectionService , 0 , new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , ConversationsActivity . class ) , 0 ) ;
public void updateErrorNotification ( ) {
return ;
final List < Account > errors = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( final Account account : mXmppConnectionService . getAccounts ( ) ) {
if ( account . hasErrorStatus ( ) & & account . showErrorNotification ( ) ) {
errors . add ( account ) ;
if ( Compatibility . keepForegroundService ( mXmppConnectionService ) ) {
notify ( FOREGROUND_NOTIFICATION_ID , createForegroundNotification ( ) ) ;
final Notification . Builder mBuilder = new Notification . Builder ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
if ( errors . size ( ) = = 0 ) {
return ;
} else if ( errors . size ( ) = = 1 ) {
mBuilder . setContentTitle ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . problem_connecting_to_account ) ) ;
mBuilder . setContentText ( errors . get ( 0 ) . getJid ( ) . asBareJid ( ) . toString ( ) ) ;
} else {
mBuilder . setContentTitle ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . problem_connecting_to_accounts ) ) ;
mBuilder . setContentText ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . touch_to_fix ) ) ;
mBuilder . addAction ( R . drawable . ic_autorenew_white_24dp ,
mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . try_again ) ,
createTryAgainIntent ( ) ) ;
mBuilder . setDeleteIntent ( createDismissErrorIntent ( ) ) ;
if ( Build . VERSION . SDK_INT > = Build . VERSION_CODES . LOLLIPOP ) {
mBuilder . setVisibility ( NotificationCompat . VISIBILITY_PRIVATE ) ;
mBuilder . setSmallIcon ( R . drawable . ic_warning_white_24dp ) ;
} else {
mBuilder . setSmallIcon ( R . drawable . ic_stat_alert_warning ) ;
mBuilder . setLocalOnly ( true ) ;
mBuilder . setPriority ( Notification . PRIORITY_LOW ) ;
mBuilder . setContentIntent ( PendingIntent . getActivity ( mXmppConnectionService ,
145 ,
new Intent ( mXmppConnectionService , ManageAccountActivity . class ) ,
PendingIntent . FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT ) ) ;
if ( Compatibility . twentySix ( ) ) {
mBuilder . setChannelId ( " error " ) ;
notify ( ERROR_NOTIFICATION_ID , mBuilder . build ( ) ) ;
public void updateFileAddingNotification ( int current , Message message ) {
Notification . Builder mBuilder = new Notification . Builder ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
mBuilder . setContentTitle ( mXmppConnectionService . getString ( R . string . transcoding_video ) ) ;
mBuilder . setProgress ( 100 , current , false ) ;
mBuilder . setSmallIcon ( R . drawable . ic_hourglass_empty_white_24dp ) ;
mBuilder . setContentIntent ( createContentIntent ( message . getConversation ( ) ) ) ;
2018-09-06 22:05:15 +02:00
mBuilder . setOngoing ( true ) ;
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if ( Compatibility . twentySix ( ) ) {
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mBuilder . setChannelId ( " compression " ) ;
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Notification notification = mBuilder . build ( ) ;
notify ( FOREGROUND_NOTIFICATION_ID , notification ) ;
2018-09-06 22:05:15 +02:00
public void dismissForcedForegroundNotification ( ) {
2018-09-05 21:37:05 +02:00
private void notify ( String tag , int id , Notification notification ) {
final NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat . from ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
try {
notificationManager . notify ( tag , id , notification ) ;
} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , " unable to make notification " , e ) ;
private void notify ( int id , Notification notification ) {
final NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat . from ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
try {
notificationManager . notify ( id , notification ) ;
} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , " unable to make notification " , e ) ;
private void cancel ( int id ) {
final NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat . from ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
try {
notificationManager . cancel ( id ) ;
} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , " unable to cancel notification " , e ) ;
private void cancel ( String tag , int id ) {
final NotificationManagerCompat notificationManager = NotificationManagerCompat . from ( mXmppConnectionService ) ;
try {
notificationManager . cancel ( tag , id ) ;
} catch ( RuntimeException e ) {
Log . d ( Config . LOGTAG , " unable to cancel notification " , e ) ;
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