2014-11-05 15:00:31 +01:00
package eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.jid;
import java.net.IDN;
import gnu.inet.encoding.Stringprep;
import gnu.inet.encoding.StringprepException;
* The `Jid' class provides an immutable representation of a JID.
public final class Jid {
private final String localpart;
private final String domainpart;
private final String resourcepart;
// It's much more efficient to store the ful JID as well as the parts instead of figuring them
// all out every time (since some characters are displayed but aren't used for comparisons).
private final String displayjid;
public String getLocalpart() {
return IDN.toUnicode(localpart);
public String getDomainpart() {
return IDN.toUnicode(domainpart);
public String getResourcepart() {
return IDN.toUnicode(resourcepart);
// Special private constructor that doesn't do any checking...
private Jid(final String localpart, final String domainpart) {
this.localpart = localpart;
this.domainpart = domainpart;
this.resourcepart = "";
if (localpart.isEmpty()) {
this.displayjid = domainpart;
} else {
this.displayjid = localpart + "@" + domainpart;
// Note: If introducing a mutable instance variable for some reason, make the constructor
// private and add a factory method to ensure thread safety and hash-cach-ability (tm).
public Jid(final String jid) throws InvalidJidException {
// Hackish Android way to count the number of chars in a string... should work everywhere.
final int atCount = jid.length() - jid.replace("@", "").length();
final int slashCount = jid.length() - jid.replace("/", "").length();
// Throw an error if there's anything obvious wrong with the JID...
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if (jid.isEmpty() || jid.length() > 3071) {
throw new InvalidJidException(InvalidJidException.INVALID_LENGTH);
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if (atCount > 1 || slashCount > 1 ||
jid.startsWith("@") || jid.endsWith("@") ||
jid.startsWith("/") || jid.endsWith("/")) {
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throw new InvalidJidException(InvalidJidException.INVALID_CHARACTER);
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String finaljid;
final int domainpartStart;
if (atCount == 1) {
final int atLoc = jid.indexOf("@");
final String lp = jid.substring(0, atLoc);
try {
localpart = Stringprep.nodeprep(lp);
} catch (final StringprepException e) {
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throw new InvalidJidException(InvalidJidException.STRINGPREP_FAIL, e);
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if (localpart.isEmpty() || localpart.length() > 1023) {
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throw new InvalidJidException(InvalidJidException.INVALID_PART_LENGTH);
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domainpartStart = atLoc;
finaljid = lp + "@";
} else {
localpart = "";
finaljid = "";
domainpartStart = 0;
final String dp;
if (slashCount == 1) {
final int slashLoc = jid.indexOf("/");
final String rp = jid.substring(slashLoc + 1, jid.length());
try {
resourcepart = Stringprep.resourceprep(rp);
} catch (final StringprepException e) {
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throw new InvalidJidException(InvalidJidException.STRINGPREP_FAIL, e);
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if (resourcepart.isEmpty() || resourcepart.length() > 1023) {
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throw new InvalidJidException(InvalidJidException.INVALID_PART_LENGTH);
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dp = jid.substring(domainpartStart, slashLoc);
finaljid = finaljid + dp + "/" + rp;
} else {
resourcepart = "";
dp = jid.substring(domainpartStart, jid.length());
finaljid = finaljid + dp;
// Remove trailling "." before storing the domain part.
if (dp.endsWith(".")) {
domainpart = IDN.toASCII(dp.substring(0, dp.length() - 1), IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES);
} else {
domainpart = IDN.toASCII(dp, IDN.USE_STD3_ASCII_RULES);
// TODO: Find a proper domain validation library; validate individual parts, separators, etc.
if (domainpart.isEmpty() || domainpart.length() > 1023) {
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throw new InvalidJidException(InvalidJidException.INVALID_PART_LENGTH);
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this.displayjid = finaljid;
public Jid getBareJid() {
return displayjid.contains("/") ? new Jid(localpart, domainpart) : this;
public String toString() {
return displayjid;
public boolean equals(final Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
final Jid jid = (Jid) o;
// Since we're immutable, the JVM will cache hashcodes, making this very fast.
// I'm assuming Dalvik does the same sorts of optimizations...
// Since the hashcode does not include the displayJID it can be used for IDN comparison as
// well.
return jid.hashCode() == this.hashCode();
public int hashCode() {
int result = localpart.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + domainpart.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + resourcepart.hashCode();
return result;