{% for r in traefik_proxy %} #--------------------------------- # {{ r.name }}: {{ r.rule }} #--------------------------------- {% if r.tls %} [http.routers.{{r.name}}-redir] rule = "{{ r.rule }}" entryPoints = ["web"] middlewares = ["httpsRedirect"] service = "{{r.name}}@file" [http.routers.{{r.name}}-acme] rule = "({{ r.rule }}) && PathPrefix(`/.well-known/acme-challenge/`)" entryPoints = ["web"] service = "{{r.name}}@file" {% endif %} [http.routers.{{r.name}}] rule = "{{ r.rule }}" {% if r.tls %} entryPoints = ["websecure"{% if "corsAll" in r and r.corsAll %}, "corsAll"{% endif %}] {% else %} entryPoints = ["web"{% if "corsAll" in r and r.corsAll %}, "corsAll"{% endif %}] {% endif %} service = "{{r.name}}@file" {% if r.tls %} [http.routers.{{r.name}}.tls] certResolver = "my-resolver" {% endif %} [http.services.{{ r.name }}.loadBalancer] {% for url in r.service_url %} [[http.services.{{ r.name }}.loadBalancer.servers]] url = "{{ url }}" {% endfor %} {% endfor %}