# yaja (Yet Another JAbber implementation) [![chat on our conference room](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/a839cc0a3d4dac7ec82237381b165dd144365b6d/68747470733a2f2f74696e7975726c2e636f6d2f6a6f696e7468656d7563)](https://conversations.im/j/yaja@conference.chat.sum7.eu) ## Features - Messages XML Library (first version - PR are welcome) - Full RFC 6120 (XMPP - Core) - Client Library (WIP) - Stream: TLS Required - SASL-Auth (PLAIN, DIGEST-MD5) - Read & Decode (recv xml) - Send (send xml) - No OTR (never implemented -> nowadays OMEMO or PGP prefered) - No OMEMO support (not implemented by me: library only for bots and testing) - Client (planned) - Daemon - Tester (based on Client Library) - Bidirected Messaging - Check IPv4 & IPv6 - TLS Version - Server (maybe broken, planned) - get certificate by lets encrypt - registration (for every possible TLS domain) ## Library ### Messages all implementation of all comman (RFCs and XEPs) xml element **Version** - RFC 6120 (XMPP - Core) ### Client **Planned** - auto decoding of XML (with some auto answer e.g. ping) - SendRecv to get answer of a request - Register ## Run ``` A small standalone command line round about jabber (e.g tester WIP: client & server) Usage: yaja [command] Available Commands: daemon daemon of yaja help Help about any command Flags: -h, --help help for yaja Use "yaja [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` ### Daemons ``` daemon of yaja Usage: yaja daemon [command] Available Commands: server runs xmpp server tester runs xmpp tester server Flags: -h, --help help for daemon Use "yaja daemon [command] --help" for more information about a command. ``` #### Tester Website for displaying: [genofire/yaja-tester-viewer](https://github.com/genofire/yaja-tester-viewer/tree/master) (dirty and based on [Freifunk Meshviewer](https://github.com/ffrgb/meshviewer/)) Demo: [tester.chat.sum7.eu](https://tester.chat.sum7.eu) ``` runs xmpp tester server Usage: yaja daemon tester [flags] Examples: yaja daemon tester -c /etc/yaja.conf Flags: -c, --config string path to configuration file (default "yaja-tester.conf") -h, --help help for tester ``` **Features** - notification of disconnect by server (domain) - manage by bot command `admin (add|del) ` and `admin list`) - auto accept subscription by every user to every bot - `ping` to `pong` by every user to every bot (for self check) **Planned** - improve chat bot implementation - improve notification (add my self, not only other by admins) - add new accounts/server - other checks, maybe like [running](https://conversations.im/compliance/) - [source-code](https://github.com/iNPUTmice/ComplianceTester) - software and version of xmpp servers **Inspiration by** *Sorry i did not like Java on my server* - ServerStatus of iNPUTmice: [running](https://status.conversations.im/) - [source-code](https://github.com/iNPUTmice/ServerStatus) #### Server ``` runs xmpp server Usage: yaja daemon server [flags] Examples: yaja daemon server -c /etc/yaja.conf Flags: -c, --config string path to configuration file (default "yaja-server.conf") -h, --help help for server ``` ## Inspiration by source-code structures (but rewritten) - **server side:** [tam7t](https://github.com/tam7t/xmpp) a fork of [agl](https://github.com/agl)'s work - **client side:** [mattn](https://github.com/mattn/go-xmpp) (original by russ cox)