this software started as a pastebin clone, the need to style
text better than quickly became apparent. Two
parsers are currently available:
<h3>The plain parser</h3>
<p>The goal of the plain parser is to format plain text exactly as you would expect it. It does not try to to anything fancy and tries to be faithful to the plaintext representation.
<h3>Imageboard parser</h3>
<p>The imageboard parser delivers an approximation of Infinity markup, and will be familiar to those who have used imageboards before. The imageboard parser supports the following markup:
<p>Surround text with double single-quotes(') to make text <i>italic</i>
<p>Surround text with triple single-quotes to make text <b>bold</b>
<p>Surround text with underscores(_) to make it <u>underlined</u>
<p>Surround text with double asterisks(*) to make it <spanclass="spoiler">spoilered</span>
<p>Surround text with tildes(~) to make it <s>strike through</s>
<p>Begin a line with a greater-than followed by a space to make it
<p>Begin a line with a less-than followed by a space to make it
<p>Surround text with forum-style [spoiler] and [/spoiler] tags as a second way to <spanclass="spoiler2">spoiler</span>
<p>Surround text with forum-style [code] and [/code] tags to make it