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Yet another node info collector

(previously respond-collector)

Build Status Coverage Status

yanic is a respondd client that fetches, stores and publishes information about a Freifunk network. The goals:

  • Generating JSON for Meshviewer
  • Storing statistics in InfluxDB to be analyzed by Grafana
  • Provide a little webserver for a standalone installation with a meshviewer


Usage of ./yanic:
  -config path/to/config.toml


Read comments in config_example.toml for more information.


  • meshviewer Freifunk Bremen with a patch to show state-version of nodes.json
  • grafana Freifunk Bremen show data of InfluxDB

How it works

It sends the gluon-neighbour-info request and collects the answers.

It will send UDP packets with multicast group ff02:0:0:0:0:0:2:1001 and port 1001.

If a node does not answer, it will request with the last know address under the port 1001.

Collecting data from respondd:

Respondd for servers: