
833 B


This tool ping every "offline" node at every ip address of a meshviewer.json to detect, if a respondd deamon is not running anymore.

give access to run ping

 sudo setcap cap_net_raw=+ep %GOPATH/bin/respondd-crashed


Usage of respondd-crashed: -ll-iface string interface to ping linklocal-address -loglevel uint Show log message starting at level (default 40) -meshviewer-path string path to meshviewer.json from yanic (default "meshviewer.json") -ping-count int count of pings (default 3) -ping-timeout duration timeout to wait for response (default 5s) -run-every duration repeat check every (default 1m0s) -status-path string path to store status (default "respondd-crashed.json") -timestamps Enables timestamps for log output