changed layout and fixed all phase indicators

This commit is contained in: 2020-06-06 12:38:04 +02:00
parent 392f4e236d
commit cee9bc59b3
3 changed files with 541 additions and 541 deletions

View File

@ -1,71 +1,71 @@
vers.;v4.23;Abort Procedure;;3;mrl;mcc;rdh;time;t
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Defueling Rocket;Defueling;3;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Inform OPS of Launch Abort;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV);;3;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except RMOxSV);;3;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Activate Heizi;;3;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Turn audio volume up;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open & Close OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open MPV3;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 bar;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close MPV3;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 bar;;3;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;3;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm ROxTPT & RHPPT 1 Bar, if more: Open & Close stepwise RDV;;3;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Deactivate Heizi;;3;;;;;
0:00;ALL;Wait for Launchpad to be clear of N2O fumes depending on OxMass before Defueling;;3;;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ground support equipment passivation;GSE Passivation;3;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Announce BEGIN of Radio Silence;;3;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, Close N2O Bottle 1 & N2O Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;RETURN to Block House;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV ;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, confirm OxInPG1 & OxInPG2 0 Bar, else RETURN to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Return to Block House;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT2 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to Testrig, confirm HPPG2 0 Bar, else return to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 1, THEN ...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open ComTerm;;2;;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn ON ComTerm step delay;;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC/MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Pressure Check;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Take out Bridges B1 & B2 from EGSE;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Disconnect Ignition Umbilical;;2;;;;00:30;
0:00;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Data collection;Data collection;1;;;;;
0:00;AVC;Turn off GoPro & Camcorder & Stop Block House Video recording;;1;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Copy & save to new name;;1;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Wait for buffer storage process to be finished;;1;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;save data files from cRio to PC;;1;;;;;
0:00;WIND;Save data on external HDD;;1;;;;;
0:00;TMTC;Stop TMTC Vi and save data on external HDD;;1;;;;;
0:00;AVC;End audio recording;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Stop ComTerm and save logfile to external HDD, THEN...;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Restart ComTerm VI;;1;;;;;
0:00;AVC;Save video & audio data on external HDD;;1;;;;;
vers.;v4.23;Abort Procedure;;3;mrl;mcc;rdh;time
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Defueling Rocket;Defueling;3;;;;
0:00;MCC;Inform OPS of Launch Abort;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV);;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except RMOxSV);;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Activate Heizi;;3;;;;
0:00;MCC;Turn audio volume up;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open & Close OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open MPV3;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 bar;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close MPV3;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 bar;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm ROxTPT & RHPPT 1 Bar, if more: Open & Close stepwise RDV;;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Deactivate Heizi;;3;;;;
0:00;ALL;Wait for Launchpad to be clear of N2O fumes depending on OxMass before Defueling;;3;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ground support equipment passivation;GSE Passivation;3;;;;
0:00;MCC;Announce BEGIN of Radio Silence;;3;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, Close N2O Bottle 1 & N2O Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;RETURN to Block House;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV ;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, confirm OxInPG1 & OxInPG2 0 Bar, else RETURN to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Return to Block House;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT2 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to Testrig, confirm HPPG2 0 Bar, else return to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 1, THEN ...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open ComTerm;;2;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn ON ComTerm step delay;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC/MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Pressure Check;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Take out Bridges B1 & B2 from EGSE;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Disconnect Ignition Umbilical;;2;;;;00:30
0:00;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured;;1;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Data collection;Data collection;1;;;;
0:00;AVC;Turn off GoPro & Camcorder & Stop Block House Video recording;;1;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Copy & save to new name;;1;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Wait for buffer storage process to be finished;;1;;;;
0:00;EGSE;save data files from cRio to PC;;1;;;;
0:00;WIND;Save data on external HDD;;1;;;;
0:00;TMTC;Stop TMTC Vi and save data on external HDD;;1;;;;
0:00;AVC;End audio recording;;1;;;;
0:00;MCC;Stop ComTerm and save logfile to external HDD, THEN...;;1;;;;
0:00;MCC;Restart ComTerm VI;;1;;;;
0:00;AVC;Save video & audio data on external HDD;;1;;;;

1 vers. v4.23 Abort Procedure 3 mrl mcc rdh time t
2 0:00 MCC BEGIN SEQUENCE: Defueling Rocket Defueling 3
3 0:00 MCC Inform OPS of Launch Abort 3
4 0:00 EGSE Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV) 3
5 0:00 OBDH Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except RMOxSV) 3
6 0:00 OBDH Activate Heizi 3
7 0:00 MCC Turn audio volume up 2 3
8 0:00 EGSE Open & Close OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar 3
9 0:00 EGSE Open OxDV 3
10 0:00 EGSE Open MPV3 3
11 0:00 EGSE Confirm OxOutPT 0 bar 3
12 0:00 EGSE Close MPV3 3
13 0:00 EGSE Close OxDV 3
14 0:00 EGSE Open HPDV 3
15 0:00 EGSE Confirm HPLPT 0 bar 3
16 0:00 EGSE Close HPDV 3
17 0:00 OBDH Confirm ROxTPT & RHPPT 1 Bar, if more: Open & Close stepwise RDV 3
18 0:00 OBDH Deactivate Heizi 3
19 0:00 ALL Wait for Launchpad to be clear of N2O fumes depending on OxMass before Defueling 3
20 0:00 MCC BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ground support equipment passivation GSE Passivation 3
21 0:00 MCC Announce BEGIN of Radio Silence 3
22 0:00 MRL Go to MRL, Close N2O Bottle 1 & N2O Bottle 2, THEN... 2
23 0:00 MRL RETURN to Block House 2
24 0:00 EGSE Open OxDV 2
25 0:00 EGSE Open OxV1 2
26 0:00 EGSE Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar 2
27 0:00 EGSE Close OxV1 2
28 0:00 EGSE Open OxV2 2
29 0:00 EGSE Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar 2
30 0:00 EGSE Close OxV2 2
31 0:00 EGSE Close OxDV 2
32 0:00 MRL Go to MRL, confirm OxInPG1 & OxInPG2 0 Bar, else RETURN to Block House, THEN... 2
33 0:00 MRL Close He Bottle 2, THEN... 2
34 0:00 MRL Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 2, THEN... 2
35 0:00 MRL Return to Block House 2
36 0:00 EGSE Open HPDV 2
37 0:00 EGSE Open HPV2 2
38 0:00 EGSE Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT2 0 Bar 2
39 0:00 EGSE Close HPV2 2
40 0:00 EGSE Close HPDV 2
41 0:00 MRL Go to Testrig, confirm HPPG2 0 Bar, else return to Block House, THEN... 2
42 0:00 MRL Close He Bottle 1, THEN ... 2
43 0:00 MRL Open ComTerm 2
44 8:15 MCC Turn ON ComTerm step delay 2
45 0:00 MCC/MRL Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1 2
46 0:00 MRL Step back 2
47 0:00 EGSE Open HPDV 2
48 0:00 EGSE Open HPV1 2
49 0:00 EGSE Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar 2
50 0:00 EGSE Close HPV1 2
51 0:00 EGSE Close HPDV 2
52 0:00 EGSE Pressure Check 2
53 0:00 MRL Open MBV 2
54 0:00 EGSE/ MRL Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1 2
55 0:00 MRL Close MBV 2
56 0:00 MRL Take out Bridges B1 & B2 from EGSE 2
57 0:00 MRL Disconnect Ignition Umbilical 2 00:30
58 0:00 MRL Safety is ensured 2
59 0:00 MCC Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured 1
60 0:00 MCC BEGIN SEQUENCE: Data collection Data collection 1
61 0:00 AVC Turn off GoPro & Camcorder & Stop Block House Video recording 1
62 0:00 EGSE Copy & save to new name 1
63 0:00 EGSE Wait for buffer storage process to be finished 1
64 0:00 EGSE save data files from cRio to PC 1
65 0:00 WIND Save data on external HDD 1
66 0:00 TMTC Stop TMTC Vi and save data on external HDD 1
67 0:00 AVC End audio recording 1
68 0:00 MCC Stop ComTerm and save logfile to external HDD, THEN... 1
69 0:00 MCC Restart ComTerm VI 1
70 0:00 AVC Save video & audio data on external HDD 1

View File

@ -1,420 +1,420 @@
vers.;v4.23;Launch Procedure;;0;MRL;MCC;RdHill;Time per step;
147:20;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Power on EGSE;Power on EGSE;1;;;;;
147:20;WIND;Start wind weighting analysis;;1;;;;;
147:20;EGSE;Check CLD connection;;1;;;;;
147:20;EGSE;Switch ON CLD via Battery & check voltage (24 Volt);;1;;;;;
147:20;EGSE;Switch ON the primary and secondary supply switches on the Control Panel;;1;;;;01:00;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_24V_20A & check voltage (ca. 27,2 Volt);;1;;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_24V_10A & check voltage (ca. 27,2 Volt);;1;;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_12V_10A & check voltage (ca. 13,8 Volt);;1;;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Bat_24V_20A & check voltage (ca. 27,9 Volt);;1;;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Bat_24V_10A & check voltage (ca. 27,9 Volt);;1;;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Bat_12V_10A & check voltage (ca. 13,8 Volt);;1;;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_24V_40A;;1;;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_5V_10A;;1;;;;03:00;
143:20;EGSE;Connect to cRio;;1;;;;;
130:40;EGSE;Confirm storage capacity of cRio is greater than 300MB;;;;00:10;
143:20;EGSE;Start RT_VI;;1;;;;;
143:20;EGSE;Open PID-VI and confirm it is running;;1;;;;;
143:20;EGSE;Rename PID-Logfile;;1;;;;02:00;
141:20;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Connect Data Umbilical;Connect Data Umbilical;1;;;;00:30;
141:20;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;1;;;;;
141:20;EGSL @MRL;Confirm ALL 8 Grounding bridges are inserted;;1;;;;;
141:20;EGSL @MRL;Connect Data Umbilical;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Turn on EPS_BAT;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Turn on EPS_EXT;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Leave EPS_BAT inserted and remove the other 7 Grounding Bridges;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Insert EPS_EXT Fuse in Power Supply Control Panel;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm green LED at EPS_EXT Fuse is on;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Insert Main_Bus Fuse in Power Supply Control Panel;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm LED at Main_Bus Fuse is OFF. Else Pull fuse and insert all Grounding Bridges;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Set remaining Fuses (except Payload Fuse) and check for green LED;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Turn OFF EPS_BAT;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm Main bus LED is on.;;1;;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Start EPS via EPS_ext;;1;;;;;
140:50;OBDH;Clear SD-Card-using FileZilla FTP;;1;;;;01:00;
139:50;OBDH;Connect to sbRio;;1;;;;;
139:50;OBDH;Start RT_Main;;1;;;;;
139:50;MRL;Confirm 3 beeps at OBC1;;1;;;;;
139:50;OBDH;Open RT_Sub_HMI;;1;;;;;
139:50;OBDH;Confirm Main Chute button is disabled;;1;;;;;
139:50;EGSE @MRL;Insert Payload Fuse;;1;;;;;
139:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm green LED at Payload Fuse is on;;1;;;;;
139:50;WIND;Report on weather situation;;1;;;;;
139:50;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Connect Fueling arm;Connect Fueling Arm;1;;;;;
139:50;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;1;;;;01:00;
139:50;MRL;Confirm PPG 0 bar;;1;;;;;
138:50;MRL;Remove Pneumatic Line from Fueling arm;;1;;;;;
138:50;MRL;Move Fueling arm to rocket;;1;;;;;
138:50;MRL;Couple Helium coupling;;1;;;;;
138:50;MRL;Couple N2O coupling;;1;;;;;
138:50;MRL;Reattach Pneumatic Line to Fueling arm;;1;;;;03:00;
135:50;EGSE;BEGIN SEQUENCE: EGSE sensor and actuator test;EGSE sensor & actuator test;1;;;;;
135:50;MCC;Confirm that video recording is enabled @ MCC;;1;;;;00:10;
135:50;MRL;Confirm that Ignition Umbilical is disconnected;;1;;;;;
135:40;OBDH;Check EPS hardware Voltages;;1;;;;00:10;
135:30;EGSE;Start PID data recording;;1;;;;00:10;
135:20;MRL;Close HPNV1;;1;;;;00:10;
135:20;MRL;Close HPNV2;;1;;;;00:10;
135:10;EGSE/ MRL;Switch OxDV to closed & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;00:10;
135:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch HPDV to closed & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;00:10;
134:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check warning lamp on HPSM;;1;;;;00:10;
134:40;MRL;Remove loose equipment;;1;;;;03:00;
131:40;EGSE;Activate Heizi;;1;;;;00:10;
131:30;EGSE;Activate N2O_Heater 1;;1;;;;00:10;
131:20;EGSE;Activate N2O_Heater 2;;1;;;;00:10;
131:10;EGSE;Activate He_Heater;;1;;;;00:10;
131:00;OBDH;Verify Heizi @ RDVT & RDVET;;1;;;;00:10;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
130:30;EGSE;Deactivate Heizi;;1;;;;00:10;
130:20;EGSE/ MRL;Check OxV1 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
130:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check OxV2 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
130:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check MPV3 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
129:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check HPV1 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
129:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check HPV2 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
129:30;EGSE/ MRL;Check MPV1/2 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
129:20;EGSE/ MRL;Check RDV (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
129:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check RMOxOV (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
129:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check RMOxSV (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10;
128:50;OBDH;Activate Heizi;;1;;;;00:10;
128:40;OBDH;Verify Heizi @ RDVT & RDVET;;1;;;;01:00;
127:40;OBDH/ MRL;Check RDV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:30;OBDH/ MRL;Check RNCEV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:20;OBDH/ MRL;Check RMOxOV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:10;OBDH/ MRL;Check RMOxSV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:00;OBDH/ MRL;Disable RNCEV;;1;;;;00:10;
125:00;MRL;Confirm MBV closed;;1;;;;;
125:00;EGSE;Confirm that all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV);;1;;;;0:10;
115:00;MRL/ EGSE;Check loadcell by applying force to it;;1;;;;00:20;
114:40;OBDH;Check RHPPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check ROxTPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RIHPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RCCPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RBaro1 shows atmosphere;;1;;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RBaro2 shows atmosphere;;1;;;;;
114:40;EGSE;Check HPPT1 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;00:20;
114:20;EGSE;Check HPPT2 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check HPLPT shows 0 bar;;1;;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check OxInPT1 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check OxInPT2 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check OxOutPT shows 0 bar;;1;;;;00:20;
114:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch on N2O coupling & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;;
114:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch on He coupling & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;;
114:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch on swivle arm & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;;
114:00;EGSE;Switch off swivel arm & He coupling & N2O coupling;;1;;;;01:00;
114:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ignition signal Test;Ignition signal Test;1;;;;01:00;
113:00;MRL;Confirm that Ignition Umbilical is disconnected;;1;;;;;
113:00;MRL;Connect Ignition test receptical;;1;;;;;
113:00;EGSE @MRL;Plug in Bridges B1 and B2;;1;;;;;
113:00;MRL;Confirm Soundsignal from Ignition Umbilical;;1;;;;;
113:00;EGSE;Turn on Ignition Secure Switch;;1;;;;;
113:00;EGSE/ OBDH;Turn on Ignition Switch for 2 Second & Confirm ignition signal received at sbRio & cRio;;1;;;;;
113:00;EGSE;Confirm that Ignition Switch is switched OFF and secured;;1;;;;;
113:00;EGSE;Turn off Ignition Secure Switch;;1;;;;;
113:00;EGSE @MRL;Remove Bridges B1 and B2;;1;;;;;
113:00;MRL;Remove Ignition test receptical;;1;;;;03:00;
110:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ground segment pressure test (PHASE YELLOW) ;GSE Pressure Test;1;LuF, AlS, LeD: 1x Helm, 3x Ear protectors;ChB, FiH, JuL, LiA, MiS;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
110:00;MRL;Confirm that all hatches are closed;;1;;;;01:00;
109:00;MRL;Confirm He bottle 1 connector is attached;;1;;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm He bottle 2 connector is attached;;1;;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm N2O bottle 1 connector is attached;;1;;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm N2O bottle 2 connector is attached;;1;;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm hose between HPSM & N2OSM is connected on both ends;;1;;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm hose between HPSM & Flight Segment is connected on both ends;;1;;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm hose between N2OSM & Flight Segment is connected on both ends;;1;;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm pneumatic hose is connected on both ends;;1;;;;02:00;
107:00;MRL;Put on safety equipment;;2;;;;;
107:00;MRL;Confirm MBV is closed;;2;;;;;
107:00;MRL;Confirm HPNV1 is closed;;2;;;;;
107:00;MRL;Confirm HPNV2 is closed;;2;;;;;
107:00;MRL;Take positions to open He Bottle 1;;2;;;;;
107:00;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 is closed;;2;;;;;
107:00;EGSE;Confirm MPV1/2 is closed;;2;;;;;
107:00;MRL;Open He Bottle 1;;2;;;;01:00;
106:00;MRL;Check & compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1 (max 300 bar);;2;;;;;
106:00;MRL;Check Gastech Silver HPPR1 (max 300 to 50 bar);;2;;;;;
106:00;MRL;Check Harris PPR (50 to 8 bar);;2;;;;;
106:00;MRL;Check pneumatic PPG (8 bar);;2;;;;;
106:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;01:00;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close HPV1 SHORTLY & Check HPPT1;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE;Check HPPT1 300 Bar;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close HPV2 SHORTLY & Confirm HPPT2 0 bar;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close HPDV SHORTLY & Confirm HPLPT 0 bar;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close OxV1 SHORTLY;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close OxV2 SHORTLY;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close OxDV SHORTLY;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close MPV3 SHORTLY;;2;;;;;
00:00;MRL;Open HPNV1 completely;;2;;;;;;
00:00;MRL;Step Back;;2;;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE untile HPLPT equal to HPPT1 and check for leakage @HPLPT (If leakage occurs continue with "GSE Passivation Procedure");;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Confirm RHPPT & RoxTPT 1 Bar (on Pressure continue with "Rocket Passivation Procedure");;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open & Close HPV2 STEPWISE untile HPPT2 equal to HPLPT and check for leakage @HPPT2 (If leakage occurs continue with "GSE Passivation Procedure");;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open HPDV & confirm HPLPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open HPV2 & confirm HPPT2 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE MPV1/2 to 50 Bar @ OxInPT1 & OxInPT2;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Confirm MPV1/2 closed;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE MPV3 to 0 Bar @OxOutPT;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Check OxInPT1 and OxInPT2 for leakage (If leakage occurs proceed to "GSE passivation Procedure";;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Confirm MPV3 closed;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE OxV1 to 0 Bar @OxInPT1;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE OxV2 to 0 Bar @OxInPT2;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Close OxDV;;2;;;;;
105:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;01:30;
103:30;EGSE;Decouple N2O coupling;;2;;;;;
103:30;EGSE;Decouple Helium coupling;;2;;;;00:20;
103:10;EGSE;Move arm away from rocket;;2;;;;;
103:10;EGSE;Move arm to rocket;;2;;;;01:00;
102:10;MRL;Close He Bottle 1 and check HPSM for leakage (If leakage occurs continue with Passivation Procedure);;2;;;;01:00;
101:10;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;;
101:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
101:10;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;00:30;
100:40;MRL;Open RMDV & relief pressure;;2;;;;;
100:40;MRL;Close RMDV;;2;;;;;
100:40;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;;
100:40;MCC;EGSE @MRL to MRL;;1;;;;;
100:40;EGSE;Switch OFF N20 coupling;;1;;;;;
100:40;EGSE;Switch OFF He coupling;;1;;;;;
100:40;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;1;;;;01:00;
100:40;MRL;Confirm PPG 0 Bar;;1;;;;00:20;
100:40;MRL;Release Pneumatic lines of couplings;;1;;;;00:20;
100:20;EGSE;Confirm Fueling arm is switched OFF;;1;;;;;
100:20;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT and HPLPT 0 bar;;1;;;;;
100:20;MRL;Couple He coupling;;1;;;;00:30;
99:50;MRL;Couple N2O coupling;;1;;;;00:30;
99:50;MRL;Confirm He coupling is connected properly;;1;;;;;
99:50;MRL;Confirm N2O coupling is connected properly;;1;;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
99:20;MRL;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Prime Rocket;Prime Rocket;1;;;;;
99:20;EGSE;Turn ON EPS_BAT;;1;;;;01:00;
99:20;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;1;;;;01:00;
99:20;MRL;Confirm all spring retracted hatches are moving freely;;1;;;;;
98:50;MRL;Turn on GoPro Camera at end of Launch Rail;;1;;;;00:20;
99:20;MRL;Connect Ignition Umbilical;;1;;;;00:30;
98:30;MRL;Insert all EPS Bridges;;1;;;;03:00;
95:30;MRL;Confirm Bridge Hatch is Secured;;1;;;;00:20;
95:10;EGSE @MRL;return to MCC;;1;;;;;
95:10;OPS;Elevate MRL to 90 degrees;;1;;;;05:00;
89:40;EGSE;Zero OxTank Mass;;1;;;;01:00;
88:40;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Fueling Preparations (PHASE YELLOW);Fueling Preparations;2;;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
127:40;OBDH;!!!Check RDV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:30;OBDH;!!!Check RNCEV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:20;OBDH;!!!Check RMOxOV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:10;OBDH;!!!Check RMOxSV;;1;;;;00:10;
127:00;OBDH;!!!Disable RNCEV;;1;;;;00:10;
88:40;MRL;Put on safety equipment;;2;;;;00:30;
10:10;MRL;Confirm HPNV1 is Open;;2;;;;;
10:10;MRL;Confirm HPNV2 is Closed;;2;;;;;
88:10;MRL;Open He Bottle 1;;2;;;;01:00;
87:10;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE untile HPLPT equal to HPPT1 and check for leakage @HPLPT (If leakage occurs continue with "GSE Passivation Procedure");;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open & Close HPV2 STEPWISE untile HPPT2 equal to HPLPT and check for leakage @HPPT2 (If leakage occurs continue with "GSE Passivation Procedure");;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Open HPDV & Confirm HPLPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 is closed;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Confirm HPV2 is closed;;2;;;;;
10:10;MRL;Open HPNV2 1/8 Rev;;2;;;;;
00:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE MPV1/2 to 50 Bar @ OxInPT1 & OxInPT2;;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check & compare OxInPT1 with OxInPG1 based on Bottle temperature (max 50 bar);;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check & compare pressure OxInPT2 with OxInPG2 based on Bottle temperature (max 50 bar);;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check Temperature of N2O Bottle 1 @OxT1 & OxWT1 (max 22C);;2;;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check Temperature of N2O Bottle 2 @OxT2 & OxWT2 (max 22C);;2;;;;01:30;
85:40;MRL;Open He Bottle 2;;2;;;;;
85:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check & compare pressure HPPT2 with HPPG2 (max 315 bar);;2;;;;01:00;
84:40;ALL/ MRL;CAUTION!;;2;;;;;
84:40;MRL;Open N2O Bottle 1;;2;;;;;
84:40;MRL/ EGSE;Check & compare pressure OxInPT 1 with OxInPG 1 (max 50 bar);;2;;;;02:00;
82:40;MRL;Open N2O Bottle 2;;2;;;;;
82:40;MRL/ EGSE;Check & compare pressure OxInPT 2 with OxInPG 2 (max 50 bar);;2;;;;02:00;
80:40;MRL;Insert Ignition Bridges B1 and B2 into EGSE;;2;;;;02:00;
78:40;MRL;Confirm Soundsignal from Ignition Umbilical;;2;;;;;
78:40;MRL;Close ComTerm & Go to Block House;;2;;;;;
78:40;MCC;Turn OFF MRL confirm lock;;2;;;;;
78:40;ALL;Inform OPS to clear Launch Pad (Tel.: [!!!]);;2;;;;2:00;
147:20;WIND;Start wind weighting analysis;;1;;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
68:40;KLP;Start Camera Karsten Lappöhn;;2;;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
130:40;EGSE;Confirm storage capacity of CRio is greater than 300MB;;1;;;;00:10;
127:00;OBDH;Confirm RNCEV is disabled;;1;;;;00:10;
68:40;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE Ox Fueling (PHASE RED);Ox Fueling (PHASE RED);3;;;;;
68:50;WIND;Report on weather situation;;1;;;;;
68:40;MCC;Announce end of Radio Silence;;3;;;;;
68:40;EGSE;Turn OFF EPS_BAT;;3;;;;;
126:50;OBDH/ TMTC;Confirm RF451-Link;;1;;;;00:20;
126:30;TMTC;Confirm GPS-lock;;1;;;;00:20;
126:10;TMTC;Confirm Telemega-Link;;1;;;;00:20;
125:50;OBDH;Test Connection to STX3;;1;;;;00:20;
125:30;OBDH;Confirm that STX3 Packages are received by email;;1;;;;00:30;
125:30;AVC;Turn on main TMTC screen;;1;;;;00:30;
125:30;MCC;Request Permission to begin fueling from OPS;;1;;;;03:00;
68:40;OBDH;Acknowledge start of Fueling;;3;;;;01:00;
67:40;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE to 50 Bar @ ROxTPT (stop every 10 bar & check ROxTBT & ROxTTT (approx. ambiente temp);;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 Bar to check ROxCV tightness;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE to more than 50 Bar @ RHPPT and confirm ROxTPT 50 Bar;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 is closed;;3;;;;;
67:40;OBDH;Open RDV SHORTLY, to check tightness @ RHPPT & ROxTPT (If leakages occur continue with Abort Procedure);;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open MPV1/2;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open & Close MPV3 STEPWISE to 50 Bar @ OxOutPT;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Close MPV1/2;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Check & compare OxOutPT with OxInPT1;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Check if RHPPT & ROxTPT more than OxInPT1, If less Open & Close HPV1;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Zero OxTank Mass;;3;;;;;
67:40;MCC;Write down Time;;3;;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open OxV1;;3;;;;04:00;
63:40;OBDH;Open & Close RDV STEPWISE until N2O bottle empty or 25kg OxTankMass, keep temperatures RDVT and RDVET above 10°C and Check delta ROxTPT and OxInPT1;;3;;;;30:00;
33:40;EGSE;Verify Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2;;1;;;;00:10;
33:40;EGSE;Verify Water Temperatures @ Ox@T1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10;
33:40;EGSE;Close OxV1;;3;;;;00:10;
33:30;EGSE;Check if Pressure rises in OxPT1, if Pressure rises relief via OxV1 or wait for Pressure relief valve;;3;;;;01:00;
32:30;EGSE;Check & compare OxOutPT with OxInPT2;;3;;;;;
32:30;EGSE;Check & compare RHPPT & ROxTPT 50 Bar and more than OxInPT2, If less Open & Close HPV1;;3;;;;;
32:30;EGSE;Open OxV2 ;;3;;;;;
32:30;OBDH;Open & Close RDV STEPWISE to 25kg OxTankMass, keep temperatures RDVT and RDVET above 10°C and Check delta OxTPT and OxInPT1;;3;;;;20:00;
12:30;EGSE;Close OxV2 ;;3;;;;00:10;
12:20;EGSE;Check if Pressure rises in OxPT2, if Pressure rises relief via OxV2 or wait for Pressure relief valve;;3;;;;01:00;
11:20;EGSE;Open OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar;;3;;;;;
11:20;OBDH;Check ROxCV for tightness @ ROxTPT;;3;;;;;
11:20;EGSE;Close OxDV;;3;;;;01:00;
10:20;EGSE;Write down OxTankMass;;3;;;;;
33:40;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON He_Heater if necessary) ;;1;;;;00:10;
10:20;MCC;Provide OxTankMass and temperature readings to Wind weighting station;;3;;;;00:30;
9:50;EGSE;Confirm OxV1 & OxV2 closed;;3;;;;;
9:50;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 Bar;;3;;;;;
9:50;EGSE;Decouple N2O coupling;;3;;;;00:20;
9:30;MCC;Confirm End of Oxidator Fueling to OPS;;3;;;;00:15;
9:20;WIND;Start wind weighting analysis;;1;;;;;
9:15;OBDH/ TMTC;Check RF451-Link;;3;;;;00:20;
8:55;TMTC;Check GPS-lock;;3;;;;00:20;
8:35;TMTC;Check Telemega-Link;;3;;;;00:20;
33:40;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON/OFF He_Heater if necessary) ;;1;;;;00:10;
8:15;MCC;HOLD (Last possible scheduled HOLD);HOLD;3;;;;;
8:15;OPS;Align MRL to Launch Trajectory;;3;;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn audio volume down;;3;;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn OFF ComTerm step delay;;3;;;;;
8:15;ALL;Talk through Ignition Sequence;;3;;;;;
8:15;MCC;Wait for OPS to confirm final MRL adjustment;;3;;;;;
8:15;WIND;Report on weather situation;;1;;;;;
8:15;AVC;Start Video recording in Block House;;3;;;;;
8:15;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON/OFF He_Heater if necessary) ;;1;;;;00:10;
8:15;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Switching to Internal Power Sequence;Switch to Internal Power;3;;;;;
8:15;EGSE;Turn OFF EPS_Ext (Switch to internal Power);;3;;;;00:20;
7:55;OBDH;Confirm EPS Voltages are within limits;;3;;;;00:10;
7:45;OBDH;Confirm RF451 Transmitting;;3;;;;00:05;
7:40;OBDH/ TMTC;Confirm RF451-Link;;3;;;;00:20;
7:20;TMTC;Confirm GPS-lock;;3;;;;00:20;
7:00;TMTC;Confirm Telemega-Link;;3;;;;00:20;
6:40;OBDH;Switch to PREARMED;;3;;;;00:10;
6:30;PYL;Confirm Payload is running;;3;;;;00:20;
6:30;PYL;Confirm BlackBox2 is ready for launch;;3;;;;;
6:10;AVC;Confirm that videorecording @ MCC is running;;3;;;;00:05;
6:05;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: High Pressure Fueling;High Pressure Fueling;3;;;;;
33:40;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON/OFF He_Heater if necessary) ;;1;;;;00:10;
6:05;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE until RHPPT 300 Bar or pressure equal to He Bottle 1;;3;;;;;
6:05;EGSE;Open & Close HPV2 STEPWISE until RHPPT 300 Bar ;;3;;;;;
6:05;EGSE;Open & close HPDV STEPWISE until HPLPT 0 Bar ;;3;;;;;
6:05;EGSE;Confirm HPDV closed;;3;;;;;
6:05;OBDH/ EGSE;Check for leakage & HPLPT 0 Bar & RHPPT 300 Bar ;;3;;;;02:00;
6:05;EGSE;Turn OFF He_Heater;;3;;;;;
4:05;OBDH;Acknowledge end of Fueling;;3;;;;00:10;
3:55;MCC;Confirm End of Fueling to OPS;;3;;;;00:20;
3:35;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Disconnecting Fueling Arm;Disconnecting Fueling Arm;3;;;;00:10;
3:25;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 & HPV2 closed;;3;;;;00:10;
3:15;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 Bar ;;3;;;;00:10;
3:05;EGSE;Decouple Helium coupling;;3;;;;00:20;
2:45;EGSE;Confirm Helium coupling is disconnected;;3;;;;00:10;
2:35;EGSE;Move fueling arm away from rocket;;3;;;;00:40;
1:55;MCC;Confirm Fueling Arm away to OPS;;3;;;;00:15;
1:40;MCC;Prepare for Launch;;3;;;;00:10;
1:30;OBDH;Confirm ready for launch;;3;;;;00:10;
1:20;EGSE;Confirm ready for launch;;3;;;;00:10;
1:10;MCC;Set Go/No-Go System to Go;;3;;;;00:10;
1:00;MCC;Wait for Authorization for Launch;;3;;;;00:00;
1:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ignition;Ignition Sequence;4;;;;00:10;
0:50;OBDH;T-50 ARM;;4;;;;00:05;
0:40;OBDH;T-40 Confirm all status indicators green;;4;;;;00:05;
0:30;OBDH;T-30 Disconnect from sbRio;;4;;;;00:30;
0:10;EGSE;T-10 Turn on Ignition Secure;;4;;;;00:07;
0:03;EGSE;T-3: Ignition;;4;;;;00:03;
0:00;OBDH;T+0: Verify RMOxOV Open (Launched);;4;;;;00:00;
0:00;EGSE;T+1: Turn OFF Ignition;;4;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;T+5: Turn OFF Ignition Secure;;4;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+20: Verify RMOxOV Closed and RMOxSV Open (Cruise);;4;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+50: Verify RNCEV Open (Drogue);;4;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+310: Verify Main Chute Deployed and RDV Open (Main);;4;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+600: Verify (Landed);;4;;;;;
68:40;MCC;Announce BEGIN of Radio Silence;;3;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Turn audio volume up;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, Close N2O Bottle 1 & N2O Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;RETURN to Block House;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, confirm OxInPG1 & OxInPG2 0 Bar, else RETURN to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Return to Block House;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT2 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to Testrig, confirm HPPG2 0 Bar, else return to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 1, THEN ...;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open ComTerm;;2;;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn ON ComTerm step delay;;3;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Pressure Check;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Take out B1 & B2 Bridges;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Data collection;Data collection;1;;;;;
0:00;AVC;Turn off GoPro & Camcorder & Stop Block House Video recording;;1;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Copy & save to new name;;1;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Wait for buffer storage process to be finished;;1;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;save data files from cRio to PC;;1;;;;;
0:00;WIND;Save data on external HDD;;1;;;;;
0:00;TMTC;Stop TMTC Vi and save data on external HDD;;1;;;;;
0:00;AVC;End audio recording;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Stop ComTerm and save logfile to external HDD, THEN...;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Restart ComTerm VI;;1;;;;;
0:00;AVC;Save video & audio data on external HDD;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;END OF PROCEDURE;End;1;;;;;
vers.;v4.23;Launch Procedure;;0;MRL;MCC;RdHill;Time per step
147:20;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Power on EGSE;Power on EGSE;1;;;;
147:20;WIND;Start wind weighting analysis;;1;;;;
147:20;EGSE;Check CLD connection;;1;;;;
147:20;EGSE;Switch ON CLD via Battery & check voltage (24 Volt);;1;;;;
147:20;EGSE;Switch ON the primary and secondary supply switches on the Control Panel;;1;;;;01:00
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_24V_20A & check voltage (ca. 27,2 Volt);;1;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_24V_10A & check voltage (ca. 27,2 Volt);;1;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_12V_10A & check voltage (ca. 13,8 Volt);;1;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Bat_24V_20A & check voltage (ca. 27,9 Volt);;1;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Bat_24V_10A & check voltage (ca. 27,9 Volt);;1;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Bat_12V_10A & check voltage (ca. 13,8 Volt);;1;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_24V_40A;;1;;;;
146:20;EGSE @MRL;Switch ON Sup_5V_10A;;1;;;;03:00
143:20;EGSE;Connect to cRio;;1;;;;
130:40;EGSE;Confirm storage capacity of cRio is greater than 300MB;;1;;;;00:10
143:20;EGSE;Start RT_VI;;1;;;;
143:20;EGSE;Open PID-VI and confirm it is running;;1;;;;
143:20;EGSE;Rename PID-Logfile;;1;;;;02:00
141:20;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Connect Data Umbilical;Connect Data Umbilical;1;;;;00:30
141:20;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;1;;;;
141:20;EGSL @MRL;Confirm ALL 8 Grounding bridges are inserted;;1;;;;
141:20;EGSL @MRL;Connect Data Umbilical;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Turn on EPS_BAT;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Turn on EPS_EXT;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Leave EPS_BAT inserted and remove the other 7 Grounding Bridges;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Insert EPS_EXT Fuse in Power Supply Control Panel;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm green LED at EPS_EXT Fuse is on;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Insert Main_Bus Fuse in Power Supply Control Panel;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm LED at Main_Bus Fuse is OFF. Else Pull fuse and insert all Grounding Bridges;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Set remaining Fuses (except Payload Fuse) and check for green LED;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Turn OFF EPS_BAT;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm Main bus LED is on.;;1;;;;
140:50;EGSE;Start EPS via EPS_ext;;1;;;;
140:50;OBDH;Clear SD-Card-using FileZilla FTP;;1;;;;01:00
139:50;OBDH;Connect to sbRio;;1;;;;
139:50;OBDH;Start RT_Main;;1;;;;
139:50;MRL;Confirm 3 beeps at OBC1;;1;;;;
139:50;OBDH;Open RT_Sub_HMI;;1;;;;
139:50;OBDH;Confirm Main Chute button is disabled;;1;;;;
139:50;EGSE @MRL;Insert Payload Fuse;;1;;;;
139:50;EGSE @MRL;Confirm green LED at Payload Fuse is on;;1;;;;
139:50;WIND;Report on weather situation;;1;;;;
139:50;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Connect Fueling arm;Connect Fueling Arm;1;;;;
139:50;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;1;;;;01:00
139:50;MRL;Confirm PPG 0 bar;;1;;;;
138:50;MRL;Remove Pneumatic Line from Fueling arm;;1;;;;
138:50;MRL;Move Fueling arm to rocket;;1;;;;
138:50;MRL;Couple Helium coupling;;1;;;;
138:50;MRL;Couple N2O coupling;;1;;;;
138:50;MRL;Reattach Pneumatic Line to Fueling arm;;1;;;;03:00
135:50;EGSE;BEGIN SEQUENCE: EGSE sensor and actuator test;EGSE sensor & actuator test;1;;;;
135:50;MCC;Confirm that video recording is enabled @ MCC;;1;;;;00:10
135:50;MRL;Confirm that Ignition Umbilical is disconnected;;1;;;;
135:40;OBDH;Check EPS hardware Voltages;;1;;;;00:10
135:30;EGSE;Start PID data recording;;1;;;;00:10
135:20;MRL;Close HPNV1;;1;;;;00:10
135:20;MRL;Close HPNV2;;1;;;;00:10
135:10;EGSE/ MRL;Switch OxDV to closed & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;00:10
135:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch HPDV to closed & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;00:10
134:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check warning lamp on HPSM;;1;;;;00:10
134:40;MRL;Remove loose equipment;;1;;;;03:00
131:40;EGSE;Activate Heizi;;1;;;;00:10
131:30;EGSE;Activate N2O_Heater 1;;1;;;;00:10
131:20;EGSE;Activate N2O_Heater 2;;1;;;;00:10
131:10;EGSE;Activate He_Heater;;1;;;;00:10
131:00;OBDH;Verify Heizi @ RDVT & RDVET;;1;;;;00:10
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10
130:30;EGSE;Deactivate Heizi;;1;;;;00:10
130:20;EGSE/ MRL;Check OxV1 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
130:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check OxV2 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
130:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check MPV3 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
129:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check HPV1 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
129:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check HPV2 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
129:30;EGSE/ MRL;Check MPV1/2 (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
129:20;EGSE/ MRL;Check RDV (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
129:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check RMOxOV (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
129:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check RMOxSV (CLD & RT_VI);;1;;;;00:10
128:50;OBDH;Activate Heizi;;1;;;;00:10
128:40;OBDH;Verify Heizi @ RDVT & RDVET;;1;;;;01:00
127:40;OBDH/ MRL;Check RDV;;1;;;;00:10
127:30;OBDH/ MRL;Check RNCEV;;1;;;;00:10
127:20;OBDH/ MRL;Check RMOxOV;;1;;;;00:10
127:10;OBDH/ MRL;Check RMOxSV;;1;;;;00:10
127:00;OBDH/ MRL;Disable RNCEV;;1;;;;00:10
125:00;MRL;Confirm MBV closed;;1;;;;
125:00;EGSE;Confirm that all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV);;1;;;;00:10
115:00;MRL/ EGSE;Check loadcell by applying force to it;;1;;;;00:20
114:40;OBDH;Check RHPPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check ROxTPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RIHPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RCCPT shows atmosphere;;1;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RBaro1 shows atmosphere;;1;;;;
114:40;OBDH;Check RBaro2 shows atmosphere;;1;;;;
114:40;EGSE;Check HPPT1 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;00:20
114:20;EGSE;Check HPPT2 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check HPLPT shows 0 bar;;1;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check OxInPT1 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check OxInPT2 shows 0 bar;;1;;;;
114:20;EGSE;Check OxOutPT shows 0 bar;;1;;;;00:20
114:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch on N2O coupling & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;
114:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch on He coupling & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;
114:00;EGSE/ MRL;Switch on swivle arm & check if magnetic valve LED is on;;1;;;;
114:00;EGSE;Switch off swivel arm & He coupling & N2O coupling;;1;;;;01:00
114:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ignition signal Test;Ignition signal Test;1;;;;01:00
113:00;MRL;Confirm that Ignition Umbilical is disconnected;;1;;;;
113:00;MRL;Connect Ignition test receptical;;1;;;;
113:00;EGSE @MRL;Plug in Bridges B1 and B2;;1;;;;
113:00;MRL;Confirm Soundsignal from Ignition Umbilical;;1;;;;
113:00;EGSE;Turn on Ignition Secure Switch;;1;;;;
113:00;EGSE/ OBDH;Turn on Ignition Switch for 2 Second & Confirm ignition signal received at sbRio & cRio;;1;;;;
113:00;EGSE;Confirm that Ignition Switch is switched OFF and secured;;1;;;;
113:00;EGSE;Turn off Ignition Secure Switch;;1;;;;
113:00;EGSE @MRL;Remove Bridges B1 and B2;;1;;;;
113:00;MRL;Remove Ignition test receptical;;1;;;;03:00
110:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ground segment pressure test (PHASE YELLOW) ;GSE Pressure Test;2;LuF, AlS, LeD: 1x Helm, 3x Ear protectors;ChB, FiH, JuL, LiA, MiS;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;2;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;2;;;;00:10
110:00;MRL;Confirm that all hatches are closed;;2;;;;01:00
109:00;MRL;Confirm He bottle 1 connector is attached;;2;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm He bottle 2 connector is attached;;2;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm N2O bottle 1 connector is attached;;2;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm N2O bottle 2 connector is attached;;2;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm hose between HPSM & N2OSM is connected on both ends;;2;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm hose between HPSM & Flight Segment is connected on both ends;;2;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm hose between N2OSM & Flight Segment is connected on both ends;;2;;;;
109:00;MRL;Confirm pneumatic hose is connected on both ends;;2;;;;02:00
107:00;MRL;Put on safety equipment;;2;;;;
107:00;MRL;Confirm MBV is closed;;2;;;;
107:00;MRL;Confirm HPNV1 is closed;;2;;;;
107:00;MRL;Confirm HPNV2 is closed;;2;;;;
107:00;MRL;Take positions to open He Bottle 1;;2;;;;
107:00;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 is closed;;2;;;;
107:00;EGSE;Confirm MPV1/2 is closed;;2;;;;
107:00;MRL;Open He Bottle 1;;2;;;;01:00
106:00;MRL;Check & compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1 (max 300 bar);;2;;;;
106:00;MRL;Check Gastech Silver HPPR1 (max 300 to 50 bar);;2;;;;
106:00;MRL;Check Harris PPR (50 to 8 bar);;2;;;;
106:00;MRL;Check pneumatic PPG (8 bar);;2;;;;
106:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;01:00
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close HPV1 SHORTLY & Check HPPT1;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE;Check HPPT1 300 Bar;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close HPV2 SHORTLY & Confirm HPPT2 0 bar;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close HPDV SHORTLY & Confirm HPLPT 0 bar;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close OxV1 SHORTLY;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close OxV2 SHORTLY;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close OxDV SHORTLY;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE/ MRL;Open & Close MPV3 SHORTLY;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open HPNV1 completely;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step Back;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;"Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE untile HPLPT equal to HPPT1 and check for leakage @HPLPT (If leakage occurs continue with ""GSE Passivation Procedure"")";;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;"Confirm RHPPT & RoxTPT 1 Bar (on Pressure continue with ""Rocket Passivation Procedure"")";;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;"Open & Close HPV2 STEPWISE untile HPPT2 equal to HPLPT and check for leakage @HPPT2 (If leakage occurs continue with ""GSE Passivation Procedure"")";;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV & confirm HPLPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV2 & confirm HPPT2 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE MPV1/2 to 50 Bar @ OxInPT1 & OxInPT2;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Confirm MPV1/2 closed;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE MPV3 to 0 Bar @OxOutPT;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Check OxInPT1 and OxInPT2 for leakage (If leakage occurs proceed to GSE passivation Procedure);;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Confirm MPV3 closed;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE OxV1 to 0 Bar @OxInPT1;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE OxV2 to 0 Bar @OxInPT2;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Close OxDV;;2;;;;
105:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;01:30
103:30;EGSE;Decouple N2O coupling;;2;;;;
103:30;EGSE;Decouple Helium coupling;;2;;;;00:20
103:10;EGSE;Move arm away from rocket;;2;;;;
103:10;EGSE;Move arm to rocket;;2;;;;01:00
102:10;MRL;Close He Bottle 1 and check HPSM for leakage (If leakage occurs continue with Passivation Procedure);;2;;;;01:00
101:10;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;
101:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1 0 Bar;;2;;;;
101:10;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;00:30
100:40;MRL;Open RMDV & relief pressure;;2;;;;
100:40;MRL;Close RMDV;;2;;;;
100:40;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;
100:40;MCC;EGSE @MRL to MRL;;1;;;;
100:40;EGSE;Switch OFF N20 coupling;;1;;;;
100:40;EGSE;Switch OFF He coupling;;1;;;;
100:40;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;1;;;;01:00
100:40;MRL;Confirm PPG 0 Bar;;1;;;;00:20
100:40;MRL;Release Pneumatic lines of couplings;;1;;;;00:20
100:20;EGSE;Confirm Fueling arm is switched OFF;;1;;;;
100:20;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT and HPLPT 0 bar;;1;;;;
100:20;MRL;Couple He coupling;;1;;;;00:30
99:50;MRL;Couple N2O coupling;;1;;;;00:30
99:50;MRL;Confirm He coupling is connected properly;;1;;;;
99:50;MRL;Confirm N2O coupling is connected properly;;1;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;1;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;1;;;;00:10
99:20;MRL;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Prime Rocket;Prime Rocket;2;;;;
99:20;EGSE;Turn ON EPS_BAT;;2;;;;01:00
99:20;MRL;Confirm working personel is grounded;;2;;;;01:00
99:20;MRL;Confirm all spring retracted hatches are moving freely;;2;;;;
98:50;MRL;Turn on GoPro Camera at end of Launch Rail;;2;;;;00:20
99:20;MRL;Connect Ignition Umbilical;;2;;;;00:30
98:30;MRL;Insert all EPS Bridges;;2;;;;03:00
95:30;MRL;Confirm Bridge Hatch is Secured;;2;;;;00:20
95:10;EGSE @MRL;return to MCC;;2;;;;
95:10;OPS;Elevate MRL to 90 degrees;;2;;;;05:00
89:40;EGSE;Zero OxTank Mass;;2;;;;01:00
88:40;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Fueling Preparations (PHASE YELLOW);Fueling Preparations;2;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;2;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;2;;;;00:10
127:40;OBDH;!!!Check RDV;;2;;;;00:10
127:30;OBDH;!!!Check RNCEV;;2;;;;00:10
127:20;OBDH;!!!Check RMOxOV;;2;;;;00:10
127:10;OBDH;!!!Check RMOxSV;;2;;;;00:10
127:00;OBDH;!!!Disable RNCEV;;2;;;;00:10
88:40;MRL;Put on safety equipment;;2;;;;00:30
10:10;MRL;Confirm HPNV1 is Open;;2;;;;
10:10;MRL;Confirm HPNV2 is Closed;;2;;;;
88:10;MRL;Open He Bottle 1;;2;;;;01:00
87:10;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;"Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE untile HPLPT equal to HPPT1 and check for leakage @HPLPT (If leakage occurs continue with ""GSE Passivation Procedure"")";;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;"Open & Close HPV2 STEPWISE untile HPPT2 equal to HPLPT and check for leakage @HPPT2 (If leakage occurs continue with ""GSE Passivation Procedure"")";;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV & Confirm HPLPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 is closed;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPV2 is closed;;2;;;;
10:10;MRL;Open HPNV2 1/8 Rev;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE;Open & Close STEPWISE MPV1/2 to 50 Bar @ OxInPT1 & OxInPT2;;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check & compare OxInPT1 with OxInPG1 based on Bottle temperature (max 50 bar);;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check & compare pressure OxInPT2 with OxInPG2 based on Bottle temperature (max 50 bar);;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check Temperature of N2O Bottle 1 @OxT1 & OxWT1 (max 22C);;2;;;;
87:10;EGSE/ MRL;Check Temperature of N2O Bottle 2 @OxT2 & OxWT2 (max 22C);;2;;;;01:30
85:40;MRL;Open He Bottle 2;;2;;;;
85:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check & compare pressure HPPT2 with HPPG2 (max 315 bar);;2;;;;01:00
84:40;ALL/ MRL;CAUTION!;;2;;;;
84:40;MRL;Open N2O Bottle 1;;2;;;;
84:40;MRL/ EGSE;Check & compare pressure OxInPT 1 with OxInPG 1 (max 50 bar);;2;;;;02:00
82:40;MRL;Open N2O Bottle 2;;2;;;;
82:40;MRL/ EGSE;Check & compare pressure OxInPT 2 with OxInPG 2 (max 50 bar);;2;;;;02:00
80:40;MRL;Insert Ignition Bridges B1 and B2 into EGSE;;2;;;;02:00
78:40;MRL;Confirm Soundsignal from Ignition Umbilical;;2;;;;
78:40;MRL;Close ComTerm & Go to Block House;;2;;;;
78:40;MCC;Turn OFF MRL confirm lock;;2;;;;
78:40;ALL;Inform OPS to clear Launch Pad (Tel.: [!!!]);;2;;;;02:00
147:20;WIND;Start wind weighting analysis;;2;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;2;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;2;;;;00:10
68:40;KLP;Start Camera Karsten Lappöhn;;2;;;;
130:50;EGSE/ MRL;Check Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2. If above 30C aknowledge high temperature. If above 35C enter HOLD;;2;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE/ MRL;Check Water Temperatures @ OxWT1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;2;;;;00:10
130:40;EGSE;Confirm storage capacity of CRio is greater than 300MB;;2;;;;00:10
127:00;OBDH;Confirm RNCEV is disabled;;2;;;;00:10
68:40;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE Ox Fueling (PHASE RED);Ox Fueling (PHASE RED);3;;;;
68:50;WIND;Report on weather situation;;3;;;;
68:40;MCC;Announce end of Radio Silence;;3;;;;
68:40;EGSE;Turn OFF EPS_BAT;;3;;;;
126:50;OBDH/ TMTC;Confirm RF451-Link;;3;;;;00:20
126:30;TMTC;Confirm GPS-lock;;3;;;;00:20
126:10;TMTC;Confirm Telemega-Link;;3;;;;00:20
125:50;OBDH;Test Connection to STX3;;3;;;;00:20
125:30;OBDH;Confirm that STX3 Packages are received by email;;3;;;;00:30
125:30;AVC;Turn on main TMTC screen;;3;;;;00:30
125:30;MCC;Request Permission to begin fueling from OPS;;3;;;;03:00
68:40;OBDH;Acknowledge start of Fueling;;3;;;;01:00
67:40;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE to 50 Bar @ ROxTPT (stop every 10 bar & check ROxTBT & ROxTTT (approx. ambiente temp);;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 Bar to check ROxCV tightness;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE to more than 50 Bar @ RHPPT and confirm ROxTPT 50 Bar;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 is closed;;3;;;;
67:40;OBDH;Open RDV SHORTLY, to check tightness @ RHPPT & ROxTPT (If leakages occur continue with Abort Procedure);;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open MPV1/2;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open & Close MPV3 STEPWISE to 50 Bar @ OxOutPT;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Close MPV1/2;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Check & compare OxOutPT with OxInPT1;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Check if RHPPT & ROxTPT more than OxInPT1, If less Open & Close HPV1;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Zero OxTank Mass;;3;;;;
67:40;MCC;Write down Time;;3;;;;
67:40;EGSE;Open OxV1;;3;;;;04:00
63:40;OBDH;Open & Close RDV STEPWISE until N2O bottle empty or 25kg OxTankMass, keep temperatures RDVT and RDVET above 10°C and Check delta ROxTPT and OxInPT1;;3;;;;30:00:00
33:40;EGSE;Verify Bottle Temperatures @ OxT1, OxT2, HPT2;;3;;;;00:10
33:40;EGSE;Verify Water Temperatures @ Ox@T1, OxWT2, HPWT2;;3;;;;00:10
33:40;EGSE;Close OxV1;;3;;;;00:10
33:30;EGSE;Check if Pressure rises in OxPT1, if Pressure rises relief via OxV1 or wait for Pressure relief valve;;3;;;;01:00
32:30;EGSE;Check & compare OxOutPT with OxInPT2;;3;;;;
32:30;EGSE;Check & compare RHPPT & ROxTPT 50 Bar and more than OxInPT2, If less Open & Close HPV1;;3;;;;
32:30;EGSE;Open OxV2 ;;3;;;;
32:30;OBDH;Open & Close RDV STEPWISE to 25kg OxTankMass, keep temperatures RDVT and RDVET above 10°C and Check delta OxTPT and OxInPT1;;3;;;;20:00
12:30;EGSE;Close OxV2 ;;3;;;;00:10
12:20;EGSE;Check if Pressure rises in OxPT2, if Pressure rises relief via OxV2 or wait for Pressure relief valve;;3;;;;01:00
11:20;EGSE;Open OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar;;3;;;;
11:20;OBDH;Check ROxCV for tightness @ ROxTPT;;3;;;;
11:20;EGSE;Close OxDV;;3;;;;01:00
10:20;EGSE;Write down OxTankMass;;3;;;;
33:40;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON He_Heater if necessary) ;;3;;;;00:10
10:20;MCC;Provide OxTankMass and temperature readings to Wind weighting station;;3;;;;00:30
9:50;EGSE;Confirm OxV1 & OxV2 closed;;3;;;;
9:50;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 Bar;;3;;;;
9:50;EGSE;Decouple N2O coupling;;3;;;;00:20
9:30;MCC;Confirm End of Oxidator Fueling to OPS;;3;;;;00:15
9:20;WIND;Start wind weighting analysis;;3;;;;
9:15;OBDH/ TMTC;Check RF451-Link;;3;;;;00:20
8:55;TMTC;Check GPS-lock;;3;;;;00:20
8:35;TMTC;Check Telemega-Link;;3;;;;00:20
33:40;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON/OFF He_Heater if necessary) ;;3;;;;00:10
8:15;MCC;HOLD (Last possible scheduled HOLD);HOLD;3;;;;
8:15;OPS;Align MRL to Launch Trajectory;;3;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn audio volume down;;3;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn OFF ComTerm step delay;;3;;;;
8:15;ALL;Talk through Ignition Sequence;;3;;;;
8:15;MCC;Wait for OPS to confirm final MRL adjustment;;3;;;;
8:15;WIND;Report on weather situation;;3;;;;
8:15;AVC;Start Video recording in Block House;;3;;;;
8:15;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON/OFF He_Heater if necessary) ;;3;;;;00:10
8:15;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Switching to Internal Power Sequence;Switch to Internal Power;3;;;;
8:15;EGSE;Turn OFF EPS_Ext (Switch to internal Power);;3;;;;00:20
7:55;OBDH;Confirm EPS Voltages are within limits;;3;;;;00:10
7:45;OBDH;Confirm RF451 Transmitting;;3;;;;00:05
7:40;OBDH/ TMTC;Confirm RF451-Link;;3;;;;00:20
7:20;TMTC;Confirm GPS-lock;;3;;;;00:20
7:00;TMTC;Confirm Telemega-Link;;3;;;;00:20
6:40;OBDH;Switch to PREARMED;;3;;;;00:10
6:30;PYL;Confirm Payload is running;;3;;;;00:20
6:30;PYL;Confirm BlackBox2 is ready for launch;;3;;;;
6:10;AVC;Confirm that videorecording @ MCC is running;;3;;;;00:05
6:05;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: High Pressure Fueling;High Pressure Fueling;3;;;;
33:40;EGSE;Verify He Bottle 2 Temperature @HPT2 & @HPWT2 (turn ON/OFF He_Heater if necessary) ;;3;;;;00:10
6:05;EGSE;Open & Close HPV1 STEPWISE until RHPPT 300 Bar or pressure equal to He Bottle 1;;3;;;;
6:05;EGSE;Open & Close HPV2 STEPWISE until RHPPT 300 Bar ;;3;;;;
6:05;EGSE;Open & close HPDV STEPWISE until HPLPT 0 Bar ;;3;;;;
6:05;EGSE;Confirm HPDV closed;;3;;;;
6:05;OBDH/ EGSE;Check for leakage & HPLPT 0 Bar & RHPPT 300 Bar ;;3;;;;02:00
6:05;EGSE;Turn OFF He_Heater;;3;;;;
4:05;OBDH;Acknowledge end of Fueling;;3;;;;00:10
3:55;MCC;Confirm End of Fueling to OPS;;3;;;;00:20
3:35;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Disconnecting Fueling Arm;Disconnecting Fueling Arm;3;;;;00:10
3:25;EGSE;Confirm HPV1 & HPV2 closed;;3;;;;00:10
3:15;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 Bar ;;3;;;;00:10
3:05;EGSE;Decouple Helium coupling;;3;;;;00:20
2:45;EGSE;Confirm Helium coupling is disconnected;;3;;;;00:10
2:35;EGSE;Move fueling arm away from rocket;;3;;;;00:40
1:55;MCC;Confirm Fueling Arm away to OPS;;3;;;;00:15
1:40;MCC;Prepare for Launch;;3;;;;00:10
1:30;OBDH;Confirm ready for launch;;3;;;;00:10
1:20;EGSE;Confirm ready for launch;;3;;;;00:10
1:10;MCC;Set Go/No-Go System to Go;;3;;;;00:10
1:00;MCC;Wait for Authorization for Launch;;3;;;;00:00
1:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Ignition;Ignition Sequence;3;;;;00:10
0:50;OBDH;T-50 ARM;;3;;;;00:05
0:40;OBDH;T-40 Confirm all status indicators green;;3;;;;00:05
0:30;OBDH;T-30 Disconnect from sbRio;;3;;;;00:30
0:10;EGSE;T-10 Turn on Ignition Secure;;3;;;;00:07
0:03;EGSE;T-3: Ignition;;3;;;;00:03
0:00;OBDH;T+0: Verify RMOxOV Open (Launched);;3;;;;00:00
0:00;EGSE;T+1: Turn OFF Ignition;;3;;;;
0:00;EGSE;T+5: Turn OFF Ignition Secure;;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+20: Verify RMOxOV Closed and RMOxSV Open (Cruise);;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+50: Verify RNCEV Open (Drogue);;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+310: Verify Main Chute Deployed and RDV Open (Main);;3;;;;
0:00;OBDH;T+600: Verify (Landed);;3;;;;
68:40;MCC;Announce BEGIN of Radio Silence;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;Turn audio volume up;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, Close N2O Bottle 1 & N2O Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;RETURN to Block House;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL, confirm OxInPG1 & OxInPG2 0 Bar, else RETURN to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 2, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Return to Block House;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT2 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to Testrig, confirm HPPG2 0 Bar, else return to Block House, THEN...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 1, THEN ...;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open ComTerm;;2;;;;
8:15;MCC;Turn ON ComTerm step delay;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm pressure HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Pressure Check;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Take out B1 & B2 Bridges;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Data collection;Data collection;1;;;;
0:00;AVC;Turn off GoPro & Camcorder & Stop Block House Video recording;;1;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Copy & save to new name;;1;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Wait for buffer storage process to be finished;;1;;;;
0:00;EGSE;save data files from cRio to PC;;1;;;;
0:00;WIND;Save data on external HDD;;1;;;;
0:00;TMTC;Stop TMTC Vi and save data on external HDD;;1;;;;
0:00;AVC;End audio recording;;1;;;;
0:00;MCC;Stop ComTerm and save logfile to external HDD, THEN...;;1;;;;
0:00;MCC;Restart ComTerm VI;;1;;;;
0:00;AVC;Save video & audio data on external HDD;;1;;;;

Can't render this file because it has a wrong number of fields in line 16.

View File

@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
vers.;v4.23;Passivation out of sequence Procedure;;2;mrl;mcc;rdh;time;t
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Prepare Passivation Sequence;Prepare Passivation;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC/MRL;Recall and make sure BOTH N2O Bottles & He Bottle 2 are still closed! Else continue with Abort Procedure;;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Inform OPS of Passivation out of sequence;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step Back/Leave MRL;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV);;2;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except RMOxSV);;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Passivation of GSE;Passivation of GSE;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open & Close OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open MPV3;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close MPV3;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV ;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT & HPPT2 0 bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Check RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar (If more: continue with Passivation of Rocket, else continue at Finish Passivation);;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN:Passivation of Rocket;Passivation of Rocket;2;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Open & Close stepwise RDV until RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Remove HP section maintenance cover;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open RMDV & Step Back, Wait until NCE-Tank is pressureless;;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Finish Passivation;Finish Passivation;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 1;;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC/MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Pressure Check;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;;
0:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;;
0:00;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;;
0:00;MCC;Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured;;1;;;;;
0:00;MCC;END OF PROCEDURE;End;1;;;;;
vers.;v4.23;Passivation out of sequence Procedure;;2;mrl;mcc;rdh;time
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Prepare Passivation Sequence;Prepare Passivation;2;;;;
0:00;MCC/MRL;Recall and make sure BOTH N2O Bottles & He Bottle 2 are still closed! Else continue with Abort Procedure;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;Inform OPS of Passivation out of sequence;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step Back/Leave MRL;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV);;2;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except RMOxSV);;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Passivation of GSE;Passivation of GSE;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open & Close OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open MPV3;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxOutPT 0 bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close MPV3;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open OxV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close OxDV ;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT 0 bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT & HPPT2 0 bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV2;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Check RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar (If more: continue with Passivation of Rocket, else continue at Finish Passivation);;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN:Passivation of Rocket;Passivation of Rocket;2;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Open & Close stepwise RDV until RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;OBDH;Confirm RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Remove HP section maintenance cover;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open RMDV & Step Back, Wait until NCE-Tank is pressureless;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;BEGIN SEQUENCE: Finish Passivation;Finish Passivation;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Go to MRL;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close He Bottle 1;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC/MRL;Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Step back;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Open HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Confirm HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPV1;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Close HPDV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE;Pressure Check;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Open MBV;;2;;;;
0:00;EGSE/ MRL;Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Close MBV;;2;;;;
0:00;MRL;Safety is ensured;;2;;;;
0:00;MCC;Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured;;1;;;;

1 vers. v4.23 Passivation out of sequence Procedure 2 mrl mcc rdh time t
2 0:00 MCC BEGIN SEQUENCE: Prepare Passivation Sequence Prepare Passivation 2
3 0:00 MCC/MRL Recall and make sure BOTH N2O Bottles & He Bottle 2 are still closed! Else continue with Abort Procedure 2
4 0:00 MCC Inform OPS of Passivation out of sequence 2
5 0:00 MRL Step Back/Leave MRL 2
6 0:00 EGSE Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except OxDV & HPDV) 2
7 0:00 OBDH Confirm all valve switches are in OFF position (Except RMOxSV) 2
8 0:00 MCC BEGIN SEQUENCE: Passivation of GSE Passivation of GSE 2
9 0:00 EGSE Open & Close OxDV STEPWISE until OxOutPT 0 Bar 2
10 0:00 EGSE Open OxDV 2
11 0:00 EGSE Open MPV3 2
12 0:00 EGSE Confirm OxOutPT 0 bar 2
13 0:00 EGSE Close MPV3 2
14 0:00 EGSE Open OxV1 2
15 0:00 EGSE Confirm OxInPT1 & OxOutPT 0 Bar 2
16 0:00 EGSE Close OxV1 2
17 0:00 EGSE Open OxV2 2
18 0:00 EGSE Confirm OxInPT2 & OxOutPT 0 Bar 2
19 0:00 EGSE Close OxV2 2
20 0:00 EGSE Close OxDV 2
21 0:00 EGSE Open HPDV 2
22 0:00 EGSE Confirm HPLPT 0 bar 2
23 0:00 EGSE Open HPV2 2
24 0:00 EGSE Confirm HPLPT & HPPT2 0 bar 2
25 0:00 EGSE Close HPV2 2
26 0:00 EGSE Close HPDV 2
27 0:00 OBDH Check RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar (If more: continue with Passivation of Rocket, else continue at Finish Passivation) 2
28 0:00 MCC BEGIN:Passivation of Rocket Passivation of Rocket 2
29 0:00 OBDH Open & Close stepwise RDV until RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar 2
30 0:00 OBDH Confirm RHPPT & ROxTPT 1 Bar 2
31 0:00 MRL Go to MRL 2
32 0:00 MRL Remove HP section maintenance cover 2
33 0:00 MRL Open RMDV & Step Back, Wait until NCE-Tank is pressureless 2
34 0:00 MCC BEGIN SEQUENCE: Finish Passivation Finish Passivation 2
35 0:00 MRL Go to MRL 2
36 0:00 MRL Close He Bottle 1 2
37 0:00 MCC/MRL Write down remaining Pressure of He Bottle 1 2
38 0:00 MRL Step back 2
39 0:00 EGSE Open HPDV 2
40 0:00 EGSE Open HPV1 2
41 0:00 EGSE Confirm HPLPT & HPPT1 0 Bar 2
42 0:00 EGSE Close HPV1 2
43 0:00 EGSE Close HPDV 2
44 0:00 EGSE Pressure Check 2
45 0:00 MRL Open MBV 2
46 0:00 EGSE/ MRL Check and compare pressure HPPT1 with HPPG1 2
47 0:00 MRL Close MBV 2
48 0:00 MRL Safety is ensured 2
49 0:00 MCC Confirm to OPS that Safety is ensured 1