OrderSprinter 1.3.0

This commit is contained in:
Geno 2020-11-19 23:02:08 +01:00
parent 0e8a91ecff
commit 40828e9b5b
36 changed files with 1276 additions and 106 deletions

readme.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
Liesmich - Readme:
Das Gesamtpaket "OrderSprinter" besteht aus verschiedenen Komponenten:
In diesem Unterverzeichnis befindet sich die Kernapplikation. Der Inhalt dieses Ordners muss auf den Webspace des Webservers kopiert werden. Siehe Installationsanleitung auf der Webseite.
Spider ist eine eigenständige Webapplikation, mit der man verschiedene OrderSprinter-Instanzen aus der Ferne überwachen kann. Siehe Installationsanleitung auf der Webseite.
In diesem Ordner befindet sich der Windows-Printserver. Er kann alleine oder in Kombination mit dem Javaprinter eingesetzt werden.
In diesem Ordner befindet sich der Java-Printserver. Er eignet sich für den Einsatz auf Linux-Systemen. Er kann alleine oder in Kombination mit dem Windows-Printserver eingesetzt werden.
Dieser Ordner enthält nützliche Skripte, die man zusätzlich einsetzen kann, z.B. Backup-Skripte.

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class Installer {
Database::createEmptyTables($pdo, $prefix);
Database::setRefreshRate($pdo,$prefix,"5"); // default: 5 times per hour
return array("status" => "OK","msg" => "Installation successful");

Binary file not shown.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.2.22">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.3.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

webapp/customers.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
<title>Ansicht Gäste</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v={VERSION}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/jquery.mobile-1.4.0.min.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/jquerymobiledatepicker/jquery.mobile.datepicker.css" />
<script src="php/3rdparty/jquerymobiledatepicker/jquery.mobile.datepicker.js"></script>
<script src="php/3rdparty/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="php/3rdparty/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/jqueryui1-11-4/jquery-ui.min.css" />
<script src="php/3rdparty/jqueryui1-11-4/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script src="php/3rdparty/jqueryui1-11-4/jquery-ui-i18n.min.js"></script>
<script src="utilities.js"></script>
<script src="elements/customers.js"></script>
var CUS_CUSTOMERS = ["Gäste...","Guests...", "Clientes..." ];
var CUS_GROUPS = ["Gruppen...","Groups...", "Grupos..." ];
var CUS_ADR_LABEL = ["Adresse:","Address:","Dirección:"];
var CUS_REMARK_LABEL = ["Bemerkung:","Remark:","Comentario:"];
var CUS_PHONE_LABEL = ["Telefon","Phone","Telefono"];
var CUS_MOBIL_LABEL = ['Mobil','Mobile','Móvil'];
var CUS_WWW_LABEL = ['Webseite','Home page', ' Página web'];
var CUS_ROOM_LABEL = ['Zimmer','Room','Habitación'];
var CUS_NEW_CUS_BTN = ["Gast anlegen","Create guest","Crear cliente"];
var CUS_EMPTY_NAME = ["Gästenamen nicht angegeben","Name of the guest not specified","Ningún nombre del cliente"];
var GROUP_EMPTY_NAME = ["Gruppenname nicht angegeben","Name of the group not specified","Ningún nombre del grupo"];
var CUS_ACTION_FAILED = ["Aktion fehlgeschlagen","Action failed","Error"];
var CUS_ALREADY_CUS_NAME = ["Der Kunde wurde angelegt. Allerdings gab es bereits %number% Kunden mit dem Namen.",
"The customer is created, although there have been already %number% customers with this name",
"El cliente esta creado aunque había sido ya %number% clientes con este nombre."];
var CUS_SEARCH_LABEL = ["Suche:","Search:","Buscar:"];
var CUS_APPLY = ["Anwenden","Apply","Aplicar"];
var CUS_DEL = ["Löschen","Delete","Removar"];
var CUS_DEL_TEXT = ["Diesen Gast unwiederbringlich aus der Datenbank löschen?","Delete this guest irretrievably from the data base?","Removar este cliente?"];
var GRP_DEL = ["Löschen","Delete","Removar"];
var GRP_DEL_TEXT = ["Diese Gruppe unwiederbringlich aus der Datenbank löschen?","Delete this group irretrievably from the data base?","Removar este grupo?"];
var CUS_CREATED = ["Erstellt","Created","Creado"];
var CUS_LAST_MODIFIED = ["Zuletzt geändert","Last modified","Cambio último"];
var CUS_GROUP_EXISTS = ["Eine Gruppe mit dem Namen existiert bereits.","A group with this name already exists.","Ya hay un grupo con este nombre."];
var CUS_GRP_ASS_LIST = ["Gruppenzuordnung","Group assignment","Grupos del cliente"];
var CUS_ALERT_TEXT_LEN = ["Text zu lang: ","Text too long: ","Texto tan largo: "];
var CUS_CONTAINED_IN_GRP = ["Gäste in dieser Gruppe","Guests in this group","Clientes en este grupo"];
var CUS_NEW_CUS_HEADER = ["Neuer Gast","New guest","Cliente nuevo"];
var CUS_CHECKIN_AFTER_OUT = ["Das Check-in-Datum liegt nach dem Check-out-Datum","Check-in date is after check.out date","Check-in despues Check-out"];
var CUS_VACATIONS = ["Aufenthalte","Stays","Estancias"];
var CUS_NEWVACATIONS = ["Neuer Aufenthalt","New Stay","Estancia nueva"];
var CUS_DATE = ["Anwesenheitsdatum","Customer present at","Cliente esta durante"];
var CUS_BILLS = ["Kassenbons","Receipts","Tiquetes"];
var CUS_BILLID = ["ID des Kassenbons","Bill id","ID del tiquet"];
var CUS_BILLDATE = ["Rechnungsdatum","Date of bill","Fecha de tiquet"];
var CUS_BILLBRUTTO = ["Betrag","Brutto","Pagar"];
var CUS_GUESTINFO = ["Angabe zum Gast","Guest info","Información del client"];
var CUS_DECLAREPAY = ["Deklariere bezahlt","Declare paid","Declarar pagado"];
var CUS_DECLAREUNPAY = ["Deklariere unbezahlt","Declare unpaid","Declarar no pagado"];
var CUS_PRINTBILL = ["Drucken","Print","Imprimir"];
var CUS_DECLARE_ALL_PAY = ["Alle als bezahlt deklarieren","Declare all as paid","Declarar todo pagado"];
var CUS_PRINT_ALL = ["Alle Bons drucken","Print all receipts","Imprimir todos los tiquetes"];
var CUS_FILTER_OPEN_BILLS = ["Filter Gäste mit offenen Rechnungen","Filter on customers with ooen bills","Filtrar clientes con tiquets non-pagados"];
var CUS_SEND_EMAIL = ["Email an alle Gruppenmitglieder senden","Send email to all group members","Enviar email a todos los miembros"];
var CUS_EMAIL_WARNING = ["Emails lassen sich nur versenden, wenn die Email-Konfiguration vorgenommen wurde","Emails can only be sent if the email configuration was done","Sólo puede enviar emails si la configuración es completada"];
var l = 0;
function setLanguage(language) {
l = language;
$(document).on("pageinit", "#info-page", function () {
<div data-role="page" id="info-page">
<div data-role="panel" id="modulepanel" data-position="right" data-display="overlay">
<ul data-role="listview" id="modulemenu" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">
<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">Module</li>
</div><!-- /panel -->
<div data-role="header" data-theme="b" data-position="fixed" id="theheader">
<h1><span id="reportttitletxt">Gäste</span> <img src="img/printerstatus.png" class="printerstatus" style="display:none;" /></h1>
<div data-type="horizontal" style="top:0px;position:absolute;float:right;z-index:10;display:inline;" align="right" class="ui-btn-right">
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-icon="arrow-d" data-ajax="false" id="menuswitch">Module</a>
<div data-role="content" id="content">
<div class="ui-grid-a" class="noprint">
<div class="ui-block-a"><button type="submit" data-theme="c" class="" data-icon="arrow-d" id="customersbtn">Gäste</button></div>
<div class="ui-block-b"><button type="submit" data-theme="c" class="" data-icon="arrow-d" id="groupsbtn">Gruppen</button></div>
<div id="customersarea" style="display:none;">
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label id="customersearchlabel" for="customersearch">Suche:</label>
<input id='customersearch' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="Name / Email" class="whiteinput" />
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="customeropenbills"><span id=customeropenbillstxt>Nur mit offenen Rechnungen</span>: </label>
<input data-role="date" data-inline="true" type="checkbox" id="customeropenbills" data-theme="a">
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="customerdate"><span id=customerdatetxt>Datum</span>: </label>
<input data-role="date" data-inline="true" type="text" id="customerdate" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="collapsible" id="newcustomerdiv" data-theme="d" data-content-theme="d">
<h3><span id="newguestheader">Neuer Kunde</span></h3>
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="newcustomername">Name:</label>
<input id='newcustomername' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="Name" class="whiteinput" />
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label id="newcusadrlabel" for="newcustomeraddress">Adresse:</label>
<textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="newcustomeraddress" id="newcustomeraddress" data-theme="a"></textarea>
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="newcustomerphone" id="newcusphonelabel">Tel.:</label>
<input id='newcustomerphone' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="E-Mail" class="whiteinput" />
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="newcustomermobil" id="newcusmobillabel">Handy:</label>
<input id='newcustomermobil' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="E-Mail" class="whiteinput" />
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="newcustomeremail">E-Mail:</label>
<input id='newcustomeremail' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="E-Mail" class="whiteinput" />
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="newcustomerwww">Homepage:</label>
<input id='newcustomerwww' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="E-Mail" class="whiteinput" />
<div data-role="fieldcontain" id="datepickerareacheckin">
<label for="newcustomercheckin"><span id=datetxtcheckin>Check-In</span>: </label>
<input data-role="date" data-inline="true" type="text" id="newcustomercheckin" data-theme="a">
<div data-role="fieldcontain" id="datepickerareacheckout">
<label for="newcustomercheckout"><span id=datetxtcheckout>Check-Out</span>: </label>
<input data-role="date" data-inline="true" type="text" id="newcustomercheckout" data-theme="a">
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="newcustomerroom" id="newcusroomlabel">Zimmer</label>
<input id='newcustomerroom' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="Zimmer" class="whiteinput" />
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label id="newcusremarklabel" for="newcustomerremark">Bemerkung:</label>
<textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="newcustomerremark" id="newcustomerremark" data-theme="a" ></textarea>
<button type="submit" data-theme="c" class="" data-icon="check" id="newcustomerbtn">Anlegen</button>
<div id="customersearchresult"></div>
<div id="groupsarea" style="display:none;">
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label id="groupsearchlabel" for="groupsearch">Suche:</label>
<input id='groupsearch' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="Name" class="whiteinput" />
<div data-role="collapsible" id="newgroupdiv" data-theme="d" data-content-theme="d">
<h3>Neue Gruppe</h3>
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="newgroupname">Name:</label>
<input id='newgroupname' type="text" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="Name" class="whiteinput" />
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label id="newgroupremarklabel" for="newgroupremark">Bemerkung:</label>
<textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="newgroupremark" id="newgroupremark" data-theme="a" ></textarea>
<button type="submit" data-theme="c" class="" data-icon="check" id="newgroupbtn">Anlegen</button>
<div id="groupsearchresult"></div>
<div data-role="footer" data-theme="b" id="thefooterr">
<div class="ui-grid-a">
<div class="ui-block-a userinfo" id="loggedinuser"></div>
<div class="ui-block-b grid_right" id="versioninfo"></div>
</div><!-- /grid-a -->
</div> <!-- footer -->
<!-- Dialog page -->
<div data-role="dialog" id="sure" data-title="Entfernen?">
<div data-role="content">
<h3 class="sure-1">?</h3>
<p class="sure-2">?</p>
<a href="#" class="sure-do" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-rel="back">Ja</a>
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="c" data-rel="back">Nein</a>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.2.22">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.3.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />

View File

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.2.22">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/numfield.css?v=1.2.22">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.3.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/numfield.css?v=1.3.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ function handleResultOfInstallCheck(is_installed) {
if (is_installed == "Yes") {
} else {
setTimeout(function(){document.location.href = "install.html?v=1.2.22"},500);
setTimeout(function(){document.location.href = "install.html?v=1.3.0"},500);

View File

@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
<tr id=updateline>
<td align=center>
<button id="updatebtn">Update -> 1.2.22</button>
<button id="updatebtn">Update -> 1.3.0</button>

View File

@ -1712,6 +1712,75 @@ return false;
function updateUserTable1222_1300($prefix, $version, $dbname) {
$pdo = $this->pdo;
try {
if ($version != "1.2.22") {
$ret = $this->updateUserTable1221_1222($prefix, $version, $dbname);
if (!$ret) {
echo "Version update v1.2.21 to 1.2.22 not successful.";
return false;
$sql = "INSERT INTO %payment% (id,name,name_en,name_esp) VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->basedb->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$stmt->execute(array('8', 'Gast','Guest','Cliente'));
$sql = "ALTER TABLE %user% ADD right_customers INT (1) NULL AFTER right_changeprice";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$sql = "UPDATE %user% SET right_customers=right_manager";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$sql = "ALTER TABLE %user% MODIFY right_customers INT (1) NOT NULL";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$this->execSql($pdo, "OPTIMIZE TABLE %user%");
$sql = "ALTER TABLE %histuser% ADD right_customers INT (1) NULL AFTER right_changeprice";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$sql = "UPDATE %histuser% SET right_customers=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$sql = "ALTER TABLE %histuser% MODIFY right_customers INT (1) NOT NULL";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$this->execSql($pdo, "OPTIMIZE TABLE %histuser%");
$sql = "ALTER TABLE %bill% ADD intguestid INT(10) NULL AFTER guestinfo";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$sql = "ALTER TABLE %bill% ADD intguestpaid INT(2) NULL AFTER intguestid";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$sql = "ALTER TABLE %bill% ADD FOREIGN KEY (intguestid) REFERENCES %customers%(id)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$this->execSql($pdo, "OPTIMIZE TABLE %bill%");
$sql = "INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->basedb->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$this->updateVersion($pdo, '1.3.0');
return true;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Error in v1.2.22 to 1.3.0: $e";
return false;
function setVersion($prefix,$theVersion) {
$pdo = $this->pdo;
try {
@ -1783,6 +1852,10 @@ $this->basedb->createProdTypeTable($pdo);
@ -1799,6 +1872,7 @@ $this->basedb->createQueueExtrasTable($pdo);
$rect = $this->getDefaultCustomRecTemplate();
$foodtemplate = $this->getDefaultWorkTemplateFood();
$drinktemplate = $this->getDefaultWorkTemplateDrinks();
@ -1831,7 +1905,7 @@ $this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VAL
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'billlanguage', $billlanguage)");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'currency', '$currency')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'receiptfontsize', '12')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'version', '1.2.22')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'version', '1.3.0')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'paymentconfig', '0')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'remoteaccesscode', null)");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'decpoint', '$decpoint')");
@ -1874,6 +1948,7 @@ $this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VAL
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'hscurrency', 'EUR')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'hs3refresh', '60')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'memorylimit', '256')");
$this->basedb->doSQL($pdo,"INSERT INTO `%config%` (`id` , `name`, `setting`) VALUES (NULL , 'restaurantmode', '1')");
// prepare for later inconsistency check if version is obsolete
@ -1941,25 +2016,25 @@ $stmt_insert_hist->execute(array($currentTime, $action, $refIdForHist));
function insertUser($username,$adminpass,$is_admin,$right_waiter,$right_kitchen,$right_bar,
$right_manager,$right_closing,$right_reservation,$right_rating,$lang,$prefertablemap) {
$md5adminpass = md5($adminpass);
$pdo = $this->pdo;
$userInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%user%` (`id` , `username` , `userpassword`, `is_admin`, `right_waiter`,`right_kitchen`,`right_bar`,`right_supply`,`right_paydesk`,`right_statistics`,`right_bill`,`right_products`,`right_changeprice`,`right_manager`,`right_closing`,`right_reservation`,`right_rating`,`language`,`prefertablemap`,`keeptypelevel`,`extrasapplybtnpos`,`active`) VALUES (NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'1','1')";
$userInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%user%` (`id` , `username` , `userpassword`, `is_admin`, `right_waiter`,`right_kitchen`,`right_bar`,`right_supply`,`right_paydesk`,`right_statistics`,`right_bill`,`right_products`,`right_changeprice`,`right_customers`,`right_manager`,`right_closing`,`right_reservation`,`right_rating`,`language`,`prefertablemap`,`keeptypelevel`,`extrasapplybtnpos`,`active`) VALUES (NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,'1','1')";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($userInsertSql));
$newUserIdForHist = $pdo->lastInsertId();
// now insert into hist
$sql_insert_histuser = "INSERT INTO %histuser% (`id` , `userid`, `username` ,
`is_admin`, `right_waiter`,`right_kitchen`,`right_bar`,`right_supply`,`right_paydesk`,
`right_statistics`,`right_bill`,`right_products`,`right_changeprice`,`right_manager`,`right_closing`,`right_reservation`,`right_rating`,`active`) VALUES (
`right_statistics`,`right_bill`,`right_products`,`right_changeprice`,`right_customers`,`right_manager`,`right_closing`,`right_reservation`,`right_rating`,`active`) VALUES (
$stmt_insert_histuser = $pdo->prepare($this->basedb->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql_insert_histuser));
$newRefIdForHist = $pdo->lastInsertId();
$this->insertIntoHist($pdo, '3', $newRefIdForHist);
@ -1984,6 +2059,8 @@ $stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->basedb->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$stmt->execute(array('6', 'Lastschrift','Debit','Cargo en cuenta'));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->basedb->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$stmt->execute(array('7', 'Hotelzimmer','Hotel room','Habitación'));
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->basedb->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$stmt->execute(array('8', 'Gast','Guest','Cliente'));
public function defineHistActions ($pdo) {
@ -2116,16 +2193,15 @@ $stmt->execute(array(6,76,22));
if ($workflow == 2) {
// only receipts - no views kitchen,bar,supply
$this->insertUser( $waiterTxt[$lang], $adminpass,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,$lang,1);
if ($level == 3) {
$this->insertUser($bossTxt[$lang],$adminpass ,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,$lang,1);
$this->insertUser( $bossTxt[$lang], $adminpass,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,$lang,1);
} else {
$this->insertUser( $waiterTxt[$lang], $adminpass,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,$lang,1);
if ($level == 3) {
$this->insertUser($cookTxt[$lang],$adminpass ,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$lang,1);
$this->insertUser($bossTxt[$lang],$adminpass ,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,$lang,1);
$this->insertUser( $cookTxt[$lang], $adminpass,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,$lang,1);
$this->insertUser( $bossTxt[$lang], $adminpass,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,$lang,1);
@ -2180,8 +2256,7 @@ if (!$ok) {
echo json_encode("Fehler: Ist OpenSSL richtig installiert?");
if(session_id() == '') {
@ -2211,7 +2286,7 @@ $zones[] = $timezone_identifiers[$i];
echo json_encode($zones);
} else if ($command == 'update') {
$installerVersion = "1.2.22";
$installerVersion = "1.3.0";
$admin = new InstallAdmin();
$pdo = $admin->openDbAndReturnPdo($_POST['host'],$_POST['db'],$_POST['user'],$_POST['password']);
@ -2242,7 +2317,7 @@ $supportedVersions = array("1.0.22","1.0.23","1.0.24","1.0.25","1.0.26","1.0.27"
"1.1.0","1.1.1","1.1.2","1.1.3","1.1.4","1.1.5","1.1.6","1.1.7","1.1.8", "1.1.9","1.1.10","1.1.11","1.1.12","1.1.13","1.1.14","1.1.15","1.1.16","1.1.17",
"1.2.0","1.2.1","1.2.2", "1.2.3", "1.2.4","1.2.5","1.2.6","1.2.7","1.2.8","1.2.9","1.2.10","1.2.11","1.2.12","1.2.13","1.2.14","1.2.15","1.2.16","1.2.17",
if (!in_array($version, $supportedVersions)) {
@ -2250,7 +2325,7 @@ echo json_encode("Quellversion nicht unterstützt");
$ret = $admin->updateUserTable1221_1222($_POST['prefix'], $version, $_POST['db']);
$ret = $admin->updateUserTable1222_1300($_POST['prefix'], $version, $_POST['db']);
if(session_id() == '') {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.2.22">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.3.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.2.22">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.3.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />
@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ var MAN_PRODUCTS = ["Angebot","Products","Productos"];
var MAN_RESERVATION = ["Reservierung","Reservation","Reserva"];
var MAN_RATING = ["Bewertung","Rating","Valoración"];
var MAN_CHANGEPRICE = ["Preisänderung während Bestellung","Change price during ordering","Modificar precio durante ordenar"];
var MAN_CUSTOMERS = ["Gäste","Guests","Clientes"];
var MAN_MANAGER = ["Verwaltung","Administration","Administración"];
var MAN_CLOSINGRIGHT = ["Tageserfassung","Closing","Cerrar día"];
var MAN_USER_NAME = ["Benutzername","User name","Nombre de usario"];
@ -311,6 +312,8 @@ var MAN_MOBILSECTION_TXT = ["Einstellungen für die Mobilansicht:","Settings for
var MAN_PRINT_AND_QUEUE = ["Drucke Jobs und zeige sie auch in der Küchen-/Baransicht an","Print jobs and show them also in the kitchen/bar view","Imprimir orders y también inserta en la vista de cocina/bar"];
var MAN_CASH = ["Kassenfunktion aktiviert","Enabled cash function","Caja activada"];
var MAN_BEEP_COOKED = ["Signalton, wenn neues Produkt serviert werden kann (experimentell)","Audio signal if new product can be served (experimental)","Señal audio si un producto nuevo esta cocinado"];
var MAN_RESTAURANT_MODE = ["Restaurantmodus","Restaurant mode","Usar para restaurantes"];
var MAN_REST_MODE_HINT = ["Hinweis: Wird der Restaurantmodus auf <i>Nein</i> gesetzt, wird in der <b>Desktopansicht</b> die Tischauswahl deaktiviert. Alle Produkte werden als Außer-Haus-Verkauf gebucht.","Hint: If the restautant mode is set to <i>no</i> in the <b>desktop view</b> the table selection is deactivated and all products are ordered as <i>to-go</i>","Nota: Si el modus del restaurante es configurado a <i>no</i> en la vista de <b>Desktop</b> la selección de las mesas es deactivada y todos los productos son ordenados como <i>to-go</i>"];
var MAN_SPECIAL_SETTINGS_TXT = ["Einstellungen für spezielle Abläufe:","Settings for special workflows:","Configuración para workflows muy escpeciales:"];
var MAN_ROOMCHANGE_WARNING = ["Alten Raumplan löschen und neuen festlegen? Bestellungen offener Tische gehen verloren!","Replace room map? Orders of open tables will be lost!","Sustituir mapa de mesas? Orders de mesas abiertas van a ser borradas!"];
@ -320,7 +323,7 @@ var MAN_HSOUTFILE = ["HS/3 Datei HS3CASH.OUT","HS/3 file HS3CASH.OUT","HS/3 file
var MAN_HSCURRENCY = ["HS/3 Währungsangabe","HS/3 Currency","HS/3 Moneda"];
var lang = 0;
var generalVals = [12,2,0,3,0,1,1,0,0,1, 0,50,20,10,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0];
var generalVals = [12,2,0,3,0,1,1,0,0,1, 0,50,20,10,1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1];
var numberOfClosings = 0;
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@ var generalValuesSettings = [
@ -504,6 +508,8 @@ function setLanguage(l) {
function createMonthSelection(label) {
@ -608,6 +614,7 @@ function insertGeneralConfigItems(configResult) {
var language = values.billlanguage;
generalVals[2] = language;
@ -654,6 +661,7 @@ function insertGeneralConfigItems(configResult) {
generalVals[20] = values.cashenabled;
generalVals[21] = values.beepcooked;
generalVals[22] = values.hotelinterface;
generalVals[23] = values.restaurantmode;
@ -809,6 +817,9 @@ function createCash(theValue) {
function createBeepCooked(theValue) {
return createYesNo("beepcooked",MAN_BEEP_COOKED, theValue);
function createRestaurantmode(theValue) {
return createYesNo("restaurantmode",MAN_RESTAURANT_MODE, theValue);
function createYesNo(label,nameOnGui,theValue) {
var html = '<div class="ui-field-contain">';
@ -1742,7 +1753,7 @@ function createLabelWithOption(aLabel,displayedName,hasTheRight) {
* the username and the rights that the user has to work in the
* various modules.
function createCollapsibeOfUser(id,username,isAdmin,rWaiter,rKitchen,rBar,rSupply,rPay,rStat,rBill,rProd,rReservation,rRating,rChangeprice,rClosing, rManager,forNewUser) {
function createCollapsibeOfUser(id,username,isAdmin,rWaiter,rKitchen,rBar,rSupply,rPay,rStat,rBill,rProd,rReservation,rRating,rChangeprice,rCustomers,rClosing, rManager,forNewUser) {
var collapsiblePart = '<div data-role="collapsible" id="' + id + '"';
if (forNewUser) {
collapsiblePart += ' data-theme="d" data-content-theme="d">';
@ -1767,6 +1778,7 @@ function createCollapsibeOfUser(id,username,isAdmin,rWaiter,rKitchen,rBar,rSuppl
collapsiblePart += createLabelWithOption("reservation",MAN_RESERVATION[lang],rReservation);
collapsiblePart += createLabelWithOption("rating",MAN_RATING[lang],rRating);
collapsiblePart += createLabelWithOption("changeprice",MAN_CHANGEPRICE[lang],rChangeprice);
collapsiblePart += createLabelWithOption("customers",MAN_CUSTOMERS[lang],rCustomers);
collapsiblePart += createLabelWithOption("closingright",MAN_CLOSINGRIGHT[lang],rClosing);
collapsiblePart += createLabelWithOption("manager",MAN_MANAGER[lang],rManager);
@ -1804,6 +1816,7 @@ function fillUserListIntoGui(userinfo) {
aUser.right_reservation == 1,
aUser.right_rating == 1,
aUser.right_changeprice == 1,
aUser.right_customers == 1,
aUser.right_closing == 1,
aUser.right_manager == 1,
@ -1813,7 +1826,7 @@ function fillUserListIntoGui(userinfo) {
userPart += createCollapsibeOfUser(
@ -1855,6 +1868,7 @@ function dynamicUserBinding() {
var rReservation = newUserInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_reservation").val();
var rRating = newUserInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_rating").val();
var rChangeprice = newUserInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_changeprice").val();
var rCustomers = newUserInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_customers").val();
var rManager = newUserInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_manager").val();
var rClosing = newUserInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_closingright").val();
@ -1876,6 +1890,7 @@ function dynamicUserBinding() {
rReservation: rReservation,
rRating: rRating,
rChangeprice : rChangeprice,
rCustomers: rCustomers,
rManager: rManager,
rClosing: rClosing
@ -1901,6 +1916,7 @@ function dynamicUserBinding() {
var rReservation = userInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_reservation").val();
var rRating = userInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_rating").val();
var rChangeprice = userInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_changeprice").val();
var rCustomers = userInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_customers").val();
var rManager = userInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_manager").val();
var rClosing = userInfoContainer.find("#userlabel_closingright").val();
@ -1918,6 +1934,7 @@ function dynamicUserBinding() {
rReservation: rReservation,
rRating: rRating,
rChangeprice: rChangeprice,
rCustomers: rCustomers,
rManager: rManager,
rClosing: rClosing
@ -2491,6 +2508,10 @@ $(document).on("pageinit", "#admin-page", function () {
<label for="remoteaccesscode">Fernzugriffscode:</label>
<input type="password" value="" data-mini="true" id="remoteaccesscode" class="genConfigEl"/>
<div id="partOfRestaurantmode"></div>
<i id=restmodehint style="padding-left: 50px;padding-right: 50px;">Hinweis: siehe Anleitung</i>
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<label for="companyinfo">Betriebsinfo:</label>
<textarea cols="40" rows="8" name="companyinfo" id="companyinfo" class="genConfigEl"></textarea>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ class Admin {
$rights = array($zeile['is_admin'],$zeile['right_waiter'],$zeile['right_kitchen'],
$right_rating = $zeile['right_rating'];
@ -460,6 +460,7 @@ class Admin {
$_SESSION['right_products'] = false;
$_SESSION['right_reservation'] = false;
$_SESSION['right_changeprice'] = false;
$_SESSION['right_customers'] = false;
$_SESSION['right_manager'] = false;
$_SESSION['right_closing'] = false;
$_SESSION['keeptypelevel'] = false;
@ -482,6 +483,7 @@ class Admin {
$_SESSION['right_reservation'] = ($zeile['right_reservation'] == 1 ? true : false);
$_SESSION['right_rating'] = ($zeile['right_rating'] == 1 ? true : false);
$_SESSION['right_changeprice'] = ($zeile['right_changeprice'] == 1 ? true : false);
$_SESSION['right_customers'] = ($zeile['right_customers'] == 1 ? true : false);
$_SESSION['right_manager'] = ($zeile['right_manager'] == 1 ? true : false);
$_SESSION['right_closing'] = ($zeile['right_closing'] == 1 ? true : false);
$_SESSION['keeptypelevel'] = ($zeile['keeptypelevel'] == 1 ? true : false);
@ -490,7 +492,7 @@ class Admin {
$this->userrights->setSession($_SESSION['is_admin'], $_SESSION['right_waiter'], $_SESSION['right_kitchen'],
$_SESSION['right_bar'], $_SESSION['right_supply'], $_SESSION['right_paydesk'], $_SESSION['right_statistics'],
$_SESSION['right_bill'], $_SESSION['right_products'], $_SESSION['right_reservation'], $_SESSION['right_rating'],
$_SESSION['right_changeprice'], $_SESSION['right_manager'], $_SESSION['right_closing']);
$_SESSION['right_changeprice'], $_SESSION['right_customers'],$_SESSION['right_manager'], $_SESSION['right_closing']);
$assoc = array ("0" => "roombtnsize","1" => "tablebtnsize","2" => "prodbtnsize");
@ -719,7 +721,7 @@ class Admin {
$configItems = join(",",array("'decpoint'","'version'","'cancelunpaidcode'","'tax'","'togotax'","'taxaustrianormal'","'taxaustriaerm1'","'taxaustriaerm2'","'taxaustriaspecial'","'currency'","'workflowconfig'","'prominentsearch'","'discount1'","'discount2'","'discount3'","'waitergopayprint'","'cashenabled'"));
$configItems = join(",",array("'decpoint'","'version'","'cancelunpaidcode'","'tax'","'togotax'","'taxaustrianormal'","'taxaustriaerm1'","'taxaustriaerm2'","'taxaustriaspecial'","'currency'","'workflowconfig'","'prominentsearch'","'discount1'","'discount2'","'discount3'","'waitergopayprint'","'cashenabled'","'restaurantmode'"));
$sql = "select name,setting FROM %config% WHERE name in ($configItems)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
@ -811,6 +813,7 @@ class Admin {
$printandqueuejobs = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo,"printandqueuejobs",0);
$cashenabled = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo,"cashenabled",1);
$beepcooked = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo,"beepcooked",0);
$restaurantmode = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo,"restaurantmode",1);
$smtphost = "";
$smtpauth = 1;
@ -864,7 +867,7 @@ class Admin {
"austria" => $austria, "digigopaysetready" => $digigopaysetready, "waitergopayprint" => $waitergopayprint, "oneprodworkreceipts" => $oneprodworkreceipts,
"digiprintwork" => $digiprintwork, "memorylimit" => $memorylimit, "hs3refresh" => $hs3refresh,
"paydeskid" => $paydeskid, "aeskey" => $aeskey, "certificatesn" => $certificatesn, "addreceipttoprinter" => $addreceipttoprinter,
"printandqueuejobs" => $printandqueuejobs, "cashenabled" => $cashenabled, "beepcooked" => $beepcooked
"printandqueuejobs" => $printandqueuejobs, "cashenabled" => $cashenabled, "beepcooked" => $beepcooked,"restaurantmode" => $restaurantmode
if ($forHtml) {
@ -889,7 +892,7 @@ class Admin {
$rights = array($_SESSION['is_admin'],$_SESSION['right_waiter'],$_SESSION['right_kitchen'],
$right_rating = $_SESSION['right_rating'];
if (self::isOnlyRatingUser($rights, $right_rating, true)) {
@ -936,6 +939,7 @@ class Admin {
"products.html" => 'right_products',
"reservation.html" => 'right_reservation',
"rating.html" => 'right_rating',
"customers.html" => 'right_customers',
"waiterdesktop.php" => 'right_waiter'
@ -956,7 +960,7 @@ class Admin {
$view = "preferences.html";
echo json_encode($view . "?v=1.2.22");
echo json_encode($view . "?v=1.3.0");
@ -1151,35 +1155,37 @@ class Admin {
$bontxt = array("Kassenbons","Receipts","Tiques");
$stattxt = array("Statistik","Statistics","Estadisticas");
$ratingtxt = array("Bewertung","Rating","Valoración");
$customerstxt = array("Gäste","Guests","Clientes");
$logout = array("Abmelden","Log out","Adios");
$rights = array($_SESSION['is_admin'],$_SESSION['right_waiter'],$_SESSION['right_kitchen'],
$right_rating = $_SESSION['right_rating'];
if (!self::isOnlyRatingUser($rights, $right_rating, true)) {
if ($_SESSION['modus'] == 0) {
if ($_SESSION['right_waiter']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $waitertxt[$lang], "link" => "waiter.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_waiter']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $waitertxt[$lang], "link" => "waiter.html?v=1.3.0"); };
} else {
if ($_SESSION['right_waiter']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $waiterdesktxt[$lang], "link" => "waiterdesktop.php?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_waiter']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $waiterdesktxt[$lang], "link" => "waiterdesktop.php?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_kitchen']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $kitchentxt[$lang], "link" => "kitchen.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_bar']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => "Bar", "link" => "bar.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_supply']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $supplytxt[$lang], "link" => "supplydesk.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_kitchen']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $kitchentxt[$lang], "link" => "kitchen.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_bar']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => "Bar", "link" => "bar.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_supply']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $supplytxt[$lang], "link" => "supplydesk.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['modus'] == 0) {
if ($_SESSION['right_paydesk']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $paydesktxt[$lang], "link" => "paydesk.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_paydesk']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $paydesktxt[$lang], "link" => "paydesk.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_statistics']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $stattxt[$lang], "link" => "reports.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_bill']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $bontxt[$lang], "link" => "bill.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_products']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $prodtxt[$lang], "link" => "products.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_reservation']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $restxt[$lang], "link" => "reservation.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_rating']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $ratingtxt[$lang], "link" => "rating.html?v=1.2.22"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_manager'] || $_SESSION['is_admin'] || $_SESSION['right_closing']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $admintxt[$lang], "link" => "manager.html?v=1.2.22"); };
$mainMenu[] = array("name" => $settingtxt[$lang], "link" => "preferences.html?v=1.2.22");
$mainMenu[] = array("name" => "Feedback", "link" => "feedback.html?v=1.2.22");
if ($_SESSION['right_statistics']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $stattxt[$lang], "link" => "reports.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_bill']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $bontxt[$lang], "link" => "bill.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_products']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $prodtxt[$lang], "link" => "products.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_reservation']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $restxt[$lang], "link" => "reservation.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_rating']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $ratingtxt[$lang], "link" => "rating.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_customers']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $customerstxt[$lang], "link" => "customers.html?v=1.3.0"); };
if ($_SESSION['right_manager'] || $_SESSION['is_admin'] || $_SESSION['right_closing']) { $mainMenu[] = array("name" => $admintxt[$lang], "link" => "manager.html?v=1.3.0"); };
$mainMenu[] = array("name" => $settingtxt[$lang], "link" => "preferences.html?v=1.3.0");
$mainMenu[] = array("name" => "Feedback", "link" => "feedback.html?v=1.3.0");
$mainMenu[] = array("name" => $logout[$lang], "link" => "logout.php");
@ -1188,7 +1194,7 @@ class Admin {
$waiterMessage = $this->getMessage(null, "waitermessage");
// CAUTION: change version also in config.txt!!!
$mainMenuAndVersion = array ("version" => "OrderSprinter 1.2.22",
$mainMenuAndVersion = array ("version" => "OrderSprinter 1.3.0",
"user" => $currentUser,
"menu" => $mainMenu,
"waitermessage" => $waiterMessage,
@ -1222,6 +1228,16 @@ class Admin {
private function getGuestInfo($pdo) {
try {
$sql = "SELECT %customers%.id as id,%customers%.id as object,CONCAT(IFNULL(name,''),' - ',IFNULL(room,'')) as guest FROM %customers%,%vacations% where %customers%.id=%vacations%.customerid AND ((checkin <= CURDATE()) AND (CURDATE() <= checkout)) GROUP BY id";
$guests = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, null);
return(array("status" => "OK","guests" => $guests));
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return(array("status" => "ERROR"));
function getUserList() {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM %user% WHERE active='1' ORDER BY is_admin";
@ -1354,8 +1370,9 @@ class Admin {
$hotelinfo = $this->getHotelInfo($pdo);
$internalguests = $this->getGuestInfo($pdo);
echo json_encode(array("payments" => $retArray, "hotelinterface" => $hotelinfo["hotelinterface"],"guests" => $hotelinfo["guests"]));
echo json_encode(array("payments" => $retArray, "hotelinterface" => $hotelinfo["hotelinterface"],"guests" => $hotelinfo["guests"],"internalguests" => $internalguests["guests"]));
function sendJsonValueFromConfigTable($pdo,$whichValue) {
@ -1455,6 +1472,7 @@ class Admin {
"printandqueuejobs" => array("dbcol" => "printandqueuejobs","checknum" => 0),
"cashenabled" => array("dbcol" => "cashenabled","checknum" => 0),
"beepcooked" => array("dbcol" => "beepcooked","checknum" => 0),
"restaurantmode" => array("dbcol" => "restaurantmode","checknum" => 0),
"smtphost" => array("dbcol" => "smtphost","checknum" => 0),
"smtpauth" => array("dbcol" => "smtpauth","checknum" => 1),
"smtpuser" => array("dbcol" => "smtpuser","checknum" => 0),
@ -1840,11 +1858,11 @@ class Admin {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
echo("Eintragsid; Datum ; Benutzerid; Benutzername; Adminrechte; Kellnerrechte;Kuechenrechte; Barrechte; Bereitstellungsrechte; Kassenrechte; Reportrechte; Kassenbonrechte; Angebotsrechte; Beurteilungsrechte; Preisänderungsrechte; Tageserfassungsrecht; Managerrechte; Aktiviert\n");
echo("Eintragsid; Datum ; Benutzerid; Benutzername; Adminrechte; Kellnerrechte;Kuechenrechte; Barrechte; Bereitstellungsrechte; Kassenrechte; Reportrechte; Kassenbonrechte; Angebotsrechte; Beurteilungsrechte; Preisänderungsrechte; Gästerechte; Tageserfassungsrecht; Managerrechte; Aktiviert\n");
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT %hist%.id as id,date,";
$sql .= "userid,username,is_admin,right_waiter,right_kitchen,right_bar,right_supply,";
$sql .= "right_paydesk,right_statistics,right_bill,right_products,right_rating,right_changeprice,right_closing,right_manager,active,";
$sql .= "right_paydesk,right_statistics,right_bill,right_products,right_rating,right_changeprice,right_customers,right_closing,right_manager,active,";
$sql .= "description ";
$sql .= " FROM %hist%, %histuser%, %histactions% ";
$sql .= " WHERE (refid=%histuser%.id) ";
@ -1872,13 +1890,14 @@ class Admin {
$val13 = ($zeile['right_products'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val14 = ($zeile['right_rating'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val15 = ($zeile['right_changeprice'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val16 = ($zeile['right_closing'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val17 = ($zeile['right_manager'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val18 = ($zeile['active'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val19 = $zeile['description'];
$val16 = ($zeile['right_customers'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val17 = ($zeile['right_closing'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val18 = ($zeile['right_manager'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val19 = ($zeile['active'] == '1' ? "Ja" : "Nein");
$val20 = $zeile['description'];
echo "$val1; $val2; $val3; $val4; $val5; $val6; $val7; $val8; $val9; $val10;";
echo "$val11;$val12;$val13;$val14;$val15;$val16;$val17;$val18;$val19\n";
echo "$val11;$val12;$val13;$val14;$val15;$val16;$val17;$val18;$val19;$val20\n";
@ -1913,12 +1932,14 @@ class Admin {
private function getAllTablesToBackupRestore() {
return array("closing","logo","printjobs","ratings","work","payment","room","resttables","tablepos","tablemaps","pricelevel","prodtype","products","config",
private function getAllWithLogsTablesToBackupRestore() {
return array("log","closing","logo","printjobs","ratings","work","payment","room","resttables","tablepos","tablemaps","pricelevel","prodtype","products","config",
public function backup($theType,$remoteaccesscode) {
@ -2288,6 +2309,12 @@ class Admin {
self::doSql($pdo, "DELETE FROM %resttables% WHERE removed is not null", null);
self::doSql($pdo, "DELETE FROM %room% WHERE removed is not null", null);
self::doSql($pdo, "DELETE FROM %reservations%", null);
self::doSql($pdo, "DELETE FROM %groupcustomer%", null);
self::doSql($pdo, "DELETE FROM %vacations%", null);
self::doSql($pdo, "DELETE FROM %groups%", null);
self::doSql($pdo, "DELETE FROM %customers%", null);
echo json_encode(array("status" => "OK"));
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_COMMAND_ERROR, "msg" => ERROR_COMMAND_ERROR_MSG . " - Error message: $e"));

View File

@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ class Bill {
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$pdo = $this->dbutils->openDbAndReturnPdo();
CommonUtils::log($pdo, "QUEUE", "Cash action with money '$money' at billtime '$currentTime'");
$sql = "SELECT sum(brutto) as bruttosum FROM %bill% WHERE closingid is null AND paymentid='1'";
@ -378,6 +379,7 @@ class Bill {
if (trim($money) == '') {
$money = '0.00';
CommonUtils::log($pdo, "QUEUE", "Calc bill signature for cash money '$money' at billtime '$currentTime'");
$signature = $commonUtils->calcSignatureForBill($pdo,$currentTime, $money, $money, 0.0, $userId);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`tax`,`tableid`, `status`, `paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`reason`,`signature`) VALUES ( ?, ? , ?,?,?, ?, 'c', ?,?,?,?,?)";
@ -554,7 +556,7 @@ class Bill {
$ids[] = $anId["queueid"];
$sql = "SELECT brutto,netto,tableid,paymentid,tax,reservationid,guestinfo FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$sql = "SELECT brutto,netto,tableid,paymentid,tax,reservationid,guestinfo,intguestid,intguestpaid FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
@ -566,14 +568,14 @@ class Bill {
$this->recreateBill($pdo, $ids, $row->brutto, $row->netto, $row->tableid, $row->paymentid, $row->tax, 1-$isNowHost,$row->reservationid,$row->guestinfo);
$this->recreateBill($pdo, $ids, $row->brutto, $row->netto, $row->tableid, $row->paymentid, $row->tax, 1-$isNowHost,$row->reservationid,$row->guestinfo,$row->intguestid,$row->intguestpaid);
echo json_encode(array("status" => "OK", "code" => OK));
function recreateBill($pdo,$ids_array,$brutto,$netto,$tableid,$paymentId,$tax,$host,$reservationid,$guestinfo) {
function recreateBill($pdo,$ids_array,$brutto,$netto,$tableid,$paymentId,$tax,$host,$reservationid,$guestinfo,$intguestid,$intguestpaid) {
$userid = $this->getUserId();
@ -600,9 +602,9 @@ class Bill {
// now calculate the signature for the bill entry
$signature = $commonUtils->calcSignatureForBill($pdo,$currentTime, $brutto, $netto, '0.00', $userid);
$billInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`tableid`,`paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`tax`,`host`,`reservationid`,`guestinfo`,`signature`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,NULL,?,?,?,?)";
$billInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`tableid`,`paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`tax`,`host`,`reservationid`,`guestinfo`,`intguestid`,`intguestpaid`,`signature`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($billInsertSql));
$newBillId = $pdo->lastInsertId();
// now declare them all to be paid:
@ -663,7 +665,7 @@ class Bill {
// is the bill already closed? In this case no cancel is allowed!
$sql = "SELECT brutto,netto,tax,tableid,closingid,status,paymentid,reservationid,guestinfo FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$sql = "SELECT brutto,netto,tax,tableid,closingid,status,paymentid,reservationid,guestinfo,intguestid,intguestpaid FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
@ -680,10 +682,10 @@ class Bill {
$paymentid = $row->paymentid;
$reservationid = $row->reservationid;
$guestinfo = $row->guestinfo;
$intguestpaid = $row->intguestpaid;
if (!is_null($closingId) || ($status == 's') || ($status == 'x')) {
// no cancel possible anymore!
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
@ -697,6 +699,16 @@ class Bill {
return false;
if (!is_null($intguestpaid)) {
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_CUSTOMER_PAID, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_CUSTOMER_PAID_MSG));
return false;
// is bill correct with signature?
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$correct = $commonUtils->verifyBill($pdo, $billid);
@ -764,9 +776,9 @@ class Bill {
$stmt->execute(array($row->brutto + $row->prevbrutto + $stornval,$row->netto + $row->prevnetto + $stornonettoval,$refIdOfStornoEntry));
// 3. mark bill as part of storno
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET status='x', closingid=null, ref=? WHERE id=?";
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET status='x', closingid=null, ref=?, intguestid=?,intguestpaid=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
if (!is_null($reason) && ($reason != "")) {
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET reason=? WHERE id=?";

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ require_once ('printqueue.php');
require_once ('feedback.php');
require_once ('reservation.php');
require_once ('rating.php');
require_once ('customers.php');
require_once ('commonutils.php');
require_once ('utilities/Logger.php');
@ -65,6 +66,9 @@ if ($module == 'admin') {
} else if ($module == 'rating') {
$rating = new Rating();
} else if ($module == 'customers') {
$rating = new Customers();

webapp/php/customers.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
// Datenbank-Verbindungsparameter
require_once ('dbutils.php');
require_once ('commonutils.php');
require_once ('admin.php');
require_once ('reports.php');
require_once ('utilities/pdfexport.php');
require_once ('utilities/Emailer.php');
require_once ('3rdparty/phpexcel/classes/PHPExcel.php');
class Customers {
private static $rights = array(
"createNewCustomer" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"deleteCustomer" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"changeCustomer" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"getCustomers" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"createNewGroup" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"getGroups" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"changeGroup" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"deleteGroup" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"getVacations" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"newVacation" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"delVacation" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"getCustomersForReserv" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("reservation")),
"getBills" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"pay" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"unpay" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"printbill" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"payallbills" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"printallbills" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers")),
"emailGroup" => array("loggedin" => 1, "isadmin" => 0, "rights" => array("customers"))
private static function checkRights($command) {
if(session_id() == '') {
if (!array_key_exists($command, self::$rights)) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND, "msg" => ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_FOUND_MSG));
return false;
$cmdRights = self::$rights[$command];
if ($cmdRights["loggedin"] == 1) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['angemeldet']) || !$_SESSION['angemeldet']) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
return false;
if ($cmdRights["isadmin"] == 1) {
if (!isset($_SESSION['angemeldet']) || !$_SESSION['angemeldet']) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
return false;
} else {
if ($_SESSION['is_admin'] == 0) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_ADMIN, "msg" => ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_ADMIN_MSG));
return false;
if (!is_null($cmdRights["rights"])) {
foreach($cmdRights["rights"] as $aRight) {
if ($aRight == 'customers') {
if ($_SESSION['right_customers'] == 1) {
return true;
if ($aRight == 'reservation') {
if ($_SESSION['right_reservation'] == 1) {
return true;
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
return false;
return true;
function __construct() {
function handleCommand($command) {
if (!self::checkRights($command)) {
return false;
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
if ($command == 'createNewCustomer') {
echo json_encode($this->createNewCustomer($pdo,$_POST['name'],$_POST['email'],$_POST['addr'],$_POST['remark'],$_POST['phone'],$_POST['mobil'],$_POST['www'],$_POST['checkin'],$_POST['checkout'],$_POST['room']));
} else if ($command == 'deleteCustomer') {
echo json_encode($this->deleteCustomer($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'changeCustomer') {
echo json_encode($this->changeCustomer($pdo,$_POST["id"],$_POST['name'],$_POST['email'],$_POST['addr'],$_POST['remark'],$_POST['phone'],$_POST['mobil'],$_POST['www'],$_POST["groups"]));
} else if ($command == 'getCustomers') {
echo json_encode($this->getCustomers($pdo,$_POST['search'],$_POST['date'],$_POST['onlyopenbills']));
} else if ($command == 'createNewGroup') {
echo json_encode($this->createNewGroup($pdo,$_POST['name'],$_POST['remark']));
} else if ($command == 'getGroups') {
echo json_encode($this->getGroups($pdo,$_POST['search']));
} else if ($command == 'changeGroup') {
echo json_encode($this->changeGroup($pdo,$_POST["id"],$_POST['name'],$_POST['remark']));
} else if ($command == 'deleteGroup') {
echo json_encode($this->deleteGroup($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'getCustomersForReserv') {
echo json_encode($this->getCustomersForReserv($pdo,$_POST['search']));
} else if ($command == 'getVacations') {
echo json_encode($this->getVacations($pdo,$_GET['cusid']));
} else if ($command == 'newVacation') {
echo json_encode($this->newVacation($pdo,$_POST['id'],$_POST['checkin'],$_POST['checkout'],$_POST['room'],$_POST['remark']));
} else if ($command == 'delVacation') {
echo json_encode($this->delVacation($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'getBills') {
echo json_encode($this->getBills($pdo,$_GET['cusid']));
} else if ($command == 'pay') {
echo json_encode($this->pay($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'unpay') {
echo json_encode($this->unpay($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'printbill') {
echo json_encode($this->printBill($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'payallbills') {
echo json_encode($this->payallbills($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'printallbills') {
echo json_encode($this->printallbills($pdo,$_POST['id']));
} else if ($command == 'emailGroup') {
echo json_encode($this->emailGroup($pdo,$_POST['groupid'],$_POST["subject"],$_POST["text"]));
} else {
echo "Command not supported.";
// for internal request
private function hasCurrentUserCustomersRights() {
if (!isset($_SESSION['angemeldet']) || !$_SESSION['angemeldet']) {
// no user logged in
return false;
} else {
return ($_SESSION['right_customers']);
private function createNewCustomer($pdo,$name,$email,$addr,$remark,$phone,$mobil,$www,$checkin,$checkout,$room) {
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
if ($checkin == '') {
$checkin = null;
if ($checkout == '') {
$checkout = null;
if ($room == '') {
$room = null;
try {
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid from %customers% WHERE name=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($name));
$number = $row->countid;
if ($row->countid > 0) {
$code = 1;
} else {
$code = 0;
$sql = "INSERT INTO %customers% (name,email,address,remark,phone,mobil,www,created,lastmodified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$cusid = $pdo->lastInsertId();
return array("status" => "OK","code" => $code, "value" => $number);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $e->getMessage());
private static function addVacationsCore($pdo,$cusid,$checkin,$checkout,$room,$remark) {
if ($checkin == '') {
$checkin = null;
if ($checkout == '') {
$checkout = null;
if (!is_null($checkin) || !is_null($checkout)) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO %vacations% (customerid,checkin,checkout,room,remark) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($cusid,$checkin,$checkout,$room,$remark));
private function createNewGroup($pdo,$name,$remark) {
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
try {
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid from %groups% WHERE name=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($name));
if ($row->countid > 0) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Group name already exists","code" => 1);
$sql = "INSERT INTO %groups% (name,remark,created) VALUES(?,?,?)";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($name,$remark,$currentTime));
return array("status" => "OK");
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $e->getMessage(),"code" => 2);
private function changeCustomer($pdo,$id,$name,$email,$addr,$remark,$phone,$mobil,$www,$groups) {
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
try {
$sql = "UPDATE %customers% SET name=?,email=?,address=?, remark=?, phone=?, mobil=?, www=?,lastmodified=? WHERE id=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($name,$email,$addr,$remark,$phone,$mobil,$www,$currentTime,$id));
$sql = "DELETE FROM %groupcustomer% WHERE customerid=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id));
if ($groups != '') {
foreach($groups as $aGroupId) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO %groupcustomer% (customerid,groupid) VALUES(?,?)";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id,$aGroupId));
return array("status" => "OK");
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $e->getMessage());
private function newVacation($pdo,$cusid,$checkin,$checkout,$room,$remark) {
try {
return array("status" => "OK","cusid" => $cusid);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $e->getMessage());
private function delVacation($pdo,$id) {
try {
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid FROM %vacations% WHERE id=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($id));
if ($row->countid != 1) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Vacations entry not found");
} else {
$sql = "SELECT customerid FROM %vacations% WHERE id=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($id));
$cusid = $row->customerid;
$sql = "DELETE FROM %vacations% WHERE id=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id));
return array("status" => "OK","cusid" => $cusid);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $ex->getMessage());
private static function payOrUnpay($pdo,$id,$value) {
try {
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($id));
if ($row->countid != 1) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Bill entry not found");
} else {
$sql = "SELECT intguestid FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($id));
$cusid = $row->intguestid;
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET intguestpaid=? WHERE id=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($value,$id));
return array("status" => "OK","cusid" => $cusid);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $ex->getMessage());
private function pay($pdo,$id) {
return (self::payOrUnpay($pdo, $id, 1));
private function unpay($pdo,$id) {
return (self::payOrUnpay($pdo, $id, null));
private function printBill($pdo,$billid) {
if(session_id() == '') {
$printer = $_SESSION['receiptprinter'];
// now get receipt info from bill table
CommonUtils::log($pdo, "PRINTQUEUE", "Insert bill with id=$billid for printer=$printer into queue for customer.");
$printInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%printjobs%` (`id` , `content`,`type`,`printer`) VALUES ( NULL,?,?,?)";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $printInsertSql, array((string)($billid),'3',$printer));
return array("status" => "OK");
private function printallbills($pdo,$cusid) {
$sql = "SELECT id FROM %bill% WHERE intguestid=?";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($cusid));
foreach($result as $aBill) {
$this->printBill($pdo, $aBill["id"]);
return array("status" => "OK");
private function payallbills($pdo,$cusid) {
try {
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET intguestpaid=? WHERE intguestid=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array(1,$cusid));
return array("status" => "OK","cusid" => $cusid);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $ex->getMessage());
private function deleteCustomer($pdo,$id) {
try {
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid FROM %bill% WHERE intguestid=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($id));
if ($row->countid > 0) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => "Der Gast hat zugewiesene Rechnungen");
$sql = "DELETE FROM %groupcustomer% WHERE customerid=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id));
$sql = "DELETE FROM %vacations% WHERE customerid=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id));
$sql = "DELETE FROM %customers% WHERE id=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id));
return array("status" => "OK");
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $e->getMessage());
private function getCustomersForReserv($pdo,$search) {
if ($search == '') {
return array("status" => "OK","msg" => array());
$s = '%' . $search . '%';
try {
$allcustomers = array();
$sql = "SELECT id,name,email,address,remark,phone,mobil FROM %customers% WHERE (name like ?) OR (mobil like ?) OR (phone like ?) ORDER BY name";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($s,$s,$s));
foreach($result as $aCustomer) {
$id = $aCustomer["id"];
$name = $aCustomer["name"];
$email = $aCustomer["email"];
$phone = $aCustomer["phone"];
$mobil = $aCustomer["mobil"];
$finalPhone = "";
$summary = $aCustomer["name"];
if ($phone != "") {
$summary .= " - " . $phone;
$finalPhone = $phone;
if ($mobil != "") {
$summary .= " - " . $mobil;
$finalPhone = $mobil;
if ($email != "") {
$summary .= " - " . $email;
$allcustomers[] = array("summary" => $summary,"id" => $id,"name" => $name,"email" => $email,"phone" => $finalPhone);
return array("status" => "OK","msg" => $allcustomers);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $ex->getMessage());
private static function isCustomerPresent($pdo,$cusid,$date) {
if ($date == '') {
return true;
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid FROM %vacations% WHERE customerid=? AND (checkin is not null OR checkout is not null) AND (IFNULL(checkin,'$date') <= ? AND IFNULL(checkout,'$date') >= ?)";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($cusid,$date,$date));
if ($row->countid == 0) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
private function getCustomers($pdo,$search,$date,$onlyOpenBills) {
$s = '%' . $search . '%';
try {
$allcustomers = array();
//$sql = "SELECT id,name,email,address,remark,phone,mobil,www,IFNULL(checkin,'') as checkin,IFNULL(checkout,'') as checkout,IFNULL(room,'') as room,DATE_FORMAT(created,'%e %b %Y - %k:%i') as created,DATE_FORMAT(lastmodified,'%e %b %Y - %k:%i') as lastmodified FROM %customers% WHERE (name like ?) OR (email like ?) ORDER BY name";
$sql = "SELECT %customers%.id as id,name,email,address,remark,phone,mobil,www,DATE_FORMAT(created,'%e %b %Y - %k:%i') as created,DATE_FORMAT(lastmodified,'%e %b %Y - %k:%i') as lastmodified FROM %customers% WHERE (name like ?) OR (email like ?) ORDER BY name";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($s,$s));
foreach ($result as $aCustomer) {
if (!self::isCustomerPresent($pdo,$aCustomer["id"],$date)) {
$sql = "SELECT groupid,name FROM %groupcustomer%,%groups% WHERE groupid=%groups%.id AND customerid=? ORDER BY name";
$assgroups = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($aCustomer["id"]));
if ($onlyOpenBills == 1) {
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid FROM %bill% WHERE intguestid=? AND intguestpaid is null";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($aCustomer["id"]));
if ($row->countid == 0) {
$sql = "SELECT SUM(brutto) as openbillsum FROM %bill% WHERE intguestid=? AND intguestpaid is null";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($aCustomer["id"]));
$aCust = array("id" => $aCustomer["id"],
"name" => $aCustomer["name"],
"email" => $aCustomer["email"],
"address" => $aCustomer["address"],
"remark" => $aCustomer["remark"],
"phone" => $aCustomer["phone"],
"mobil" => $aCustomer["mobil"],
"www" => $aCustomer["www"],
"created" => $aCustomer["created"],
"lastmodified" => $aCustomer["lastmodified"],
"groups" => $assgroups,
"openbillsum" => $row->openbillsum
$allcustomers[] = $aCust;
return array("status" => "OK","msg" => $allcustomers);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $ex->getMessage());
private function getVacations($pdo,$cusid) {
$sql = "SELECT id,IFNULL(checkin,'') as checkin,IFNULL(checkout,'') as checkout,IFNULL(room,'') as room,IFNULL(remark,'') as remark FROM %vacations% WHERE customerid=?";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($cusid));
return array("status" => "OK","msg" => array("vacations" => $result,"cusid" => $cusid));
private function getBills($pdo,$cusid) {
$sql = "SELECT id,billdate,brutto,IFNULL(guestinfo,'') as guestinfo,IFNULL(intguestpaid,'0') as paid FROM %bill% WHERE intguestid=?";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($cusid));
return array("status" => "OK","msg" => array("bills" => $result,"cusid" => $cusid));
private function getGroups($pdo,$search) {
$s = '%' . $search . '%';
try {
$sql = "SELECT id,name,remark,DATE_FORMAT(created,'%e %b %Y - %k:%i') as created FROM %groups% WHERE name like ? ORDER BY name";
$resultFiltered = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($s));
$resultFoundGroups = array();
foreach ($resultFiltered as $aFilteredGroup) {
$groupid = $aFilteredGroup["id"];
$sql = "SELECT %customers%.name as name from %customers%,%groupcustomer% WHERE %groupcustomer%.groupid=? AND %groupcustomer%.customerid=%customers%.id ORDER by name";
$customersInGroup = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($groupid));
$resultFoundGroups[] = array(
"id" => $groupid,
"name" => $aFilteredGroup["name"],
"remark" => $aFilteredGroup["remark"],
"created" => $aFilteredGroup["created"],
"customers" => $customersInGroup);
$sql = "SELECT id,name FROM %groups% ORDER BY name";
$resultAll = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($s));
$result = array("filtered" => $resultFoundGroups,"all" => $resultAll);
return array("status" => "OK","msg" => $result);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $ex->getMessage());
private function changeGroup($pdo,$id,$name,$remark) {
try {
$sql = "UPDATE %groups% SET name=?,remark=? WHERE id=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($name,$remark,$id));
return array("status" => "OK");
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $e->getMessage());
private function deleteGroup($pdo,$id) {
try {
$sql = "DELETE FROM %groupcustomer% WHERE groupid=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id));
$sql = "DELETE FROM %groups% WHERE id=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($id));
return array("status" => "OK");
} catch (Exception $e) {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => $e->getMessage());
private function emailGroup($pdo,$grpid,$subject,$text) {
$sql = "SELECT %customers%.name as name ,%customers%.email as email from %customers%,%groupcustomer% WHERE %groupcustomer%.groupid=? AND %groupcustomer%.customerid=%customers%.id ORDER by name";
$customersInGroup = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($grpid));
$emails = array();
foreach ($customersInGroup as $aCustomer) {
$email = $aCustomer["email"];
if (!is_null($email)) {
$email = trim($email);
if ($email != '') {
$emails[] = $email;
$ok = true;
foreach($emails as $anEmail) {
if (!Emailer::sendEmail($pdo, $text, $anEmail, $subject)) {
$ok = false;
if ($ok) {
return array("status" => "OK");
} else {
return array("status" => "ERROR","msg" => 'Not all emails could be sent');

View File

@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ define ('DB_PRODTYPE_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'prodtype');
define ('DB_TABLEMAPS_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'tablemaps');
define ('DB_TABLEPOS_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'tablepos');
define ('DB_BILL_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'bill');
define ('DB_CUSTOMERS_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'customers');
define ('DB_GROUPS_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'groups');
define ('DB_GROUPCUSTOMER_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'groupcustomer');
define ('DB_VACATIONS_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'vacations');
define ('DB_PRICELEVEL_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'pricelevel');
define ('DB_CONFIG_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'config');
define ('DB_CLOSING_TABLE', TAB_PREFIX . 'closing');
@ -112,6 +116,10 @@ class DbUtils {
$out = str_replace("%room%",$prefix . 'room',$out);
$out = str_replace("%resttables%",$prefix . 'resttables',$out);
$out = str_replace("%bill%",$prefix . 'bill',$out);
$out = str_replace("%customers%",$prefix . 'customers',$out);
$out = str_replace("%groups%",$prefix . 'groups',$out);
$out = str_replace("%groupcustomer%",$prefix . 'groupcustomer',$out);
$out = str_replace("%vacations%", $prefix .'vacations',$out);
$out = str_replace("%tablemaps%",$prefix . "tablemaps",$out);
$out = str_replace("%tablepos%",$prefix . "tablepos",$out);
@ -177,6 +185,7 @@ class DbUtils {
array("col" => 'right_reservation', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rReservation', "update" => 'rReservation'),
array("col" => 'right_rating', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rRating', "update" => 'rRating'),
array("col" => 'right_changeprice', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rChangeprice', "update" => 'rChangeprice'),
array("col" => 'right_customers', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rCustomers', "update" => 'rCustomers'),
array("col" => 'right_manager', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rManager', "update" => 'rManager'),
array("col" => 'right_closing', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rClosing', "update" => 'rClosing'),
array("col" => 'active', "hist" => 1, "new" => null ,"default" => 1, "update" => null),

View File

@ -97,4 +97,6 @@ define ( 'ERROR_COMMAND_NOT_ADMIN_MSG', 'Benutzer besitzt keine Admin-Rechte');
define ( 'ERROR_COMMAND_ERROR', 31);
define ( 'ERROR_COMMAND_ERROR_MSG', 'Kommando konnte nicht korrekt ausgeführt werden');
define ( 'ERROR_BILL_CUSTOMER_PAID', '32');
define ( 'ERROR_BILL_CUSTOMER_PAID_MSG', 'Bon wurde schon von einem Gast bezahlt - siehe Gästeansicht');

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class QueueContent {
} else if ($command == 'declarePaidCreateBillReturnBillId') {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
} else {
echo "Command not supported.";
@ -1633,8 +1633,11 @@ class QueueContent {
* Create bill
* Return a bill id
function declarePaidCreateBillReturnBillId($pdo,$ids,$tableid,$paymentId,$declareready,$host,$calledInternally = false,$reservationid,$guestinfo) {
function declarePaidCreateBillReturnBillId($pdo,$ids,$tableid,$paymentId,$declareready,$host,$calledInternally = false,$reservationid,$guestinfo,$intguestid) {
if ($intguestid == '') {
$intguestid = null;
if ($reservationid != "") {
$reservationid = substr($reservationid, 0, 30);
@ -1734,9 +1737,9 @@ class QueueContent {
// now calculate the signature for the bill entry
$signature = $this->commonUtils->calcSignatureForBill($pdo,$currentTime, $brutto, $netto, '0.00', $userid);
$billInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`prevbrutto`,`prevnetto`,`tableid`,`paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`tax`,`host`,`reservationid`,`guestinfo`,`signature`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,NULL,?,?,?,?)";
$billInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`prevbrutto`,`prevnetto`,`tableid`,`paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`tax`,`host`,`reservationid`,`guestinfo`,`intguestid`,`signature`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,NULL,?,?,?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($billInsertSql));
// now declare them all to be paid:
for ($i=0;$i<count($ids_array);$i++) {

View File

@ -99,6 +99,10 @@ class Basedb {
$out = str_replace("%tablemaps%",$this->prefix . "tablemaps",$out);
$out = str_replace("%tablepos%",$this->prefix . "tablepos",$out);
$out = str_replace("%bill%",$this->prefix . "bill",$out);
$out = str_replace("%customers%",$this->prefix . "customers",$out);
$out = str_replace("%groups%",$this->prefix . "groups",$out);
$out = str_replace("%groupcustomer%",$this->prefix . "groupcustomer",$out);
$out = str_replace("%vacations%",$this->prefix . "vacations",$out);
$out = str_replace("%pricelevel%",$this->prefix . "pricelevel",$out);
$out = str_replace("%config%",$this->prefix . "config",$out);
$out = str_replace("%closing%",$this->prefix . "closing",$out);
@ -159,6 +163,11 @@ class Basedb {
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%room%`");
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%payment%`");
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%groupcustomer%`");
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%vacations%`");
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%groups%`");
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%customers%`");
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%logo%`");
$this->doSQLcatch($pdo, "drop TABLE `%log%`");
@ -197,6 +206,11 @@ class Basedb {
$this->doSQL($pdo, "drop TABLE `%payment%`");
$this->doSQL($pdo, "drop TABLE `%logo%`");
$this->doSQL($pdo, "drop TABLE `%log%`");
$this->doSQL($pdo, "drop TABLE `%groupcustomer%`");
$this->doSQL($pdo, "drop TABLE `%vacations%`");
$this->doSQL($pdo, "drop TABLE `%groups%`");
$this->doSQL($pdo, "drop TABLE `%customers%`");
function createLogTable($pdo) {
@ -246,6 +260,7 @@ class Basedb {
`right_reservation` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`right_rating` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`right_changeprice` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`right_customers` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`lastmodule` VARCHAR ( 30 ) NULL,
`ordervolume` INT (2) NULL,
`language` INT (2) NULL,
@ -497,11 +512,80 @@ class Basedb {
`reason` VARCHAR ( 150 ) NULL,
`reservationid` VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL,
`guestinfo` VARCHAR( 30 ) NULL,
`intguestid` INT(10) NULL,
`intguestpaid` INT(2) NULL,
`signature`blob NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (closingid) REFERENCES %closing%(id),
FOREIGN KEY (paymentid) REFERENCES %payment%(id),
FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES %user%(id),
FOREIGN KEY (ref) REFERENCES %bill%(id),
FOREIGN KEY (intguestid) REFERENCES %customers%(id)
) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = InnoDb ;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
function createCustomersTable($pdo)
$sql = "
CREATE TABLE `%customers%` (
`name` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
`address` VARCHAR(200) NULL,
`email` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
`phone` VARCHAR(30) NULL,
`mobil` VARCHAR(30) NULL,
`www` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
`remark` VARCHAR(500) NULL,
`created` DATETIME NULL,
`lastmodified` DATETIME NULL
) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = InnoDb ;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
function createGroupsTable($pdo)
$sql = "
CREATE TABLE `%groups%` (
`name` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
`remark` VARCHAR(200) NULL,
) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = InnoDb ;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
function createGroupCustomerTable($pdo)
$sql = "
CREATE TABLE `%groupcustomer%` (
`groupid` INT(10) NOT NULL,
`customerid` INT(10) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (groupid) REFERENCES %groups%(id),
FOREIGN KEY (customerid) REFERENCES %customers%(id)
) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = InnoDb ;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
function createVacationsTable($pdo)
$sql = "
CREATE TABLE `%vacations%` (
`customerid` INT(10) NOT NULL,
`checkin` DATE NULL,
`checkout` DATE NULL,
`room` VARCHAR(50) NULL,
`remark` VARCHAR(200) NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (customerid) REFERENCES %customers%(id)
) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = InnoDb ;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
@ -621,6 +705,7 @@ class Basedb {
`right_reservation` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`right_rating` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`right_changeprice` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`right_customers` INT (1) NOT NULL,
`active` INT (2) NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES %user%(id)
) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE = InnoDb
@ -785,6 +870,10 @@ class Basedb {
@ -799,7 +888,7 @@ class Basedb {

View File

@ -17,14 +17,15 @@ define ( 'R_RAT', 1024);
define ( 'R_MAN', 2048);
define ( 'R_CP', 4096);
define ( 'R_CL', 8192);
define ( 'R_CUS', 16384);
class Userrights {
function setSession($isAdm,$rWait,$rKit,$rBar,$rSupply,$rPay,$rStat,$rBill,$rProd,$rRes,$rRat,$rChangePrice,$rMan,$rClos) {
function setSession($isAdm,$rWait,$rKit,$rBar,$rSupply,$rPay,$rStat,$rBill,$rProd,$rRes,$rRat,$rChangePrice,$rCustomers,$rMan,$rClos) {
$ret = R_ADM * ($isAdm ? 1:0) | R_WAI * ($rWait ? 1:0) | R_KIT * ($rKit ? 1:0) | R_BAR * ($rBar ? 1:0) | R_SUP * ($rSupply ? 1:0) | R_PAY * ($rPay ? 1:0);
$ret |= R_STA * ($rStat ? 1:0) | R_BIL * ($rBill ? 1:0) | R_PRO * ($rProd ? 1:0) | R_RES * ($rRes ? 1:0) | R_RAT * ($rRat ? 1:0) |
R_CP * ($rChangePrice ? 1:0) | R_MAN * (($rMan ? 1:0) | R_CL * (($rClos ? 1:0)));
R_CP * ($rChangePrice ? 1:0) | R_CUS * ($rCustomers ? 1:0) | R_MAN * (($rMan ? 1:0) | R_CL * (($rClos ? 1:0)));
$_SESSION['allrights'] = $ret;

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
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View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
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View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
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View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
.schbtn {
@ -47,7 +49,7 @@
var RES_TITLE = ["Reservierung","Reservation","Reserva"];
@ -76,13 +78,18 @@ var RES_EMAIL_IMPOSSIBLE = ["(Eine Email-Reservierungsbestätigung ist erst nach
var RES_NOT_SEND = ["Nicht senden","Do not send","No enviar"];
var RES_SEND_EMAIL = ["Senden","Send","Enviar"];
var RES_TO = ["An","To","A"];
var RES_CUS_LABEL = ["Kunden aus Datenbank auswählen","Choose customer from data base","Elegir cliente del base de datos"];
var RES_CUSTOMERS = ["Kunden","Customers","Clientes"];
var RES_NO_CUS_FOUND = ["Kein Kunde gefunden","No customer found","Ningún cliente en base de datos"];
var RES_HINT_CUS_CHOOSE = ["Oder manuell eingeben:","or type in manually:","o insertar por teclado:"];
var lang = (-1);
var reservationnote = "";
var companyinfo = "";
var emailIsPossible = false;
var emailTemplate = "";
// REM* ther list of customers that are filtered by the server when the user types in the name in the search field
var filteredCustomers = [];
function setLanguage(language) {
lang = language;
@ -95,6 +102,7 @@ function setLanguage(language) {
@ -119,6 +127,8 @@ function setLanguage(language) {
var langtxt = "de";
if (lang == 1) {
langtxt = "en";
@ -369,6 +379,7 @@ function insertReservations(answer) {
@ -410,6 +421,67 @@ function bindHourButton() {
function bindCustomerField() {
$("#customer").off("keyup").on("keyup", function (e) {
function startCusSearch() {
var cusdata = { search: $("#customer").val().trim() }
doAjax("POST","php/contenthandler.php?module=customers&command=getCustomersForReserv",cusdata, handleGetCustomerResult, "Kundenabfrage unmöglich",true);
function handleGetCustomerResult(answer) {
if (answer.status != "OK") {
alert("Error: " + answer.msg);
filteredCustomers = answer.msg;
var txt = '<ul data-role="listview" id="cuslist" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">';
txt += '<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">' + RES_CUSTOMERS[lang] + '</li>';
if (filteredCustomers.length === 0) {
txt += '<li id="nocusentry" data-theme="d" data-icon=""><a href="#">' + RES_NO_CUS_FOUND[lang] + '</a></li>';
} else {
for (var i=0;i<filteredCustomers.length;i++) {
var aCus = filteredCustomers[i];
txt += '<li id="cus_' + aCus.id + '" data-theme="f" data-icon="" class="cuslistelem"><a href="#">' + toHtml(aCus.summary) + '</a></li>';
txt += '</ul>';
function bindCusElem() {
$(".cuslistelem").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
// REM* find customer in filteredCustomers
var cusid = this.id.split("_")[1];
for (var i=0;i<filteredCustomers.length;i++) {
var aCus = filteredCustomers[i];
if (aCus.id == cusid) {
// REM* found! -> copy customer values into the fields
// REM* now clean the search stuff
function txtToHtml(txt) {
return (txt.replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;"));
@ -525,6 +597,8 @@ $(document).on("pageinit", "#res-page", function () {
var currentHour = String(new Date().getHours());
$("#timefieldse").selectmenu('refresh', true);
$(document).on("pagebeforeshow", "#changeres-page", function () {
@ -632,6 +706,14 @@ $(document).on("pagebeforeshow", "#changeres-page", function () {
</div> <!-- fieldcontain for number of guests -->
<div data-role="fieldcontain">
<label for="customer" class="select" style="width: 100%;"><span id="customertxt">Kunde</span>: </label>
<input type="text" id="customer" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="Name / Telefon"/>
</div> <!-- fieldcontain name -->
<div id="customerlist"></div>
<p id="reshintchoosecustomer">Oder manuell eingeben:
<p><div data-role="fieldcontain">
<label for="guestname" class="select" style="width: 100%;"><span id="nametxt">Name</span>: </label>
<input type="text" id="guestname" value="" data-mini="true" />
</div> <!-- fieldcontain name -->

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
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<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.3.0">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long