
442 lines
15 KiB

class ClosTemplatestructure {
private static $structure = array(
"ClosTemplater" => array(
array("classname" => "ClosProdsReport","delimiter" => "PRODUKTE"),
array("classname" => "ClosOverviewReport","delimiter" => "ZUSAMMENFASSUNG"),
array("classname" => "ClosTaxesReport","delimiter" => "STEUERN"),
array("classname" => "ClosPaymentsReport","delimiter" => "ZAHLUNGSWEGE"),
"ClosProdsReport" => array(),
"ClosOverviewReport" => array(),
"ClosTaxesReport" => array(),
"ClosPaymentsReport" => array(
array("classname" => "ClosSingleReport","delimiter" => "ZAHLUNGSWEG")
"ClosSingleReport" => array()
private static $structure_old = array(
"Templater" => array(
array("classname" => "Reqsection","delimiter" => "SS"),
array("classname" => "Testcasesreport","delimiter" => "TC"),
array("classname" => "Matrixreporter","delimiter" => "MATRIX")
"Reqsection" => array(
array("classname" => "Reqdetails","delimiter" => "RD")
"Reqdetails" => array(
array("classname" => "Reqimgs","delimiter" => "REQIMG")
"Reqimgs" => array(),
"Testcasesreport" => array(
array("classname" => "Stepactionsreport","delimiter" => "TSACTIONS"),
array("classname" => "Stepexpectedreport","delimiter" => "TSEXPECTED"),
array("classname" => "Stepresultsreport","delimiter" => "TSRESULTS")
"Matrixreporter" => array(),
"Stepactionsreport" => array(),
"Stepexpectedreport" => array(),
"Stepresultsreport" => array()
public static function getSubModules($reporterClass) {
return self::$structure[$reporterClass];
class ClosTemplater extends Basetemplater {
private $templatelines = array();
private $closid = null;
private $closing = null;
function __construct($templatelines, $closid, $closing) {
$submodules = ClosTemplatestructure::getSubModules(self::getClassName());
$this->templatelines = $templatelines;
$this->closid = $closid;
$this->closing = $closing;
public function parse($pdo,$text,$data) {
$currency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "currency", ".");
$text = str_replace("{Einheit}",$currency,$text);
$text = str_replace("{Id}",$data["id"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Tag}",$data["day"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Monat}",$data["month"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Jahr}",$data["year"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Stunde}",$data["hour"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Minute}",$data["minute"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Sekunde}",$data["second"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Bonanzahl}",$data["ticketcount"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Bemerkung}",$data["remark"],$text);
$sum = str_replace(".", $data["decpoint"], $data["bruttosum"]);
$text = str_replace("{Bruttosumme}",$sum,$text);
$imgurl = "contenthandler.php?module=printqueue&command=getLogoAsPngWithAlphaChannel";
$text = str_replace("{Logo-klein}","<img src='$imgurl' style='width:100px;' />",$text);
$text = str_replace("{Logo-gross}","<img src='$imgurl' style='width:300px;' />",$text);
$text = str_replace("{Betriebsinfo}",$data["companyinfo"],$text);
return $text;
public function getDataItems($pdo) {
$decpoint = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "decpoint", ".");
$companyinfo = str_replace("\n","<br>",$this->closing["companyinfo"]);
$clos = $this->closing["closing"];
$closdate = $clos->closingdate;
$datetimeparts = explode(" ", $closdate);
$dateparts = explode("-",$datetimeparts[0]);
$timeparts = explode(":",$datetimeparts[1]);
return array(array("id" => $this->closid,
"day" => $dateparts[2],
"month" => $dateparts[1],
"year" => $dateparts[0],
"hour" => $timeparts[0],
"minute" => $timeparts[1],
"second" => $timeparts[2],
"ticketcount" => $clos->billcount,
"bruttosum" => $clos->billsum,
"remark" => $clos->remark,
"decpoint" => $decpoint,
"companyinfo" => $companyinfo
class Abbreviations {
private static $defs = array();
public static function addUserDefinition($txt) {
$parts = explode('=',$txt,2);
$key = explode('#',$parts[0])[1];
$value = $parts[1];
self::$defs[] = array("key" => $key,"value" => $value);
public static function replaceDefsInTextLine($txt) {
foreach(self::$defs as $aDef) {
$txt = str_replace($aDef["key"], $aDef["value"], $txt);
return $txt;
class Templatedefs {
public static $PARSE_SELF = 0;
public static $PARSE_SUBMODULE = 1;
public static $PARSE_CONDITIONAL = 2;
class Templateutils {
public static function getTemplateAsLineArray($templateTxt) {
$alllines = explode("\n", $templateTxt);
return $alllines;
private static function hasStartDelimiterOfASubModule($line,$submodules) {
$trimmedLine = trim($line);
for ($i=0;$i<count($submodules);$i++) {
if ($trimmedLine == ">>" . $submodules[$i]["delimiter"]) {
return array(true,$i);
return array(false,null);
public static function separateSubModule($alllines,$submodules) {
$outlines = array();
$subtemplates = array();
$conditionalMarkups = array(); // line beginnings
foreach($submodules as $aSubModule) {
$subtemplates[] = array("submodule" => $aSubModule,"foundlines" => array());
// now store the conditional markup in associative array
$conditionalMarkups[$aSubModule["delimiter"]] = $i++;
$activeParsingSubmoduleIndex = null; // index in $subtemplates
$enddelimiter = null;
$started = false; // general for "is parsing lines for submodule"
$submodulelineAdded = false;
foreach($alllines as $aline) {
$trimmedLine = trim($aline);
$hasStartDel = self::hasStartDelimiterOfASubModule($trimmedLine, $submodules);
if (CommonUtils::startsWith($trimmedLine,"//")) {
} else if (preg_match("/#\[[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+\]=/i", $trimmedLine)) {
} else if ($trimmedLine === $enddelimiter) {
$started = false;
} else if (($hasStartDel[0]) && !$started) {
// at this point we know there is a startdelimiter in the line
$activeParsingSubmoduleIndex = $hasStartDel[1];
$started = true;
$enddelimiter = "<<" . $subtemplates[$activeParsingSubmoduleIndex]["submodule"]["delimiter"];
} else if ($started) {
$subtemplates[$activeParsingSubmoduleIndex]["foundlines"][] = $aline;
if (!$submodulelineAdded) {
$outlines[] = array("responsible" => Templatedefs::$PARSE_SUBMODULE,"line" => $aline, "submoduleindex" => $activeParsingSubmoduleIndex);
$submodulelineAdded = true;
} else {
$lineParts = explode(":",$trimmedLine,3);
if (count($lineParts) >= 3) {
$markPart = $lineParts[1];
if (array_key_exists($markPart, $conditionalMarkups)) {
$conditionalLine = $lineParts[2];
$outlines[] = array("responsible" => Templatedefs::$PARSE_CONDITIONAL,"line" => $conditionalLine, "submoduleindex" => $conditionalMarkups[$markPart]);
} else {
$outlines[] = array("responsible" => Templatedefs::$PARSE_SELF,"line" =>$aline);
} else {
$outlines[] = array("responsible" => Templatedefs::$PARSE_SELF,"line" =>$aline);
$submodulelineAdded = false;
return array("templatelines" => $outlines, "submodulelines" => $subtemplates);
public static function debugOutput($sepTemp, $className) {
$templatelines = $sepTemp["templatelines"];
$txt = "Start debugOutput for '$className' - Templatelines:\n";
foreach($templatelines as $t) {
$isSelf = ($t["responsible"] == Templatedefs::$PARSE_SELF ? true : false );
switch($t["responsible"]) {
case Templatedefs::$PARSE_SELF:
$txt .= "SELF"; break;
case Templatedefs::$PARSE_CONDITIONAL:
$txt .= "COND"; break;
case Templatedefs::$PARSE_SUBMODULE:
$txt .= "SUB"; break;
$txt .= "Undefined line marup"; break;
$txt .= " " . $t["line"];
if (!$isSelf) {
$txt .= " " . $t["submoduleindex"];
$txt .= "\r\n<br>";
return $txt;
class ClosProdsReport extends Basetemplater {
private $templatelines = array();
private $closid = null;
private $closing = null;
function __construct($templatelines, $closid, $closing) {
$submodules = ClosTemplatestructure::getSubModules(self::getClassName());
$this->templatelines = $templatelines;
$this->closid = $closid;
$this->closing = $closing;
public function parse($pdo,$text,$data) {
$decpoint = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "decpoint", ".");
$currency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "currency", ".");
$text = str_replace("{Einheit}",$currency,$text);
$text = str_replace("{Anzahl}",$data["count"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Steuer}",$data["tax"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Produktname}",$data["productname"],$text);
$price = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $data["price"]);
$text = str_replace("{Einzelpreis}",$price,$text);
$sumprice = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $data["sumprice"]);
$text = str_replace("{Gesamtpreis}",$sumprice,$text);
return $text;
public function getDataItems($pdo) {
$decpoint = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "decpoint", ".");
$closprods = $this->closing["details"];
$prods = array();
foreach($closprods as $aProdEntry) {
$tax = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $aProdEntry["tax"]);
$prods[] = array("id" => $this->closid,
"count" => $aProdEntry["count"],
"productname" => $aProdEntry["productname"],
"price" => $aProdEntry["price"],
"tax" => $tax,
"sumprice" => $aProdEntry["sumprice"]
return $prods;
class ClosOverviewReport extends Basetemplater {
private $templatelines = array();
private $closid = null;
private $closing = null;
function __construct($templatelines, $closid, $closing) {
$submodules = ClosTemplatestructure::getSubModules(self::getClassName());
$this->templatelines = $templatelines;
$this->closid = $closid;
$this->closing = $closing;
public function parse($pdo,$text,$data) {
$currency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "currency", ".");
$text = str_replace("{Einheit}",$currency,$text);
$text = str_replace("{Brutto}",$data["brutto"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Netto}",$data["netto"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Zahlungsweg}",$data["name"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Vorgang}",$data["status"],$text);
return $text;
public function getDataItems($pdo) {
$decpoint = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "decpoint", ".");
$closoverview = $this->closing["overview"];
$prods = array();
foreach($closoverview as $entry) {
$brutto = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["sum"]);
$name = $entry["name"];
$netto = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["netto"]);
$status = $entry["status"];
$statusTxt = "Verkauf";
if ($status == "c") {
$statusTxt = "Bareinlage/-auslage";
} else if ($status == "s") {
$statusTxt = "Stornooperation";
$prods[] = array("id" => $this->closid,
"brutto" => $brutto,
"netto" => $netto,
"name" => $name,
"status" => $statusTxt
return $prods;
class ClosTaxesReport extends Basetemplater {
private $templatelines = array();
private $closid = null;
private $closing = null;
function __construct($templatelines, $closid, $closing) {
$submodules = ClosTemplatestructure::getSubModules(self::getClassName());
$this->templatelines = $templatelines;
$this->closid = $closid;
$this->closing = $closing;
public function parse($pdo,$text,$data) {
$currency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "currency", ".");
$text = str_replace("{Einheit}",$currency,$text);
$text = str_replace("{Brutto}",$data["bruttosum"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Netto}",$data["nettosum"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Steuer}",$data["tax"],$text);
return $text;
public function getDataItems($pdo) {
$decpoint = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "decpoint", ".");
$closoverview = $this->closing["taxessum"];
$p = array();
foreach($closoverview as $entry) {
$tax = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["t"]);
$bruttosum = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["bruttosum"]);
$nettosum = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["nettosum"]);
$p[] = array("id" => $this->closid,
"tax" => $tax,
"bruttosum" => $bruttosum,
"nettosum" => $nettosum
return $p;
class ClosPaymentsReport extends Basetemplater {
private $templatelines = array();
private $closid = null;
private $closing = null;
function __construct($templatelines, $closid, $closing) {
$submodules = ClosTemplatestructure::getSubModules(self::getClassName());
$this->templatelines = $templatelines;
$this->closid = $closid;
$this->closing = $closing;
public function parse($pdo,$text,$data) {
$currency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "currency", ".");
$text = str_replace("{Einheit}",$currency,$text);
$text = str_replace("{Zahlungsweg}",$data["payment"],$text);
return $text;
public function getDataItems($pdo) {
$payments = $this->closing["paymenttaxessum"];
$p = array();
foreach($payments as $entry) {
$p[] = array("payment" => $entry["payment"],
"id" => $entry["paymenttaxessum"]);
return $p;
class ClosSingleReport extends Basetemplater {
private $templatelines = array();
private $payment = null;
private $closing = null;
function __construct($templatelines, $payment, $closing) {
$submodules = ClosTemplatestructure::getSubModules(self::getClassName());
$this->templatelines = $templatelines;
$this->payment = $payment;
$this->closing = $closing;
public function parse($pdo,$text,$data) {
$currency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "currency", ".");
$text = str_replace("{Einheit}",$currency,$text);
$text = str_replace("{Brutto}",$data["bruttosum"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Netto}",$data["nettosum"],$text);
$text = str_replace("{Steuer}",$data["tax"],$text);
return $text;
public function getDataItems($pdo) {
$decpoint = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, "decpoint", ".");
$payments = $this->payment;
foreach($payments as $entry) {
$tax = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["t"]);
$bruttosum = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["bruttosum"]);
$nettosum = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $entry["nettosum"]);
$p[] = array("id" => "dummy",
"tax" => $tax,
"bruttosum" => $bruttosum,
"nettosum" => $nettosum
return $p;