
794 lines
29 KiB

require_once (__DIR__. '/../3rdparty/fpdf/fpdf.php');
require_once (__DIR__. '/../closing.php');
class PdfExport extends FPDF {
private $tabheader = array();
private $flengths = array();
private $maxTableLength = 190;
private $curtable = "";
private $lang = 0;
private $decpoint = ":";
private $currency = "";
private $version;
private $osSummary = array("Zusammenfassung","Summary","Todo");
private $osClosingsPlural = array("Tageserfassungen","Closings","Cerradas");
private $osSum = array("Summe","Sum","Suma");
private $osSumAll = array("Gesamtsumme","Total Sum","Todos las sumas");
private $osClosingTxt = array("Tagesabschluss","Closing","Conclusión");
private $hintNoEmptyClosings = array("Übersicht der Tageserfassungen - detaillierter Umsatzreport über CSV/Excel-Export möglich",
"Overview of closings - detailed sales report possible with csv/Excel export",
"Conclusiones en este periodo - más informaciones en el csv/Excel-export"
private $taxTxt = array("Steuersatz (%)","Tax (%)","Impuesto (%)");
private $taxSumTxt = array("Summierung nach Steuersätzen","Sums grouped by taxes","Sumas por impuesta");
private $cashOpTxt = array("Kassenein-/auslagen","Cash inserts/outputs","contribuciones en efectivo");
private static function osGetMonthName($language,$month) {
$months = array("1" => array("Januar","January","Enero"),
"2" => array("Februar","February","Febrero"),
"3" => array("März","March","Marzo"),
"4" => array("April","April","Abril"),
"5" => array("Mai","May","Mayo"),
"6" => array("Juni","June","Junio"),
"7" => array("Juli","July","Julio"),
"8" => array("August","August","Agosto"),
"9" => array("September","September","Septiembre"),
"10" => array("Oktober","October","Octubre"),
"11" => array("November","November","Noviembre"),
"12" => array("Dezember","December","Diciembre")
return utf8_decode($months["$month"][$language]);
private static function osGetSaleItemName($l,$item) {
$t = array(
"TEID" => array("Tag.abschl.","Closing","Cerrada"),
"ID" => array("Bonid","ID",""),
"Date" => array("Zahlungsdatum","Pay date","Fecha de pago"),
"Prod" => array("Produkt","Product","Producto"),
"Brutto" => array("Bruttopreis","Gross","Bruto"),
"Netto" => array("Nettopreis","Net","Neto"),
"Tax" => array("MwSt (%)","Tax (%)","IVA (%)"),
"PayWay" => array("Zahlungsart","Method of payment","Modo de pago"),
"Userid" => array("Benutzer-ID","User id","Id del usario"),
"User" => array("Benutzername","User name","Nombre del usario"),
"State" => array("Status","State","Estado"),
"Ref" => array("Ref.-Bon","Ref. Receipt","Tique ref."),
"ClosId" => array("Tageslosung-ID","Closing id","Número de cerramiento"),
"ClosDate" => array("Tageslosung-Datum","Closing date","Fecha de cerramiento"),
"ClosRemark" => array("Tageslosung-Bemerkung","Closing remark","Comentario de cerramiento"),
"laterCancelled" => array("nachher storniert","later cancelled","anulado después"),
"storno" => array("Stornierungsbuchung","cancel transaction","acción anulada"),
"cashact" => array("Bareinlage/-entnahme","cash action","sacar/insertar contado"),
"cashaction" => array("Kassenaktion","cash action","sacar/insertar contado"),
"host" => array("Bew.bon","Guest","Repr."),
"sum" => array("Summe","Sum","Todo")
//"host" => array("Bewirtungsbeleg","Guest Invoice","Tique de gastos de representación")
return utf8_decode($t["$item"][$l]);
private static function getConfigItem($pdo,$item) {
$sql = "SELECT setting FROM %config% WHERE name=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
return $row->setting;
private function osInsertHeader($pdo,$lang,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear) {
$companyInfo = utf8_decode(self::getConfigItem($pdo,"companyinfo"));
if (is_null($companyInfo)) {
$companyInfoParts = explode("\n",$companyInfo);
$fontSizes = array(14,14,14,14,14,10,9,9);
$boxSizes = array(10,10,10,10,10,9,7,6);
$maxlines = 8;
if (count($companyInfoParts) > $maxlines) {
$companyInfo = implode("\n",$companyInfoParts);
private function calcStartDate($startMonth,$startYear) {
if ($startMonth < 10) {
$startMonth = "0" . $startMonth;
return ( $startYear . "-" . $startMonth . "-01 00:00:00");
private function calcEndDate($endMonth,$endYear) {
if ($endMonth < 10) {
$endMonth = "0" . $endMonth;
$endDate = $endYear . "-" . $endMonth . "-01";
$lastdayOfMonth = date("t", strtotime($endDate));
return($endYear . "-" . $endMonth . "-" . $lastdayOfMonth . " 23:59:59");
private function osGetSales($pdo,$l,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$closidstart = null,$closidend = null) {
$startDate = $this->calcStartDate($startMonth, $startYear);
$endDate = $this->calcEndDate($endMonth, $endYear);
$hline = array(
$allSaleLines = array();
$allSaleLines[] = $hline;
$payment_lang = array("name","name_en","name_esp");
$payment_col = $payment_lang[$l];
if (is_null($closidstart)) {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT %bill%.id,%bill%.signature,billdate,brutto,netto,IF(tax is not null, tax, '0.00') as tax,status,closingdate,remark,%bill%.host,%bill%.closingid,%payment%.$payment_col as payway,userid,ref,username FROM %bill%,%closing%,%payment%,%user% ";
$sql .= "WHERE closingid is not null AND %bill%.closingid=%closing%.id ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.paymentid=%payment%.id ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.billdate BETWEEN ? AND ? ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.userid = %user%.id ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY billdate";
$allsales = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($startDate,$endDate));
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT %bill%.id,%bill%.signature,billdate,brutto,netto,IF(tax is not null, tax, '0.00') as tax,status,closingdate,remark,%bill%.host,%bill%.closingid,%payment%.$payment_col as payway,userid,ref,username FROM %bill%,%closing%,%payment%,%user% ";
$sql .= "WHERE closingid is not null AND %bill%.closingid=%closing%.id ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.paymentid=%payment%.id ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.closingid BETWEEN ? AND ? ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.userid = %user%.id ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY billdate";
$allsales = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($closidstart,$closidend));
foreach($allsales as $zeile) {
$closid = $zeile['closingid'];
$billid = $zeile['id'];
$billdate = $zeile['billdate'];
$brutto_orig = $zeile['brutto'];
$netto_orig = $zeile['netto'];
$tax_orig = $zeile['tax'];
$brutto = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$brutto_orig);
$netto = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$netto_orig);
$tax = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$tax_orig);
$signature = $zeile['signature'];
$dbstatus = $zeile['status'];
$status = $zeile['status'];
if ($status == 'x') {
$status = self::osGetSaleItemName($l,"laterCancelled");
} else if ($status == 's') {
$status = self::osGetSaleItemName($l,"storno");
} else if ($status == 'c') {
$status = self::osGetSaleItemName($l,"cashact");
} else {
$status = "";
$ref = ($zeile['ref'] == null ? "" : $zeile['ref']);
$userid = $zeile['userid'];
$host = ($zeile['host'] == 1 ? "x" : "-");
if (!CommonUtils::verifyBillByValues($pdo,$billdate, $brutto_orig, $netto_orig, $userid, $signature, $dbstatus)) {
echo "Database is inconsistent! Bill $billid ";
if ($zeile['status'] == "c") {
echo '- a cash operation ("Bareinlage/Barauslage"). ';
return null;
if ($billid == null) {
$billid = "-";
$aLine = array($closid,
$allSaleLines[count($allSaleLines)] = $aLine;
return $allSaleLines;
private function osCalculateColsWidth($lengths) {
$sum = 0;
foreach($lengths as $l) {
$sum += $l;
$f = 190.0 / $sum;
$this->flengths = array();
$this->maxTableLength = 0;
foreach($lengths as $l) {
$this->flengths[] = intval($l * $f);
$this->maxTableLength += intval($l * $f);
private function osInsertSales($pdo,$lang,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$closidstart = null,$closidend = null) {
$this->curtable = "sales";
$salesArr = $this->osGetSales($pdo,$lang,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$closidstart,$closidend);
$salestxt = array("Umsätze ","Sales ","Venta ");
if (!is_null($closidstart)) {
$headerLine = utf8_decode($this->osClosingsPlural[$lang]);
$headerLine .= " $closidstart - $closidend ";
$headerLine .= " (in " . self::getConfigItem($pdo,"currency") . ")";
} else {
$headerLine = utf8_decode($salestxt[$lang]);
$headerLine .= self::osGetMonthName($lang, $startMonth) . " $startYear - " . self::osGetMonthName($lang, $endMonth) . " $endYear";
$headerLine .= " (in " . self::getConfigItem($pdo,"currency") . ")";
$this->tabheader = $salesArr[0];
$fill = 1;
$bruttosum = 0.0;
$nettosum = 0.0;
for ($i=1;$i<count($salesArr);$i++) {
$line = $salesArr[$i];
$bruttosum += str_replace($this->decpoint,".",$line[3]);
$nettosum += str_replace($this->decpoint,".",$line[4]);
for ($j=0;$j<count($line);$j++) {
$aVal = $line[$j];
if ($j == 4) {
$aVal = number_format(floatval(str_replace(',','.',$aVal)),2,$this->decpoint,'');
$fill = 1-$fill;
$bruttosum = number_format($bruttosum, 2, $this->decpoint, '');
$nettosum = number_format($nettosum, 2, $this->decpoint, '');
$this->Cell($this->flengths[0] + $this->flengths[1] + $this->flengths[2],10,$this->osGetSaleItemName($lang,"sum"). ": ","LRBT",0,"L",1);
$this->Cell($this->flengths[5] + $this->flengths[6] + $this->flengths[7],10,"","T",0,"R",0);
function Header()
if ($this->curtable == "sales") {
} else if ($this->curtable == "prods") {
} else if ($this->curtable == "summary") {
} else if ($this->curtable == "taxes") {
function Footer()
$x = $this->GetX();
$y = $this->GetY();
$this->Cell(190,10,"OrderSprinter " . $this->version,0,1,"R");
if ($this->curtable == "sales") {
private function setSalesTableHeader() {
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->tabheader);$i++) {
$aVal = $this->tabheader[$i];
private function setProdsTableHeader() {
private function osInsertProdStat($pdo,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$closidstart=null,$closidend=null) {
$this->curtable = "";
if (is_null($closidstart)) {
$prodtxt = array("Produktstatistik ","Product Report ","Venta de productos ");
$headerLine = utf8_decode($prodtxt[$this->lang]);
$headerLine .= self::osGetMonthName($this->lang, $startMonth) . " $startYear - " . self::osGetMonthName($this->lang, $endMonth) . " $endYear";
$headerLine .= " (in " . $this->currency . ")";
} else {
$prodtxt = array("Produktstatistik ","Product Report ","Venta de productos ");
$headerLine = utf8_decode($prodtxt[$this->lang]);
$headerLine .= " " . utf8_decode($this->osClosingsPlural[$this->lang]);
$headerLine .= " $closidstart - $closidend ";
$headerLine .= " (in " . self::getConfigItem($pdo,"currency") . ")";
$reports = new Reports();
if (is_null($closidstart)) {
$startDate = $this->calcStartDate($startMonth, $startYear);
$endDate = $this->calcEndDate($endMonth, $endYear);
$prodStat = $reports->sumSortedByProducts($pdo, $startDate, $endDate,null,null,null);
} else {
$prodStat = $reports->sumSortedByProducts($pdo, 0,0,$closidstart,$closidend,null);
$this->curtable = "prods";
$content = $prodStat["content"];
$sum = 0.0;
if ($prodStat["max"] != 0) {
$f = ($this->maxTableLength-70.0) / $prodStat["max"];
foreach($content as $prod) {
$item = utf8_decode($prod["iter"]);
$val = $prod["sum"];
$sum += $val;
$this->Cell(max(intval($val * $f),10.1),6,str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$val),1,1,"L",1);
$sum = number_format($sum, 2, $this->decpoint, '');
$this->Cell(70,10,$this->osGetSaleItemName($this->lang,"sum") . ": ",0,0,"R");
private function daySummary($pdo,$lang,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$closidstart = null,$closidend = null) {
$day = sprintf("%02s", 1);
$startMonth = sprintf("%02s", $startMonth);
$startYear = sprintf("%04s", $startYear);
$endMonth = sprintf("%02s", $endMonth);
$endYear = sprintf("%04s", $endYear);
$startDate = "$startYear-$startMonth-01";
$endDateDay1 = "$endYear-$endMonth-01";
$lastdayOfMonth = sprintf("%02s",date("t", strtotime($endDateDay1)));
$endDate = "$endYear-$endMonth-$lastdayOfMonth";
$allbSum = 0;
$allnSum = 0;
$bSum = 0;
$nSum = 0;
if (is_null($closidstart)) {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT %closing%.id as id, DATE(closingdate) as datewotime,TIME(closingdate) as thetime FROM %closing% WHERE DATE(closingdate) >= ? AND DATE(closingdate) <= ? ";
$allClosings = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($startDate,$endDate));
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT %closing%.id as id, DATE(closingdate) as datewotime,TIME(closingdate) as thetime FROM %closing% WHERE id >= ? AND id <= ? ";
$allClosings = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($closidstart,$closidend));
$entry = false;
foreach ($allClosings as $aClosing) {
$entry = true;
$closingid = $aClosing["id"];
$date = $this->osDateToGerman($aClosing["datewotime"]) . " " . $aClosing["thetime"];
$sql = "SELECT %queue%.tax,SUM(price) as brutto,ROUND(SUM(price)/(1 + %queue%.tax/100.0),2) as netto FROM %queue%,%bill% WHERE billid=%bill%.id AND %bill%.closingid=? GROUP BY %queue%.tax";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$closingDetails = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$bSum = 0;
$nSum = 0;
$this->Cell($this->maxTableLength,10,"ID: $closingid ($date)",0,1,"L",0);
foreach($closingDetails as $aClosingDetail) {
$tax = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$aClosingDetail->tax);
$brutto = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$aClosingDetail->brutto);
$netto = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$aClosingDetail->netto);
$sumtax = number_format($aClosingDetail->brutto - $aClosingDetail->netto, 2, $this->decpoint, '');
$sumtax = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$sumtax);
$this->Cell($this->flengths[0],6,"$tax %",0,0,"R",0);
$bSum += $aClosingDetail->brutto;
$nSum += $aClosingDetail->netto;
$allbSum += $bSum;
$allnSum += $nSum;
$sql = "SELECT SUM(brutto) as cashsum FROM %bill% WHERE closingid=? AND status=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
$cashsum = $row->cashsum;
if (!is_null($cashsum) || (abs($cashsum) > 0.01)) {
$cash = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$cashsum);
$bSum += $cashsum;
$nSum += $cashsum;
$allbSum += $cashsum;
$allnSum += $cashsum;
if ($entry) {
$this->osWriteSummarySum($pdo,$this->osSum[$lang],$bSum, $nSum,10, $closingid);
$this->osWriteSummarySum($pdo,$this->osSumAll[$lang],$allbSum, $allnSum,14, -1);
if (is_null($closidstart)) {
$sql = "SELECT %queue%.tax as tax,SUM(price) as brutto,ROUND(SUM(price)/(1 + %queue%.tax/100.0),2) as netto FROM %queue%,%bill%,%closing% ";
$sql .= " WHERE billid=%bill%.id AND closingid=%closing%.id AND DATE(closingdate) >= ? AND DATE(closingdate) <= ? GROUP BY tax";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
} else {
$sql = "SELECT %queue%.tax as tax,SUM(price) as brutto,ROUND(SUM(price)/(1 + %queue%.tax/100.0),2) as netto FROM %queue%,%bill%,%closing% ";
$sql .= " WHERE billid=%bill%.id AND closingid=%closing%.id AND %closing%.id >= ? AND %closing%.id <= ? GROUP BY tax";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$taxDetails = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$this->Cell($this->maxTableLength ,10, utf8_decode($this->taxSumTxt[$lang] . ":"), 0, 1, "L",0);
$this->curtable = "taxes";
foreach($taxDetails as $aTaxDetail) {
if (is_null($closidstart)) {
$sql = "SELECT SUM(brutto) as cashsum FROM %bill%,%closing% WHERE status=? AND closingid=%closing%.id AND DATE(closingdate) >= ? AND DATE(closingdate) <= ?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
} else {
$sql = "SELECT SUM(brutto) as cashsum FROM %bill%,%closing% WHERE status=? AND closingid=%closing%.id AND %closing%.id >= ? AND %closing%.id <= ? ";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
$cashsum = $row->cashsum;
if (!is_null($cashsum) || (abs($cashsum) > 0.01)) {
$cashsum = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$cashsum);
$this->curtable = "empty";
private function osDateToGerman($dateStr) {
$d = explode("-",$dateStr);
return $d[2] . "." . $d[1] . "." . $d[0];
private function osWriteSummarySum($pdo,$itemtxt,$bSum,$nSum,$size,$closingid) {
if ($closingid >= 0) {
$sql = "SELECT billsum FROM %closing% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
$billsum = $row->billsum;
if (abs($billsum - $bSum) > 1.0) {
$this->Cell($this->maxTableLength,10,"$billsum - $bSum : DB inkonsistent",0,0,"R",0);
if (!Closing::checkForClosingConsistency($pdo, $closingid)) {
$this->Cell($this->maxTableLength,10,"DB inkonsistent - Abbruch!",0,0,"C",0);
$this->Cell($this->flengths[0],10,$itemtxt . ":",0,0,"R",0);
$bSumT = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,number_format($bSum, 2, $this->decpoint, ''));
$nSumT = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,number_format($nSum, 2, $this->decpoint, ''));
$tSum = number_format($bSum-$nSum, 2, $this->decpoint, '');
$tSum = str_replace(".",$this->decpoint,$tSum);
private function addRestoreStat($pdo, $lang) {
$this->curtable = "";
$sql = "SELECT DATE(date) as day FROM %hist% WHERE action=? ORDER BY date";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array(10));
if (count($result) == 0) {
$t = array(
"Restore" => array("Wiederherstellungen der gesamten Datenbank an folgenden Tagen",
"Restore of complete data base at these days",
"Restore de la base de datos en estos dias")
$allDates = array();
foreach($result as $aDate) {
$allDays[] = $this->osDateToGerman($aDate["day"]);
$allDays = join(", ",$allDays);
private function setSummaryTableHeader() {
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->tabheader);$i++) {
$aVal = $this->tabheader[$i];
private function setTaxesTableHeader() {
$this->Cell(50,10, utf8_decode($this->taxTxt[$this->lang]),1,0,"C",1);
$this->Cell(50,10,"Netto (" . $this->currency . ")",1,0,"C",1);
$this->Cell(50,10,"Brutto (" . $this->currency . ")",1,1,"C",1);
private function insertMetaTags($title,$subject) {
$this->SetCreator('OrderSprinter www.ordersprinter.de');
$this->SetKeywords( 'OrderSprinter, PDF-Export der Umsatzdaten, www.ordersprinter.de' );
public function exportPdfReport($lang,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$closidstart = null,$closidend = null) {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$this->decpoint = self::getConfigItem($pdo,"decpoint");
$this->currency = self::getConfigItem($pdo,"currency");
$this->version = self::getConfigItem($pdo,"version");
$this->lang = $lang;
$this->insertMetaTags("Umsatzbericht","PDF-Datenexport der Umsätze");
$this->osInsertSales($pdo, $lang, $startMonth, $startYear, $endMonth, $endYear,$closidstart,$closidend);
public function exportPdfSummary($lang,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear) {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$this->exportPdfSummaryCore($pdo, $lang, $startMonth, $startYear, $endMonth, $endYear, null,null);
public function exportPdfSummaryClosPeriod($lang,$closidstart,$closidend) {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$this->exportPdfSummaryCore($pdo, $lang, 0, 0, 0, 0, $closidstart,$closidend);
public function exportCsvSummaryClosPeriod($lang,$closidstart,$closidend) {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$this->exportCsvSummaryCore($pdo, $lang, 0, 0, 0, 0, $closidstart,$closidend);
private function exportCsvSummaryCore($pdo, $lang, $startMonth, $startYear, $endMonth, $endYear, $closidstart = null, $closidend = null) {
header("Expires: Mon, 20 Dec 1998 01:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='Tageserfassungen.csv'");
header("Content-Type: text/csv; charset=utf8");
$decpoint = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, 'decpoint', '.');
$currency = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, 'currency', 'Eur');
$curTxt = "(" . $currency . ")";
$txt = "Tageserfassungs-ID;Datum;Steuersatz;Typ;Netto $curTxt;Steuer $curTxt;Brutto $curTxt\r\n";
if (is_null($closidstart) || is_null($closidend)) {
$txt .= "Erste und/oder letzte ID der Tageserassungen wurden nicht angegeben!";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT %closing%.id as id, DATE(closingdate) as datewotime,TIME(closingdate) as thetime FROM %closing% WHERE id >= ? AND id <= ? ";
$allClosings = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($closidstart, $closidend));
foreach ($allClosings as $aClosing) {
$closingid = $aClosing["id"];
$date = $this->osDateToGerman($aClosing["datewotime"]) . " " . $aClosing["thetime"];
$sql = "SELECT %queue%.tax,SUM(price) as brutto,ROUND(SUM(price)/(1 + %queue%.tax/100.0),2) as netto FROM %queue%,%bill% WHERE billid=%bill%.id AND %bill%.closingid=? GROUP BY %queue%.tax";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$closingDetails = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
foreach ($closingDetails as $aClosingDetail) {
$tax = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $aClosingDetail->tax);
$brutto = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $aClosingDetail->brutto);
$netto = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $aClosingDetail->netto);
$sumtax = number_format($aClosingDetail->brutto - $aClosingDetail->netto, 2, $decpoint, '');
$sumtax = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $sumtax);
$txt .= "$closingid;$date;$tax;Umsatz;$netto;$sumtax;$brutto\r\n";
$sql = "SELECT SUM(brutto) as cashsum FROM %bill% WHERE closingid=? AND status=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$stmt->execute(array($closingid, 'c'));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
$cashsum = $row->cashsum;
if (!is_null($cashsum) || (abs($cashsum) > 0.01)) {
$cash = str_replace(".", $decpoint, $cashsum);
$txt .= "$closingid;$date;0" . $decpoint . "00;Kassenein-/auslage;$cash;0" . $decpoint . "0;$cash\r\n";
echo $txt;
public function exportPdfSummaryCore($pdo,$lang,$startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$closidstart = null,$closidend = null) {
$this->decpoint = self::getConfigItem($pdo,"decpoint");
$this->currency = self::getConfigItem($pdo,"currency");
$this->version = self::getConfigItem($pdo,"version");
$this->lang = $lang;
$this->insertMetaTags("Kassenbuch","PDF-Zusammenfassung der Umsätze");
if (!is_null($closidstart)) {
$headerLine = $this->osClosingsPlural[$lang] . " $closidstart - $closidend ";
$headerLine .= " (in " . self::getConfigItem($pdo,"currency") . ")";
} else {
$headerLine = $this->osSummary[$lang] . " " . self::osGetMonthName($lang, $startMonth) . " $startYear - " . self::osGetMonthName($lang, $endMonth) . " $endYear";
$headerLine .= " (in " . self::getConfigItem($pdo,"currency") . ")";
$this->Cell($this->maxTableLength ,10,$headerLine,0,1,"C",0);
$this->Cell($this->maxTableLength ,10, "(" . utf8_decode($this->hintNoEmptyClosings[$lang]) . ")", 0, 1, "C",0);
$this->tabheader = array($this->osClosingTxt[$lang],"Netto","Steuer","Brutto");
$this->curtable = "summary";
$this->daySummary($pdo,$lang, $startMonth, $startYear, $endMonth, $endYear, $closidstart,$closidend);