
1249 lines
43 KiB

// Datenbank-Verbindungsparameter
require_once ('dbutils.php');
require_once ('commonutils.php');
require_once ('admin.php');
require_once ('reports.php');
require_once ('utilities/pdfexport.php');
require_once ('3rdparty/phpexcel/classes/PHPExcel.php');
define ('DO_EXCEL',1);
define ('DO_CSV',2);
class Bill {
var $dbutils;
var $t;
private $P_SUM = array("Summe:","Sum:","Todo:");
private $P_TOTAL = array("Total","Total","Total");
private $P_MWST = array("MwSt","Tax","IVA");
private $P_NETTO = array("Netto","Net","Neto");
private $P_BRUTTO = array("Brutto","Gross","Bruto");
private $P_ID = array("Id:","Id:","Id:");
private $P_TABLE = array("Tisch:","Table:","Mesa:");
private $P_WAITER = array("Es bediente Sie:", "Waiter:", "Camarero:");
private $P_NO = array("Anz.", "No.", "Nú.");
private $P_DESCR = array("Beschreibung","Description","Descripción");
private $P_PRICE = array("Preis","Price","Precio");
function __construct() {
$this->dbutils = new DbUtils();
require_once 'translations.php';
function handleCommand($command) {
if ($command == 'exportCsv') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights()) {
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
if ($command == 'exportXlsx') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights()) {
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
if ($command == 'exportPdfReport') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights()) {
} else {
echo "Benutzer nicht berechtigt";
if ($command == 'exportPdfSummary') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights()) {
} else {
echo "Benutzer nicht berechtigt";
if ($command == 'autoBackupPdfSummary') {
if ($command == 'exportCsvOfClosing') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights()) {
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_MANAGER_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_MANAGER_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
if ($command == 'exportXlsxOfClosing') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights()) {
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_MANAGER_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_MANAGER_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
if ($command == 'doCashAction') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserPaydeskRights()) {
$remark = "";
if(isset($_POST["remark"])) {
$remark = $_POST['remark'];
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_PAYDESK_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_PAYDESK_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
} else if ($command == 'getCashOverviewOfUser') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserPaydeskRights()) {
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_PAYDESK_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_PAYDESK_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
if ($command == 'changeBillHost') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserPaydeskRights()) {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_PAYDESK_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_PAYDESK_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
if ($command == 'initaustriareceipt') {
if ($this->hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights()) {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$status = $this->initaustriareceipt($pdo);
echo json_encode($status);
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_MANAGER_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_MANAGER_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
if ($this->hasCurrentUserBillRights()) {
if ($command == 'getLastBillsWithContent') {
} else if ($command == 'cancelBill') {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_AUTHOTRIZED_MSG));
private function hasCurrentUserBillRights() {
if (!isset($_SESSION['angemeldet']) || !$_SESSION['angemeldet']) {
return false;
} else {
return ($_SESSION['right_bill']);
private function hasCurrentUserPaydeskRights() {
if (!isset($_SESSION['angemeldet']) || !$_SESSION['angemeldet']) {
return false;
} else {
return ($_SESSION['right_paydesk']);
private function hasCurrentUserAdminOrManagerRights() {
if (!isset($_SESSION['angemeldet']) || !$_SESSION['angemeldet']) {
return false;
} else {
return ($_SESSION['right_manager'] || $_SESSION['is_admin']);
function billIsCancelled($pdo,$billid) {
$sql = "SELECT status FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
$status = $row->status;
$ret = false;
if (($status == "x") || ($status == "s")) {
$ret = true;
return $ret;
private function createBillOverallInfo($billid,$thetimedate,$tablename,$brutto,$netto,$username,$printer,$host) {
$thetimedate_arr = explode ( ' ', $thetimedate );
$thedate = $thetimedate_arr[0];
$datearr = explode ( '-', $thedate );
$day = sprintf("%02s", $datearr[2]);
$month = sprintf("%02s", $datearr[1]);
$year = sprintf("%04s", $datearr[0]);
$thetime = $thetimedate_arr[1];
$thetimearr = explode ( ':', $thetime );
$hour = $thetimearr[0];
$min = $thetimearr[1];
$thetimedate = "$day.$month.$year $hour:$min";
$billoverallinfo = array(
"id" => $billid,
"billdate" => $thetimedate,
"billday" => $day,
"billmonth" => $month,
"billyear" => $year,
"billhour" => $hour,
"billmin" => $min,
"brutto" => $brutto,
"netto" => $netto,
"table" => $tablename,
"username" => $username,
"printer" => $printer,
"host" => $host
return $billoverallinfo;
private function createBillTranslations($language) {
$billtranslations = array(
"sum" => $this->P_SUM[$language],
"total" => $this->P_TOTAL[$language],
"mwst" => $this->P_MWST[$language],
"netto" => $this->P_NETTO[$language],
"brutto" => $this->P_BRUTTO[$language],
"id" => $this->P_ID[$language],
"table" => $this->P_TABLE[$language],
"waiter" => $this->P_WAITER[$language],
"no" => $this->P_NO[$language],
"descr" => $this->P_DESCR[$language],
"price" => $this->P_PRICE[$language]
return $billtranslations;
* get the content of a bill (to be used for printserver etc.)
* @param unknown $billid
function getBillWithId($pdo,$billid,$language,$printer,$includeGuestInfo = false,$includePayment = false) {
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$correct = $commonUtils->verifyBill($pdo, $billid);
if (!$correct) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB, "msg" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB_MSG));
$sql = "SELECT tableid,status FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql,array($billid));
if ($row->status == 'c') {
return $this->getCashBill($pdo,$billid,$language,$printer);
$sql = "SELECT count(id) as countid FROM %queue% WHERE billid=?";
$qrow = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($billid));
$tableid = $row->tableid;
if ($qrow->countid == 0) {
if ($tableid == 0) {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT billdate,brutto,ROUND(netto,2) as netto,'-' as tablename,username,host,IFNULL(%bill%.status,'') as status,guestinfo,paymentid,printextras FROM %bill%,%user% WHERE %bill%.id=? AND userid=%user%.id AND tableid='0' ";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT billdate,brutto,ROUND(netto,2) as netto,tableno as tablename,username,host,IFNULL(%bill%.status,'') as status,guestinfo,paymentid,printextras FROM %bill%,%user%,%resttables% WHERE %bill%.id=? AND userid=%user%.id AND tableid=%resttables%.id ";
} else {
if ($tableid == 0) {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT billdate,brutto,ROUND(netto,2) as netto,'-' as tablename,username,host,IFNULL(%bill%.status,'') as status,guestinfo,paymentid,printextras FROM %bill%,%user%,%queue% WHERE %bill%.id=? AND %bill%.id=%queue%.billid AND userid=%user%.id AND tableid='0' AND paidtime is not null ";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT billdate,brutto,ROUND(netto,2) as netto,tableno as tablename,username,host,IFNULL(%bill%.status,'') as status,guestinfo,paymentid,printextras FROM %bill%,%user%,%resttables%,%queue% WHERE %bill%.id=? AND %bill%.id=%queue%.billid AND userid=%user%.id AND tableid=%resttables%.id AND paidtime is not null ";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($billid));
$status = $row->status;
$sign = ($status == "s" ? "-" : "");
if ($tableid != 0) {
$sql = "SELECT abbreviation FROM %room%,%resttables% WHERE %resttables%.id=? AND %resttables%.roomid=%room%.id";
$trow = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($tableid));
if (is_null($trow->abbreviation) || ($trow->abbreviation == '')) {
$tablename = $row->tablename;
} else {
$tablename = $trow->abbreviation . "-" . $row->tablename;
} else {
$tablename = "-";
if ($row == null) {
echo json_encode(array("billoverallinfo" => array()));
} else {
if (is_null($row->host)) {
$host = 0; // default
} else {
$host = $row->host;
$thetimedate = $row->billdate;
$printextrasOfReceipt = $row->printextras;
$printExtras = false;
if ($printextrasOfReceipt == 1) {
$printExtras = true;
$billoverallinfo = $this->createBillOverallInfo($billid,$thetimedate,$tablename,$row->brutto,$row->netto,$row->username,$printer,$host);
if ($includeGuestInfo) {
if (is_null($row->guestinfo)) {
$billoverallinfo["guestinfo"] = '';
} else {
$billoverallinfo["guestinfo"] = $row->guestinfo;
if ($includePayment) {
$col = "name";
if ($language == 1) {
$col = "name_en";
} else if ($language == 2) {
$col = "name_esp";
$paymentid = $row->paymentid;
$sql = "SELECT $col FROM %payment% as name WHERE id=?";
$paymentname = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($paymentid));
$billoverallinfo["payment"] = $paymentname->name;
$billtranslations = $this->createBillTranslations($language);
$sql = "select productname,price,%pricelevel%.name as pricelevelname,togo,count(%queue%.productname) as count,%prodtype%.kind as kind from %queue%,%pricelevel%,%billproducts%,%prodtype%,%products% where %billproducts%.billid=? AND %billproducts%.queueid=%queue%.id AND %queue%.pricelevel = %pricelevel%.id AND %queue%.productid = %products%.id AND %products%.category = %prodtype%.id group by kind, productname,price,pricelevelname,togo";
if ($printExtras) {
$sql = "SELECT
PL.name as pricelevelname,
count(Q.productname) as count,
PT.kind as kind,
%queueextras% QE
) as concatstr
%queue% Q,
%pricelevel% PL,
%billproducts% BP,
%prodtype% PT,
%products% P
BP.billid=? AND
BP.queueid=Q.id AND
Q.pricelevel = PL.id AND
Q.productid = P.id AND
P.category = PT.id
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($billid));
$prodarray = array();
foreach($result as $zeile) {
$productname = $zeile['productname'];
if ($zeile["togo"] == 1) {
$productname = "To-Go: " . $productname;
$prodarray[] = array("count" => $zeile['count'],
"productname" => $productname,
"pricelevel" => $zeile['pricelevelname'],
"price" => $sign . $zeile['price']
if ($printExtras) {
$extrasConcatStr = $zeile['concatstr'];
if (!is_null($extrasConcatStr)) {
$sql = "SELECT name FROM %extras% WHERE id IN ($extrasConcatStr)";
$allExtras = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, null);
foreach($allExtras as $anExtra) {
$prodarray[] = array("count" => 0,
"productname" => ' + ' . $anExtra['name'],
"pricelevel" => $zeile['pricelevelname'],
"price" => 0
$sql = "select tax,concat('$sign',round(sum(price) - sum(price / (1.0 + tax/100.0)),2)) as mwst, concat('$sign',round(sum(price / (1.0 + tax/100.0)),2)) as netto, concat('$sign',sum(price)) as brutto FROM %queue%,%billproducts% WHERE %billproducts%.billid=? AND %billproducts%.queueid=%queue%.id group by tax ORDER BY tax";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$out = array("billoverallinfo" => $billoverallinfo,"translations" => $billtranslations,"products" => $prodarray, "taxes" => $result);
return $out;
private function getCashBill($pdo,$billid,$language,$printer) {
$sql = "SELECT billdate,ROUND(brutto,2) as brutto,ROUND(netto,2) as netto,ROUND(tax,2) as tax,username,userid,reason FROM %bill% B, %user% U WHERE B.id=? AND B.userid=U.id";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql, array($billid));
$r = $result[0];
$brutto = $r["brutto"];
$netto = $r["netto"];
$billoverallinfo = $this->createBillOverallInfo($billid,$r["billdate"],' ',$brutto,$netto,$r["username"],$printer,0);
$billoverallinfo["guestinfo"] = '';
$billtranslations = $this->createBillTranslations($language);
$prods = array();
$prods[] = array(
"productname" => "Barein-/auslage",
"price" => $r["brutto"],
"pricelevel" => "A",
"count" => 1
$reason = $r["reason"];
if (!is_null($reason)) {
$prods[] = array(
"productname" => "($reason)",
"price" => 0,
"pricelevel" => "A",
"count" => 0
$taxes = array(
array("tax"=> "0.00","mwst" => "0.00", "netto" => $netto,"brutto" => $brutto)
$out = array("billoverallinfo" => $billoverallinfo,"translations" => $billtranslations,"products" => $prods, "taxes" => $taxes);
return $out;
public function getAustriaTaxes($pdo,$billid) {
$sql = "select tax,IF(taxaustria is not null, taxaustria, 0) as taxaustria,concat('$sign',round(sum(price) - sum(price / (1.0 + tax/100.0)),2)) as mwst, concat('$sign',round(sum(price / (1.0 + tax/100.0)),2)) as netto, concat('$sign',sum(price)) as brutto FROM %queue%,%billproducts% WHERE %billproducts%.billid=? AND %billproducts%.queueid=%queue%.id group by tax ORDER BY taxaustria";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
return $result;
* insert or take out cash money. The direction done by sign of $money value
private function doCashAction($money,$remark) {
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$pdo = $this->dbutils->openDbAndReturnPdo();
CommonUtils::log($pdo, "QUEUE", "Cash action with money '$money' at billtime '$currentTime'");
$sql = "SELECT sum(brutto) as bruttosum FROM %bill% WHERE closingid is null AND paymentid='1'";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
if ($row != null) {
$sum = $row->bruttosum;
if (is_null($sum)) {
$sum = 0.0;
if (($sum + floatval($money)) >= 0.0) {
$nextbillid = $this->testForNewBillIdAndUpdateWorkTable($pdo);
if ($nextbillid < 0) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB, "msg" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB_MSG));
$userId = $this->getUserId();
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
if (trim($money) == '') {
$money = '0.00';
CommonUtils::log($pdo, "QUEUE", "Calc bill signature for cash money '$money' at billtime '$currentTime'");
$signature = CommonUtils::calcSignatureForBill($currentTime, $money, $money, $userId);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`tax`,`tableid`, `status`, `paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`reason`,`signature`) VALUES ( ?, ? , ?,?,?, ?, 'c', ?,?,?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$lastId = $pdo->lastInsertId();
$prevbrutto = 0;
$prevnetto = 0;
if ($lastId > 1) {
$sql = "SELECT brutto,prevbrutto,netto,prevnetto FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET prevbrutto=?,prevnetto=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$stmt->execute(array($row->brutto + $row->prevbrutto,$row->netto + $row->prevnetto,$lastId));
echo json_encode(array("status" => "OK"));
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_LESS_MONEY_TO_TAKE_OUT, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_LESS_MONEY_TO_TAKE_OUT_MSG));
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_GENERAL_PAYDESK_SUM, "msg" => ERROR_GENERAL_PAYDESK_SUM_MSG));
* User may ask what money he should have in his pocket by serving the guests. If the inserts and
* take outs are in in his waiter paydesk then this value is of interest, too. Return both.
function getCashOverviewOfUser() {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$userId = $this->getUserId();
if(session_id() == '') {
$lang = $_SESSION['language'];
$paymentnameitem = "name";
if ($lang == 1) {
$paymentnameitem = "name_en";
} else if ($lang == 2) {
$paymentnameitem = "name_esp";
$cashPerPayments = array();
for ($paymentid=1;$paymentid<=8;$paymentid++) {
$sql = "SELECT $paymentnameitem as payname FROM %payment% WHERE id=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array($paymentid));
$paymentname = $row->payname;
$onlyCashByGuests = 0.0;
$pdo = $this->dbutils->openDbAndReturnPdo();
$sql = "SELECT sum(brutto) as sumtotal FROM %bill% WHERE closingid is null AND status is null AND paymentid=? AND userid=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
if ($row != null) {
if ($row->sumtotal != null) {
$onlyCashByGuests = $row->sumtotal;
if ($onlyCashByGuests != '0.00') {
$cashPerPayments[] = array("payment" => $paymentname,"value" => $onlyCashByGuests);
$cashByGuestsAndInsertTakeOut = 0.0;
$sql = "SELECT sum(brutto) as sumtotal FROM %bill% WHERE closingid is null AND paymentid='1' AND userid='$userId' AND (status is null OR status ='c')";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
if ($row != null) {
if ($row->sumtotal != null) {
$cashByGuestsAndInsertTakeOut = $row->sumtotal;
echo json_encode(array("cashperpayments" => $cashPerPayments,"total" => $cashByGuestsAndInsertTakeOut));
function getLastBillsWithContent($day,$month,$year) {
$startDate = "$year-$month-$day 00:00:00";
$endDate = "$year-$month-$day 23:59:59";
$whenClause = " (billdate >= ? AND billdate <= ?)";
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$admin = new Admin();
$genValues = $admin->getGeneralConfigItems(false, $pdo);
$l = $genValues['billlanguage'];
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$sql = "SELECT id,billdate,brutto,tableid,closingid,status,host FROM %bill% WHERE tableid >= '0' AND $whenClause ";
$sql .= "UNION ";
$sql .= "SELECT id,billdate,brutto,tableid,closingid,status,host FROM %bill% WHERE status='c' AND $whenClause ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY id DESC,billdate DESC";
$result = CommonUtils::fetchSqlAll($pdo, $sql,array($startDate,$endDate,$startDate,$endDate));
$resultarray = array();
foreach($result as $zeile) {
$theId = $zeile['id'];
if (!$commonUtils->verifyBill($pdo, $theId)) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB, "msg" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB_MSG));
$date = new DateTime($zeile['billdate']);
$shortdate = $date->format('H:i');
$closingID = $zeile['closingid'];
$isClosed = (is_null($closingID) ? 0 : 1);
$host = 0;
$tablename = "-";
if ($zeile["status"] != 'c') {
$host = $zeile['host'];
$tablename = $commonUtils->getTableNameFromId($pdo,$zeile['tableid']);
if ($this->billIsCancelled($pdo,$theId)) {
$isClosed = 1;
$arr = array("id" => $theId,
"longdate" => $zeile['billdate'],
"shortdate" => $shortdate,
"brutto" => $zeile['brutto'],
"tablename" => $tablename,
"billcontent" => $this->getBillWithId($pdo,$theId,$l,0,true,false),
"isClosed" => $isClosed,
"host" => $host
$resultarray[] = $arr;
$hosthtml = file_get_contents("../customer/bon-bewirtungsvorlage.html");
echo json_encode(array("status" => "OK", "code" => OK, "msg" => $resultarray, "hosthtml" => $hosthtml));
private function getUserId() {
if(session_id() == '') {
return $_SESSION['userid'];
* Test if it is allowed to insert new bill as storno bill or if manipulation has happened
* Returns (-1) in case of an error, a positive return value is the new id, (which is already updated in work table)
private function testForNewBillIdAndUpdateWorkTable($pdo) {
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$sql = "SELECT MAX(id) as maxbillid FROM %bill%";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
$nextbillid = intval($row->maxbillid) + 1;
if (!$commonUtils->verifyLastBillId($pdo, $nextbillid)) {
return (-1);
} else {
$commonUtils->setLastBillIdInWorkTable($pdo, $nextbillid);
return $nextbillid;
private function initaustriareceipt($pdo) {
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
try {
// calculate next bill id
$sql = "SELECT MAX(id) as maxid FROM %bill%";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql);
$maxbillid = $row->maxid;
$nextbillid = 1;
$newprevbrutto = 0;
$newprevnetto = 0;
if (!is_null($maxbillid)) {
$nextbillid = intval($maxbillid) + 1;
$sql = "SELECT brutto,ROUND(netto,2) as netto,prevbrutto,prevnetto FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$row = CommonUtils::getRowSqlObject($pdo, $sql, array(intval($maxbillid)));
$newprevbrutto = $row->prevbrutto ;
$newprevnetto = $row->prevnetto;
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$commonUtils->setLastBillIdInWorkTable($pdo, $nextbillid);
$tableid = 0;
if(session_id() == '') {
$userid = $_SESSION['userid'];
$signature = CommonUtils::calcSignatureForBill($currentTime, '0.00', '0.00', $userid);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`prevbrutto`,`prevnetto`,`tableid`,`paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`tax`,`host`,`reservationid`,`guestinfo`,`intguestid`,`signature`,`reason`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($nextbillid,$currentTime,'0.00', '0.00',$newprevbrutto,$newprevnetto,$tableid,1,$userid,0,null,null,null,$signature,'STARTBELEG'));
CommonUtils::log($pdo, "QUEUE", "Created bill STARTBELEG with id=$nextbillid from user $userid");
Rksv::doStartBeleg($pdo, $nextbillid, $currentTime);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return array("status" => "ERROR", "msg" => $ex->getMessage());
return array("status" => "OK");
private function changeBillHost($pdo,$billid,$isNowHost) {
$sql = "SELECT host,closingid FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
if ($row->host != $isNowHost) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_WO_HOST, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_WO_HOST_MSG));
if (!is_null($row->closingid)) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_ALREADY_CLOSED, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_ALREADY_CLOSED_MSG));
$sql = "SELECT queueid FROM %billproducts% WHERE billid=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$idsOfBill = $stmt->fetchAll();
$ids = array();
foreach($idsOfBill as $anId) {
$ids[] = $anId["queueid"];
$sql = "SELECT brutto,netto,tableid,paymentid,tax,reservationid,guestinfo,intguestid,intguestpaid FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
$ok = $this->cancelBill($pdo, $billid, "", "OrderSprinter-Bewirtungseigenschaft", false, false, false, 0);
if (!$ok) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_CANCEL_IMOSSIBLE, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_CANCEL_IMOSSIBLE_MSG));
$this->recreateBill($pdo, $ids, $row->brutto, $row->netto, $row->tableid, $row->paymentid, $row->tax, 1-$isNowHost,$row->reservationid,$row->guestinfo,$row->intguestid,$row->intguestpaid);
echo json_encode(array("status" => "OK", "code" => OK));
function recreateBill($pdo,$ids_array,$brutto,$netto,$tableid,$paymentId,$tax,$host,$reservationid,$guestinfo,$intguestid,$intguestpaid) {
$userid = $this->getUserId();
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$billid = (-1);
$sql = "SELECT id from %bill% ORDER BY id DESC";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$numberOfIds = $stmt->rowCount();
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
$billid = intval($row->id)+1;
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$commonUtils->setLastBillIdInWorkTable($pdo, $billid);
if (is_null($tableid)) {
$tableid = 0;
$signature = CommonUtils::calcSignatureForBill($currentTime, $brutto, $netto, $userid);
$billInsertSql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`tableid`,`paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`tax`,`host`,`reservationid`,`guestinfo`,`intguestid`,`intguestpaid`,`signature`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NULL,NULL,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($billInsertSql));
$newBillId = $pdo->lastInsertId();
for ($i=0;$i<count($ids_array);$i++) {
$queueid = $ids_array[$i];
$updateSql = "UPDATE %queue% SET paidtime=?, billid=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($updateSql));
$billProdsSql = "INSERT INTO `%billproducts%` (`queueid`,`billid`) VALUES ( ?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($billProdsSql));
Hotelinterface::insertIntoHsin($pdo, $newBillId);
* Cancel a bill - set all queue items to not paid and drop the bill entry
private function cancelBill($pdo,$billid,$stornocode,$reason,$doOwnTransaction,$doEcho,$checkStornoCode,$removeproducts = 0) {
$currentTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$recordaction = T_BILLSTORNO;
if ($removeproducts) {
$recordaction = T_BILLSTORNOREMOVE;
$stornocodeInDb = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, 'stornocode', null);
if (is_null($stornocodeInDb)) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_STORNO_CODE, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_NOT_STORNO_CODE_MSG));
return false;
if ($checkStornoCode) {
if ($stornocode != $stornocodeInDb) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_WRONG_STORNO_CODE, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_WRONG_STORNO_CODE_MSG));
return false;
if (!is_numeric($billid)) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_WRONG_NUMERIC_VALUE, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_WRONG_NUMERIC_VALUE_MSG));
return false;
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
$sql = "SELECT brutto,netto,tax,tableid,closingid,status,paymentid,reservationid,guestinfo,intguestid,intguestpaid FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
$closingId = null;
if ($row != null) {
$closingId = $row->closingid;
$brutto = $row->brutto;
$netto = $row->netto;
$tax = $row->tax;
$tableid = $row->tableid;
$status = $row->status;
$paymentid = $row->paymentid;
$reservationid = $row->reservationid;
$guestinfo = $row->guestinfo;
$intguestpaid = $row->intguestpaid;
if (!is_null($closingId) || ($status == 's') || ($status == 'x')) {
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
if ($doEcho) {
if (($status == 's') || ($status == 'x')) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_ALREADY_CANCELLED, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_ALREADY_CANCELLED_MSG));
} else {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_ALREADY_CLOSED, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_ALREADY_CLOSED_MSG));
return false;
if (!is_null($intguestpaid)) {
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_BILL_CUSTOMER_PAID, "msg" => ERROR_BILL_CUSTOMER_PAID_MSG));
return false;
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$correct = $commonUtils->verifyBill($pdo, $billid);
if (!$correct) {
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB, "msg" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB_MSG));
return false;
$nextbillid = $this->testForNewBillIdAndUpdateWorkTable($pdo);
if ($nextbillid < 0) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "ERROR", "code" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB, "msg" => ERROR_INCONSISTENT_DB_MSG));
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
return false;
$sql = "SELECT id FROM %queue% WHERE billid=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
$queueIdArray = array();
foreach($result as $row) {
if ($removeproducts == 1) {
Workreceipts::createCancelWorkReceipt($pdo, $row['id']);
$queueIdArray[] = $row['id'];
if ($removeproducts == 0) {
$sql = "UPDATE %queue% SET paidtime=null,billid=null WHERE billid=?";
} else {
$sql = "UPDATE %queue% SET ordertime=null,paidtime=null,billid=null WHERE billid=?";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($billid));
$userIdOfStornoUser = $this->getUserId();
$stornval = 0.0 - floatval($brutto);
$stornonettoval = 0.0 - floatval($netto);
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$signature = CommonUtils::calcSignatureForBill($currentTime, $stornval, $stornonettoval, $userIdOfStornoUser);
$sql = "INSERT INTO `%bill%` (`id` , `billdate`,`brutto`,`netto`,`tax`,`tableid`, `status`, `paymentid`,`userid`,`ref`,`host`,`reservationid`,`guestinfo`,`signature`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?, 's', ?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$refIdOfStornoEntry = $pdo->lastInsertId();
$sql = "SELECT brutto,netto,prevbrutto,prevnetto FROM %bill% WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$row =$stmt->fetchObject();
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% set prevbrutto=?,prevnetto=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
$stmt->execute(array($row->brutto + $row->prevbrutto + $stornval,$row->netto + $row->prevnetto + $stornonettoval,$refIdOfStornoEntry));
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET status='x', closingid=null, ref=?, intguestid=?,intguestpaid=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
if (!is_null($reason) && ($reason != "")) {
$sql = "UPDATE %bill% SET reason=? WHERE id=?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
foreach ($queueIdArray as $aQueueid) {
$billProdsSql = "INSERT INTO `%billproducts%` (`queueid` , `billid`) VALUES ( ?,?)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($billProdsSql));
if ($tableid == 0) {
$tableid = null;
$sql = "INSERT INTO %records% (date,userid,tableid,action) VALUES(?,?,?,?)";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($currentTime,$userIdOfStornoUser,$tableid,$recordaction));
$recordid = $pdo->lastInsertId();
foreach ($queueIdArray as $aQueueid) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO %recordsqueue% (recordid,queueid) VALUES(?,?)";
CommonUtils::execSql($pdo, $sql, array($recordid,$aQueueid));
if ($doOwnTransaction) {
if ($doEcho) {
echo json_encode(array("status" => "OK", "code" => OK));
return true;
private function autoBackupPdfSummary($remoteaccesscode) {
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$code = CommonUtils::getConfigValue($pdo, 'remoteaccesscode', null);
if (is_null($code)) {
echo "No remote access code available - backup not allowed";
if (is_null($code) || (trim($code) == "")) {
echo "No remote access code set - backup not allowed";
if ($code != md5($remoteaccesscode)) {
echo "Wrong remote access code used - backup not allowed";
$pdo = null;
$currentYear = date('Y');
$currentMonth = date('n');
$this->exportPdfSummary(1, $currentYear, $currentMonth, $currentYear);
private function exportPdfReport($startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear) {
$pdfExport = new PdfExport();
$lang = 0;
if(isset($_GET["lang"])) {
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
private function exportPdfSummary($startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear) {
$pdfExport = new PdfExport();
$lang = 0;
if(isset($_GET["lang"])) {
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
private function exportCsv($startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$exportType) {
* Method to export data of a special closing
private function exportCsvOfClosing($closingid,$exportFormat) {
private function getDecPoint() {
$sql = "SELECT name,setting FROM %config% WHERE name=?";
$pdo = $this->dbutils->openDbAndReturnPdo();
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($this->dbutils->resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sql));
$row = $stmt->fetchObject();
private function exportCsv_bin($startMonth,$startYear,$endMonth,$endYear,$onlyClosingId,$exportFormat) {
if(session_id() == '') {
$l = $_SESSION['language'];
$commonUtils = new CommonUtils();
$currency = $commonUtils->getCurrency();
$decpoint = ".";
$formatCode = "0.00";
if ($onlyClosingId == null) {
if ($startMonth < 10) {
$startMonth = "0" . $startMonth;
if ($endMonth < 10) {
$endMonth = "0" . $endMonth;
$startDate = $startYear . "-" . $startMonth . "-01 00:00:00";
$endDate = $endYear . "-" . $endMonth . "-01";
$lastdayOfMonth = date("t", strtotime($endDate));
$endDate = $endYear . "-" . $endMonth . "-" . $lastdayOfMonth . " 23:59:59";
$objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel();
$locale = 'De';
if ($l == 1) {
$locale = 'En';
} else if ($l == 2) {
$locale = 'Es';
$validLocale = PHPExcel_Settings::setLocale($locale);
->setTitle("OrderSprinter Umsatzdatenexport")
->setSubject("OrderSprinter Umsatzdatenexport")
->setKeywords("OrderSprinter Umsätze")
->setCategory("OrderSprinter Datenexport");
$objWorksheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet();
$allcells = array();
$firstRow = array(
$this->t['Brutto'][$l] ."($currency)",
$this->t['Netto'][$l] . "($currency)",
if ($onlyClosingId == null) {
$firstRow[] = $this->t['ClosId'][$l];
$firstRow[] = $this->t['ClosDate'][$l];
$firstRow[] = $this->t['PayWay'][$l];
$firstRow[] = $this->t['ClosRemark'][$l];
} else {
$firstRow[] = $this->t['PayWay'][$l];
$lineLength = count($firstRow);
$allcells[] = $firstRow;
$billIdsForThatClosing = array();
$payment_lang = array("name","name_en","name_esp");
$payment_col = $payment_lang[$l];
$pdo = DbUtils::openDbAndReturnPdoStatic();
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT %bill%.id,IF(tableid > '0',(SELECT tableno FROM %resttables% WHERE id=tableid),'') as tablename,%bill%.signature,billdate,brutto,ROUND(netto,2) as netto,IF(tax is not null, tax, '0.00') as tax,status,closingdate,remark,%bill%.host,%bill%.closingid,%payment%.$payment_col as payway,userid,ref,username,IF(%bill%.reason is not null,reason,'') as reason FROM %bill%,%closing%,%payment%,%user% ";
$sql .= "WHERE closingid is not null AND %bill%.closingid=%closing%.id ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.paymentid=%payment%.id ";
if ($onlyClosingId == null) {
$sql .= " AND %bill%.billdate BETWEEN ? AND ? ";
} else {
$sql .= " AND closingid=? ";
$sql .= " AND %bill%.userid = %user%.id ";
$sql .= "ORDER BY billdate";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare(DbUtils::substTableAlias($sql));
if ($onlyClosingId == null) {
} else {
$dbresult = $stmt->fetchAll();
foreach($dbresult as $zeile) {
$billid = $zeile['id'];
$tablename = $zeile['tablename'];
$billdate = $zeile['billdate'];
$brutto_orig = $zeile['brutto'];
$netto_orig = $zeile['netto'];
$tax_orig = $zeile['tax'];
$brutto = str_replace(".",$decpoint,$brutto_orig);
$netto = str_replace(".",$decpoint,$netto_orig);
$tax = str_replace(".",$decpoint,$tax_orig);
$signature = $zeile['signature'];
$dbstatus = $zeile['status'];
$status = $zeile['status'];
if ($status == 'x') {
$status = $this->t["laterCancelled"][$l];
} else if ($status == 's') {
$status = $this->t["storno"][$l];
} else if ($status == 'c') {
$status = $this->t["cashact"][$l];
} else {
$status = "";
$ref = ($zeile['ref'] == null ? "" : $zeile['ref']);
$userid = $zeile['userid'];
$username = $zeile['username'];
$closingid = $zeile['closingid'];
$closingdate = $zeile['closingdate'];
$remark = $zeile['remark'];
$paymentname = $zeile['payway'];
$host = ($zeile['host'] == 1 ? "x" : "-");
$reason = $zeile['reason'];
if (!CommonUtils::verifyBillByValues(null,$billdate, $brutto_orig, $netto_orig, $userid, $signature,$dbstatus)) {
echo "Inconsistent Data Base Content!\n";
if ($billid == null) {
$billid = "-";
if ($onlyClosingId == null) {
$line = array($billid , $billdate, $brutto, $netto, $tablename, $status, $ref, $host, $reason, $userid,$username , $closingid, $closingdate, $paymentname, $remark);
} else {
$line = array($billid , $billdate, $brutto, $netto, $tablename, $status, $ref, $host, $reason, $userid,$username , $paymentname);
$allcells[] = $line;
$allcells, // The data to set
NULL, // Array values with this value will not be set
'A1' // Top left coordinate of the worksheet range where
$lastChar = chr(ord('A') + $lineLength - 1);
$range = "A1:$lastChar" . "1";
$range = "A2:" . $lastChar . count($allcells);
for ($i=1;$i<count($allcells);$i++) {
$aVal = $objWorksheet->getCell('C' . ($i+1)) ->getValue();
$objWorksheet->getCell('C' . ($i+1)) ->setValueExplicit($aVal,PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC);
$objWorksheet->getStyle('C' . ($i+1))->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode($formatCode);
$aVal = $objWorksheet->getCell('D' . ($i+1)) ->getValue();
$objWorksheet->getCell('D' . ($i+1)) ->setValueExplicit($aVal,PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC);
$objWorksheet->getStyle('D' . ($i+1))->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode($formatCode);
if ($exportFormat == DO_CSV) {
header("Content-type: text/x-csv");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"ordersprinter-datenexport.csv\"");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=0");
$objWriter = new PHPExcel_Writer_CSV($objPHPExcel);
} else {
header("Content-Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"ordersprinter-datenexport.xls\"");
header("Cache-Control: max-age=0");
$objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($objPHPExcel, 'Excel5');