
1418 lines
48 KiB
Raw Blame History

<title>Ansicht Kasse</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="author" content="Stefan Pichel">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bestformat.css?v=1.1.12">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/orderstyle.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/orderstyle/jquery.mobile.icons.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="php/3rdparty/jquery.mobile-1.4.0.min.css" type="text/css" />
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<script src="php/3rdparty/jquery.mobile-1.4.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="utilities.js"></script>
<script src="receiptutils.js"></script>
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<script src="elements/grouping.js"></script>
@media screen
.receipttable {width: 70%; background-color: #cccccc;}
@media print
.receipttable,#partToPrint {width: 100%;};
@media print
#thefooter,#theheader,#modulemenu,#oben,#untenarea,#payWithoutPrint,#paybuttongroup,#hostbuttongroup {display: none;}
// for the receipt
var P_DESCR = ["Beschreibung","Description","Descripción"];
var P_PRICE = ["Preis","Price","Precio"];
var P_TOTAL = ["Total","Total","Total"];
var P_ID = ["Id:","Id:","Id:"];
// for the UI
var P_ROOMSEL = ["Raumauswahl","Room selection","Selección de espacio"];
var P_PAYDESK_ACTIONS = ["Kassenaktionen","Paydesk actions","Acciones de caja"];
var P_BAR_INPUT = ["Bareinlage","Input money","Insertar dinero"];
var P_BAR_GET = ["Barentnahme","Take money","Sacar dinero"];
var P_BAR_SUM = ["Einnahmen","Revenue","Cobro"];
var P_TITLE = ["Kasse","Paydesk","Caja"];
var P_TABLE = ["Tisch","Table","Mesa"];
var P_TABLE_SEL = ["Tischauswahl","Select table","Qué mesa?"];
var P_NOT_PAID = ["Ausstehend für ","Not paid for ","Impagado para "];
var P_ALL = ["Alles","All","Todo"];
var P_CONTENT_RECEIPT = ["Inhalt Kassenbon","Content of receipt","Contenido del tique"];
var P_ONLY_PAY = ["Nur Zahlung","Only pay","Solo pagar"];
var P_PAY_PRINT = ["Bondruck","Pay+Print","Pagar+Imprimir"];
var P_PAYWAY = ["Zahlungsart","Payment type","Modo de pago"];
var P_CHOOSE_PAYWAY = ["Auswahl der Zahlungsart","Selection of method of payment","Selección del modo de pago"];
var P_CANCEL = ["Abbrechen","Cancel","Cancelar"];
var P_CASHTAKEOUT = ["Barentnahme aus der Kasse","Cash take-out","Sacar dinero"];
var P_CASHTAKIN = ["Bareinlage in die Kasse","Cash insert","Insertar dinero"];
var P_AMOUNT = ["Betrag:","Amount:","Valor:"];
var P_OVERVIEW = ["Übersicht Kellnerkasse", "Overview waiter purse","Resumen cartera de bolsillo"];
var P_PUT_IN = ["Einlegen","Insert","Insertar"];
var P_TAKE_OUT = ["Entnehmen","Take out","Sacar"];
var P_OVERV_DETAILS = ["Diese Übersicht enthält die Bar-Bewirtungseinnahme durch den Kellner seit der letzten Tageslosung sowie als weiteren Wert den Kassenstand unter Berücksichtigung der eigenen Eingaben und Entnahmen.",
"This overview contains the cash amount of money of this waiter since the last closing as well as the total amount of money including the own cash insert and take-out actions.",
"Este resumen contiene todo el dinero al contado por cobro para el camarero, y también el dinero incluido con acciones de insertar y sacar."];
var P_CASH_SUM = ["Bewirtungseinnahmen:","Cash by payment:", "Cobro:"];
var P_INCLUDE_OWN = ["inkl. eigener Kassen-Eingaben/Entnahmen:","incl. own cash insert/take-outs:","incl. tomas y entradas proprias:"];
var P_NO_ELEM = ["Keine Rechnungselemente","No items selected","Ningún producto selecionado"];
var P_NO_ELEM_DETAILS = ["Es wurden keine abrechenbaren Produkte festgelegt (der Bon ist leer!).",
"There are no selected items. The receipt is empty!",
"No hay ningún elemento seleccionado para pagar."];
var P_CASHACTION_OK = ["Kassenaktion abgeschlossen.","Action completed.","Acción terminado."];
var P_NAV = ["Navigation","Navigation","Navigación"];
var P_ORDER_ACTION = ["-> Bestellansicht","-> Order view", "-> Vista de Orden"];
var P_TO_PAY = ["Zu zahlen: ","To pay: ", "Pagar total: "];
var P_PAY_RETURN = ["Zurück: ", "Return: ","Torna: "];
var P_CALC_PAYBACK = ["Berechne","Calculate","Calcular"];
var P_HAS_PAID = ["Bezahlt: ","Paid: ","Pagado: "];
var P_TOGO = ["Außer-Haus-Verkauf","Sale with Tax No 2","Venta IVA 2"];
var lang = 0;
var receiptfontsize = 12;
var paymentconfig = 0;
var decpoint = '.';
var currency = '';
var osroombtnsize = 0;
var ostablebtnsize = 0;
var osprodbtnsize = 0;
// REM* info for each room about the availability of a graphical map, and about the positions
var tminfo = null;
// REM* are there several rooms or only a table selection?
var hasRooms = true;
// REM* if the waiter has pressed the paydesk button after ordering the payment shall also delete the
// REM* the orders from the undelivered list in the order view. Otherwise waiters forever see the products
// REM* in case they never want to print work receipts or send to digital workflow.
var cameFromOrdering = 0;
// REM* this are the values that shall be send to server as brutto value
var billbrutto = 0.0;
var billnetto = 0.0;
// REM* info about items to pay and the table - after products are retrieved for table
// REM* this is the list of items, including double entries:
var prodsToPayList = [];
// REM* this is the list that is grouped of all items in the "oben" list, i.e. still not on the receipt
var prodsToPayListGrouping = [];
// REM* this is the tablename that shall appear on the receipt and on the lists
var payTable = "";
//REM* this is the list of items, including double entries, of all entries already marked as being on the receipt
var prodsOnReceiptList = [];
// REM* this is the list that is grouped of all items in the "unten" list, i.e. on the receipt
var prodsOnReceiptListGrouping = [];
function getGeneralConfigItems() {
doAjax("GET", "php/contenthandler.php?module=admin&command=getGeneralConfigItems", null, insertGeneralConfigItems, "Fehler Konfigurationsdaten");
function getPayments() {
doAjax("GET", "php/contenthandler.php?module=admin&command=getPayments", null, insertPayments, "Fehler Zahlungswege");
function insertGeneralConfigItems(configResult) {
if (configResult.status == "OK") {
var values = configResult.msg;
decpoint = values.decpoint;
currency = values.currency;
var taxval = values.tax;
var usstGerVal = taxval.replace(".", decpoint);
taxval = values.togotax;
usstGerVal = taxval.replace(".", decpoint);
receiptfontsize = parseInt(values.receiptfontsize);
$("#receiptpart").css("font-size",receiptfontsize + "px");
paymentconfig = values.paymentconfig;
$("#curtopay").html(" " + values.currency);
$("#curtopay2").html(" " + values.currency);
} else {
setTimeout(function(){document.location.href = "index.html"},250); // not logged in
//alert("Fehler beim Aufruf der Seite: " + configResult.msg);
function setLanguage(language) {
lang = language;
var html= '<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">' + P_PAYDESK_ACTIONS[lang] + '</li>'
+ '<li data-theme="e"><a href="#" id="cashinsert" class="info-go cashaction">' + P_BAR_INPUT[lang] + '</a></li>'
+ '<li data-theme="e"><a href="#" id="cashtakeout" class="info-go cashaction">' + P_BAR_GET[lang] + '</a></li>'
+ '<li data-theme="e"><a href="#" id="cashoverview" class="info-go cashaction">' + P_BAR_SUM[lang] + '</a></li>';
function getButtonSizes() {
doAjax("GET","php/contenthandler.php?module=admin&command=getButtonSizes",null,fillButtonSizes,"Keine Buttongroesseninformation");
function fillButtonSizes(buttonsizes) {
osroombtnsize = buttonsizes.roombtnsize;
ostablebtnsize = buttonsizes.tablebtnsize;
osprodbtnsize = buttonsizes.prodbtnsize;
function getProdSizeClass() {
if (osprodbtnsize == 1) {
} else if (osprodbtnsize == 2) {
} else {
return "";
function getTableSizeClass() {
if (ostablebtnsize == 1) {
} else if (ostablebtnsize == 2) {
} else {
return "";
function getRoomSizeClass() {
if (osroombtnsize == 1) {
} else if (osroombtnsize == 2) {
} else {
return "";
function insertPayments(payments) {
var paymentList = "";
var max=20;
if (paymentconfig == 1) {
// small selection
var sepAfterFirstPayment = false;
$.each(payments, function (i,payType) {
if (i<max) {
paymentList += '<a href="#" class="sure-do" data-role="button" data-theme="f" data-rel="back" id="paym_' + payType.id + '">' + payType.name + '</a>';
if (!sepAfterFirstPayment) {
paymentList += '<br><hr><br>';
sepAfterFirstPayment = true;
paymentList += '<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="d" data-rel="back" id="paym_cancel">' + P_CANCEL[lang] + '</a>';
function hideReceiptPart() {
function showReceiptPart() {
function getTableMapPreferences() {
doAjax("GET","php/tablemap.php?command=getTableMapPreferences",null,insertTMInfo,"Keine TM-Information");
function insertTMInfo(jsonTminfo) {
tminfo = jsonTminfo;
function shallDisplayRoom(roomid) {
for (var i=0;i<tminfo.length;i++) {
if (tminfo[i].roomid == roomid) {
return {show:tminfo[i].displaymap == 1 ? true : false,pos:tminfo[i].tablepositions};
return {show:false};
function handleClickInTablemap(data) {
function displayAllRooms() {
var lang = $("#info-page").data("billlanguage");
// first empty receipt
$("#prodlistinreceipt").empty().append('<td id="receiptprodheader" class="price">' + P_NO[lang] + '<td>' + P_DESCR[lang] + '<td class="price">' + P_PRICE[lang] + '<td class="price">' + P_TOTAL[lang]);
$.getJSON("php/contenthandler.php?module=roomtables&command=getRooms",function(allroomtables) {
var roomtableinfo = allroomtables.roomstables;
var takeAwayPrice = allroomtables.takeawayprice;
var noOfRooms = roomtableinfo.length;
if (noOfRooms == 1) {
if (cameFromOrdering == 1) {
// REM* TODO: display back button! -> shall go back to waiter!
} else {
// REM* TODO hide back button
} else {
var li = "";
var size = getRoomSizeClass();
$.each(roomtableinfo, function (i, name) {
li += '<li data-theme="f"><a href="#" id="' + i + '" class="info-go ' + size + '">' + name.name + '</a></li>';
if (takeAwayPrice != '0.00') {
li += '<li data-theme="c"><a href="#" class="togoorder ' + size + '">' + P_TOGO[lang] + ' (' + takeAwayPrice + ' ' + currency + ')</a></li>';
$("#oben").append(li).promise().done(function () {
$(this).off("click").on("click", "a", function (e) {
var roomdetail = roomtableinfo[this.id];
// REM* TODO display back button
function bindTogoOrdering() {
$(".togoorder").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
function displayTablesOfRoom (roomdetail,hasSomeRooms) {
hasRooms = hasSomeRooms;
var roomid = $("#info-page").data("roomid");
displayUnpaidTables("Tischinfo nicht erhalten!");
$(document).ready(function() {
var refreshId = setInterval(function() {
var roomid = $("#info-page").data("roomid");
if (roomid != null) {
}, 10000);
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
function displayUnpaidTables(errorMsg) {
function displayTables(jsonInfo) {
var tables = jsonInfo.tables;
var takeAwayPrice = jsonInfo.takeawayprice;
// REM* shall list or map for tables be shown?
var roomid = $("#info-page").data("roomid");
var displaymap = shallDisplayRoom(roomid);
if (displaymap.show) {
d = new Date();
$("#mapimgpart").attr("src", "php/tablemap.php?command=getUnpaidTablesMapImgAsPng&showBubbles=0&roomid=" + roomid + "&"+d.getTime());
var tablemap = new Tablemap(roomid,null,"");
var overlay = tablemap.createOverlay("#mapimgpart", displaymap.pos,'',decpoint,currency,tables,ostablebtnsize);
if (!hasRooms) {
if (takeAwayPrice != '0.00') {
// REM* graphical view, and no tables -> show TOGO under image
var li = '<li data-theme="d"><a href="#" class="togoorder ' + size + '">' + P_TOGO[lang] + '</a></li></ul>';
} else {
var li = '<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">' + P_TABLE_SEL[lang] + '</li>';
var size = getTableSizeClass();
$.each(tables, function( index, value ) {
var sum = value["pricesum"].replace(".",decpoint);
var txt = value["name"] + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<small><i>(" + sum + " " + currency + ")</i></small>";
li += '<li data-theme="e"><a href="#" id="' + index + '" class="info-go ' + size + '">' + txt + '</a></li>';
if (!hasRooms) {
if (takeAwayPrice != '0.00') {
li += '<li data-theme="c"><a href="#" class="togoorder ' + size + '">' + P_TOGO[lang] + '</a></li>';
//append list to ul
$("#oben").empty().append(li).promise().done(function () {
$(this).off("click").on("click", ".info-go", function (e) {
// REM* this.id = Nummer des Eintrags in der Liste der Tische (d.h. 8. Eintrag k?nnte Tisch 10 sein)
// REM* var roomid = roomdetail["id"]; // hier ist roomdetail das alte, nicht das von oben!!!
var tableid = tables[this.id]["id"];
var tablename = tables[this.id]["name"];
// REM* var roomtable_array= new Array(roomid,tableid,tablename);
// REM* refresh list to enhance its styling.
function getProdsToPayForTable(tableid,tablename) {
if (tableid == 0) {
tablename = P_TOGO[lang];
} else {
$.ajax({ type: "GET",
dataType: "json",
data : { tableid: tableid },
url: "php/contenthandler.php?module=queue&command=getJsonProductsOfTableToPay",
async: false,
success : function(jsonText)
var status = jsonText.status;
var msg = jsonText.msg;
if (status != "ERROR") {
} else {
alert("Fehler: " + msg);
error: function( text ) {
alert( "Sorry, there was a problem getting the products to pay for table!");
function initiatePayableView(jsonContent,tablename) {
$('#tableinreceipt').html(tablename + '<br>&nbsp;');
prodsToPayList = jsonContent;
payTable = tablename;
function displayProdsToPayForTable() {
// REM* first group the items
prodsToPayListGrouping = new Grouping(prodsToPayList,createHashOfPayableItem);
var size = getProdSizeClass();
var txt = '<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">' + P_NOT_PAID[lang] + payTable + '</li>'; // init a list
txt += '<li data-theme="f" data-icon="check"><a href="#" id="payall" class="' + size + '">' + P_ALL[lang] + '</a></li>';
var listContent = txt + prodsToPayListGrouping.outputList(createPayableItemListElement);
$(".payable").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
// REM* get rowIndex of item
var listItem = $(this).closest("li");
var rowIndex = $( "#oben li" ).index(listItem) - 2;
// REM* get an item from the payableList
var removedEntry = prodsToPayListGrouping.popSortedEntry(rowIndex);
prodsOnReceiptList[prodsOnReceiptList.length] = removedEntry;
$("#payall").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
for (var i=0;i<prodsToPayList.length;i++) {
prodsOnReceiptList[prodsOnReceiptList.length] = prodsToPayList[i];
prodsToPayList = [];
function displayProdsOnReceipt() {
// REM* first group the items
prodsOnReceiptListGrouping = new Grouping(prodsOnReceiptList,createHashOfPayableItem);
var size = getProdSizeClass();
var txt = '<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">';
txt += P_CONTENT_RECEIPT[lang] +': <p id="priceinreceipt">0,00 ' + currency + '</p></li>';
var listContent = txt + prodsOnReceiptListGrouping.outputList(createOnReceiptItemListElement);
$(".onreceipt").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
// REM* get rowIndex of item
var listItem = $(this).closest("li");
var rowIndex = $( "#unten li" ).index(listItem) - 1;
// REM* get an item from the payableList
var removedEntry = prodsOnReceiptListGrouping.popSortedEntry(rowIndex);
prodsToPayList[prodsToPayList.length] = removedEntry;
function generateListItem(theme,icon,id,content,classname) {
var size = getProdSizeClass();
var li = '<li data-theme="' + theme + '" data-icon="' + icon + '">';
li += '<a href="#" id="' + id + '" class="info-go ' + size + ' ' + classname + '">' + content + '</a></li>';
return li;
function addAllToUnten(jsonContent,tablename) {
$("#payall").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
var entryListForReceipt = [];
$("#oben li a.info-go").each(function() {
var id_in_jsonText = $(this).attr('id');
var entry = {
idx : id_in_jsonText,
prodid: jsonContent[id_in_jsonText]["prodid"],
queueid: jsonContent[id_in_jsonText]["id"],
longname: jsonContent[id_in_jsonText]["longname"],
price: jsonContent[id_in_jsonText]["price"],
tax: jsonContent[id_in_jsonText]["tax"],
extras: jsonContent[id_in_jsonText]["extras"],
pricelevelname: jsonContent[id_in_jsonText]["pricelevelname"]
entryListForReceipt[entryListForReceipt.length] = entry;
$.each(entryListForReceipt, function (i, entry) {
$("#oben li .info-go").each(function() {
function createHashOfPayableItem(aProd) {
var longname = aProd["longname"];
if (aProd["pricelevelname"] != "A") {
longname += " (" + aProd["pricelevelname"] + ")";
longname += " - " + (parseFloat(aProd["price"]).toFixed(2).replace(".",decpoint));
var extratxt = createExtraParagraph(aProd["extras"]);
return toHtml(longname) + extratxt;
function createPayableItemListElement(aProd) {
var count = "";
if("count" in aProd) {
if (aProd["count"] > 1) {
count = aProd["count"] + "x ";
var li_item = generateListItem("c","plus","payable_" + aProd["id"],count + createHashOfPayableItem(aProd),"payable");
return li_item;
function createOnReceiptItemListElement(aProd) {
var count = "";
if("count" in aProd) {
if (aProd["count"] > 1) {
count = aProd["count"] + "x ";
var li_item = generateListItem("c","plus","payable_" + aProd["id"],count + createHashOfPayableItem(aProd),"onreceipt");
return li_item;
// Make table empty...
function clearUntenAndReceipt() {
var untenHeader = '<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">';
untenHeader += P_CONTENT_RECEIPT[lang] +': <p id="priceinreceipt">0,00 ' + currency + '</p></li>';
$("#unten").empty().append(untenHeader).promise().done(function () {
$('#prodlistinreceipt tr').each(function() {
// arrayToFill:
// [0]: count prodid prodid-pricelevelname queueid longname price pricelevelname
// [1]: count prodid prodid-pricelevelname queueid longname price pricelevelname
// entry:
// [0]: prodid queueid longname price pricelevelname
// REM* [2]: name, [3]: price, [4]: tax, [5] extras, [6]: pricelevel
function addEntryOrIncreaseCount(arrayToFill,entry) {
var index=0;
var found = false;
var combinedIdPricelevelPriceExtras = entry.prodid + "-" + entry.extras.join("_") + entry.price + "-" + entry.pricelevelname + "#" + entry.tax;
for (index=0;index<arrayToFill.length;index++) {
var anEntry = arrayToFill[index];
// REM* entry = prodid,queueid,longname,price,pricelevelname
// REM* anEntry = count,prodid,"prodid-pricelevel",queueid,longname,price
if (anEntry[2] == combinedIdPricelevelPriceExtras) {
// REM* prodid equal
anEntry[0] += 1;
found = true;
if (!found) {
arrayToFill.push(new Array(1,entry,combinedIdPricelevelPriceExtras));
return arrayToFill;
// REM* create an array of taxes that are present in the current bill
function listTaxes(collectionOfTaxes,decpointx) {
var taxes = [];
for (var i=0;i<collectionOfTaxes.length;i++) {
var tax = parseFloat(String(collectionOfTaxes[i]));
tax = tax.toFixed(2).replace(".",decpointx);
if (taxes.indexOf(tax) < 0) {
// REM* tax was not yet in the list
taxes[taxes.length] = tax;
return taxes;
function listTaxesBasedOnUntenList(decpointx) {
// REM* which different taxes do we have?
var mytaxes = [];
var count = 0;
for (var i=0;i<prodsOnReceiptList.length;i++) {
var prodEl = prodsOnReceiptList[i];
return listTaxes(mytaxes,decpoint);
function calcSum() {
// REM* which different taxes do we have?
var taxes = listTaxesBasedOnUntenList(decpoint);
var jsonContent = $("#info-page").data("tableprods");
var sum = 0.0;
var nettosum = [];
var bruttosum = [];
var mwstsum = [];
// REM* initiate
for (var i=0;i<taxes.length;i++) {
nettosum[i] = 0.0;
bruttosum[i] = 0.0;
mwstsum[i] = 0.0;
var overallnetto = 0.0;
var overallbrutto = 0.0;
var overallmwst = 0.0;
for (var k=0;k<prodsOnReceiptList.length;k++) {
var item = prodsOnReceiptList[k];
var bruttoprice = parseFloat(item["price"]);
var taxStr = item["tax"];
var tax = parseFloat(taxStr);
taxStr = taxStr.replace(".",decpoint);
var nettoprice = bruttoprice/(1 + tax/100.0);
var mwst = bruttoprice - nettoprice;
// REM* find index of tax in array
var taxIndex = 0;
for (var i=0;i<taxes.length;i++) {
if (taxes[i] == taxStr) {
taxIndex = i;
nettosum[taxIndex] = nettosum[taxIndex] + nettoprice;
bruttosum[taxIndex] = bruttosum[taxIndex] + bruttoprice;
mwstsum[taxIndex] = mwstsum[taxIndex] + mwst;
overallnetto += nettoprice;
overallbrutto += bruttoprice;
overallmwst += mwst;
for (var j=0;j<taxes.length;j++) {
var tax = taxes[j];
var taxid = tax.replace(",","-");
// REM* comma in id is not good - replace by a line
$("#taxval" + taxid).html(tax + "%");
$("#mwst" + taxid).html(mwstsum[j].toFixed(2).replace(".",decpoint));
$("#netto" + taxid).html(nettosum[j].toFixed(2).replace(".",decpoint));
$("#brutto" + taxid).html(bruttosum[j].toFixed(2).replace(".",decpoint));
billbrutto = overallbrutto;
billnetto = overallnetto;
$("#priceinreceipt").html(overallbrutto.toFixed(2).replace(".",decpoint) + " " + currency);
$("#priceinreceipt2").html(overallbrutto.toFixed(2).replace(".",decpoint) + " " + currency);
// REM* use prodsOnReceiptListGrouping
function createAllEntriesInReceipt() {
var tablename = $("#info-page").data("tablename");
var entryListForReceipt=new Array();
// collect all entries in the list #unten
for (var i=0;i<prodsOnReceiptList.length;i++) {
var item = prodsOnReceiptList[i];
var entry = {
prodid: item["prodid"],
queueid: item["id"],
longname: item["longname"],
price: item["price"],
tax: item["tax"],
extras: item["extras"],
pricelevelname: item["pricelevelname"]
entryListForReceipt = addEntryOrIncreaseCount(entryListForReceipt,entry);
var tablecontent = createReceiptHeader();
// this preparation for the ESC/POS printers
var escPosList = new Array();
tablecontent += generateProdPart(decpoint,entryListForReceipt)
var taxGerFormat = $("#info-page").data("usstGerVal");
if ($("#info-page").data("taxtype") == "togo") {
taxGerFormat = $("#info-page").data("togoTaxGerVal");
var taxes = listTaxesBasedOnUntenList(decpoint);
// REM* taxes are now strings with country-specific decpoint
tablecontent += createReceiptFooter(taxGerFormat,lang,taxes);
// now calculate everything without hosting part for later export
calcSum(); // updates info:
var calculatedBill = $('#receiptpart').html();
// again for pos/esc
var escposreceipt = new Array(taxGerFormat,escPosList);
// now put it to a DOM element
// shall the hosting be visible?
var visibilityHostPart = $("#info-page").data("hosting");
var hosttablepart = "";
if (visibilityHostPart == 1) {
// need to use .ajax instead of .get to set cache to false!
url: "customer/bon-bewirtungsvorlage.html",
async: false,
success: function(hostdata){
$('#receiptpart').html(tablecontent + hostdata);
error: function( text ) {
alert( "Kommunikationsfehler zum Server: ");
cache: false
} else {
$('#receiptpart').html(tablecontent + hosttablepart);
function createReceiptHeader() {
var header = genCreateReceiptHeader($("#info-page").data("billlanguage"),
return header;
function createReceiptFooter(taxGerFormat, lang, taxes) {
var footer = genCreateReceiptFooterNoSum(taxGerFormat,
return footer;
function bindPayButton(jsonContent,tableid,tablename) {
$("#payWithoutPrint").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
$("#payWithPrint").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
function selectPayment(tableid,tablename,printoption) {
// first test if there are items to pay!
var itemsToPay = prodsOnReceiptList.length;
if (itemsToPay == 0) {
} else {
var topay = $("#priceinreceipt2").html().replace(".",decpoint);
$("#haspaid").attr("placeholder", topay);
$("#topayback").html("0" + decpoint + "00");
// start pay process by selection of payment types
$("#paymentdialog .sure-do").off("click").on("click", function() {
var paymentId = (($(this).attr("id")).split("_"))[1];
var appliedTax = $("#info-page").data("usst");
if ($("#info-page").data("taxtype") == "togo") {
appliedTax = $("#info-page").data("togotax");
function bindCalcReturn() {
$("#calcreturnbtn").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
try {
var hasPaid = parseFloat($("#haspaid").val().replace(decpoint,"."));
var toPay = parseFloat($("#topayval").html().replace(decpoint,"."));
var toRet = hasPaid - toPay;
if ($.isNumeric(parseFloat(toRet))) {
var toReturn = toRet.toFixed(2).replace(".",decpoint);
} else {
} catch (e) {
function startPayProcess(printoption,tableid,tablename,paymentid,tax) {
var ids="";
for (var i=0;i<prodsOnReceiptList.length;i++) {
var item = prodsOnReceiptList[i];
var queueId = item["id"];
ids += queueId + ",";
// REM* declarePaidCreateBillReturnBillId
var style = ' style="table-layout: fixed; width: 70%; background-color: #cccccc;" ';
var htmlContentWithoutHosting = '<table ' + style + '>' + $('#info-page').data("receipthtml") + '</table>';
// for escpos
var escheader = $('#info-page').data("escposheader");
var escallprods = $("#info-page").data("escposprods");
var escfooter = $("#info-page").data("escposfooter");
var escpos = new Array(escheader,escallprods,escfooter,$("#info-page").data("hosting"));
$.ajax({ type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data : { ids: ids,
// html : htmlContentWithoutHosting,
brutto: billbrutto,
netto: billnetto,
tableid : tableid,
paymentid : paymentid,
tax : tax,
decpoint : decpoint,
declareready: cameFromOrdering,
host: $("#info-page").data("hosting")
url: "php/contenthandler.php?module=queue&command=declarePaidCreateBillReturnBillId",
async: false,
success : function(jsonText)
var status = jsonText.status;
var billinfo = jsonText.msg;
if (status != "ERROR") {
billid = billinfo.billid;
billdate = billinfo.date;
if (billid < 0) {
alert("Error! Bitte erneut versuchen. Error code: " + billid);
} else {
var lang = $("#info-page").data("billlanguage");
$("#billid").html(P_ID[lang] + billid);
if (printoption) {
var htmlContent = '<table width=100% style="table-layout: fixed;font-size:' + receiptfontsize + 'px;">' + $("#receiptpart").html() + "</table>";
var payPrintType = $("#info-page").data("payPrintType");
if (payPrintType == 's') {
} else {
var receiptToPrint = "<table>" + $(".receipttable").html() + "</table>";
// bug workaround. reload does not work after pdf-print-so getProd in all cases
prodsOnReceiptList = [];
var itemsLeft = $('#oben li').size() - 2;
if (itemsLeft > 0) {
} else {
// so that reload also works for Chrome:
setTimeout(function(){document.location.href = "paydesk.html"},500);
} else {
alert("Fehler: " + billinfo);
error: function( text ) {
alert( "Sorry, there was a problem! " + text);
function printBill(billid) {
{billid : billid }, null, "Druckfehler");
function bindHostButton() {
$("#hostbutton").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
var billlang = $("#info-page").data("billlanguage");
if (billlang == 0) {
var statusVisibility = $("#info-page").data("hosting");
if (statusVisibility == '0') {
} else {
} else {
if (lang == 0) {
alert("Bewirtungsbeleg steht nur f<>r deutsche Kassenbons zur Verf<72>gung.");
} else if (lang == 1) {
alert("Bewirtungsbeleg is only possible for German receipts.");
} else if (lang == 2) {
alert("Bewirtungsbeleg se puedo usar solo para tiques alemanes.");
function cashactions() {
$(".cashaction").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
if (id == "cashtakeout") {
} else if (id == "cashinsert") {
} else if (id == "cashoverview") {
startCashOverviewProcess() ;
function startCashInsertProcess() {
$("#cashinsertdialog .sure-do").off("click").on("click", function() {
var money = $("#moneyToInsert").val().replace($("#info-page").data("decpoint"),".");
if (isNaN(money)) {
alert("Keine Zahl!");
} else {
if ((parseFloat(money) >= 0.0) && (parseFloat(money) <= 10000)) {
} else {
alert("Betrag muss positiv und kleiner als 10000 sein!");
function startCashTakeOutProcess() {
$("#cashtakeoutdialog .sure-do").off("click").on("click", function() {
var money = $("#moneyToTakeOut").val().replace(decpoint,".");
if (isNaN(money)) {
alert("Keine Zahl!");
} else {
if ((parseFloat(money) >= 0.0) && (parseFloat(money) <= 10000)) {
} else {
alert("Betrag muss positiv und kleiner als 10000 sein!");
function doCashInsert(money) {
doAjax("POST", "php/contenthandler.php?module=bill&command=doCashAction", {money: money}, handleCashActionResult, "Fehler Kassenaktion");
function doCashTakeOut(money) {
money = 0.0 - parseFloat(money);
doAjax("POST", "php/contenthandler.php?module=bill&command=doCashAction", {money: money}, handleCashActionResult, "Fehler Kassenaktion");
function startCashOverviewProcess() {
doAjax("POST", "php/contenthandler.php?module=bill&command=getCashOverviewOfUser", null, showCashOverview, "Fehler Kassenaktion");
function handleCashActionResult(jsonText) {
if (jsonText.status == "ERROR") {
alert("Fehler " + jsonText.code + ": " + jsonText.msg);
} else if (jsonText.status == "OK") {
function showCashOverview(jsonText) {
function startDisplayProcess() {
var urlsuffix = location.search;
if (urlsuffix.length==0) {
} else {
var urlstr=urlsuffix.slice(1);
var parts= urlstr.split("=");
if (parts.length != 2) {
// default
var tid = parts[1];
// REM* this page was called from waiter view (important for: 1. back button, 2. remove from waiter view)
cameFromOrdering = 1;
// do not show cash actions if URL called by waiter module
$.ajax({ type: "GET",
url: "php/contenthandler.php?module=queue&command=getJsonTableNameFromId",
dataType: "json",
data: {tableid : tid},
async: false,
success : function(jsonContent)
error: function( text ) {
alert( "Kommunikationsfehler zum Server bei Tischnamenabfrage: " + errorMsg);
$(document).on("pageinit", "#info-page", function () {
// button in header to start paydesk
$("#startpaypage").off("click").on("click", function (e) {
if (cameFromOrdering == 1) {
setTimeout(function(){document.location.href = "waiter.html"},250);
} else {
// REM* should never be called cause if hidden back button
// REM* starts startDisplayProcess later
<div data-role="page" id="info-page">
<div data-role="panel" id="modulepanel" data-position="right" data-display="overlay">
<ul data-role="listview" id="modulemenu" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">
<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">Module</li>
</div><!-- /panel -->
<div data-role="header" data-theme="b" data-position="fixed" id="theheader">
<h1><span id="paydesktitle">Kasse</span></h1>
<div data-type="horizontal" style="top:0px;position:absolute;float:right;z-index:10;display:inline;" align="right" class="ui-btn-right">
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-icon="arrow-d" data-ajax="false" id="menuswitch">Module</a>
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<a href="#" data-role="button" data-icon="arrow-l" data-ajax="false" id="startpaypage"></a>
<div data-role="content" id="contentpart">
<ul data-role="listview" id="oben" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">
<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading" id="roomsel">Raumauswahl</li>
<div id="tablemapcontent" style="display:none;">
<div style="background-color:black;"><span id=tableselimmaptxt style="font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;color:white;">Tischauswahl</span>:</div>
<div id=tablemapcontent style="position: relative;width:100%;">
<img id="mapimgpart" style="width:100%;position: relative;left: 0;top: 0;" src=img/empty-room.png />
<div id=tableoverlay></div>
<div id=togoarea>
<ul data-role="listview" id="tables-list-togo" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">
<ul data-role="listview" id="cashactions" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">
<ul data-role="listview" id="navactions" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">
<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading"><span id="navtitle">Navigation</span></li>
<li data-theme="e"><a href="waiter.html" id="navtoorder" target="_top"><span id="nav2order">Bestellansicht</span></a></li>
<div id="untenarea">
<ul data-role="listview" id="unten" data-divider-theme="a" data-inset="true">
<li data-role="list-divider" data-theme="b" data-role="heading">
Inhalt Kassenbon: <p id="priceinreceipt">0,00 Euro</p>
<div data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" id="paybuttongroup">
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-icon="check" id="payWithoutPrint"><span id="OnlyPayTxt">Nur Zahlung</span></a>
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-icon="grid" id="payWithPrint"><span id="payprinttxt">Bondruck</span></a>
<div data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal" id="hostbuttongroup">
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-icon="check" id="hostbutton">Bewirtungsbeleg</a>
<div id="partForSaveInBill"> <!-- This part will be saved into bill in db -->
<div id=partToPrint>
<table id="receiptpart" class="receipttable" border=0 style="table-layout: fixed;"></table>
</div> <!-- end of partForSaveInBill -->
<div data-role="footer" data-theme="b" id="thefooter">
<div class="ui-grid-a">
<div class="ui-block-a userinfo" id="loggedinuser"></div>
<div class="ui-block-b grid_right" id="versioninfo"></div>
</div><!-- /grid-a -->
</div> <!-- footer -->
<!-- Dialog page -->
<div data-role="dialog" id="paymentdialog" data-title="Zahlungsart">
<div data-role="content">
<h3><span id="payway">Zahlungsart</span></h3>
<td><span id=topaytxt>Zahlen: </span><td><i><b><span id=topayval>0,00</span></b></i><span id="curtopay"></span>
<td>&nbsp;<td><span id=haspaidtxt>Bezahlt: </span><td style="width:30px;color:yellow;"><input type="text" id="haspaid" value="" data-mini="true" placeholder="" />
<td><span id="rettxt">Zurück: </span><td><i><b><span id="topayback">0,00</span></b></i><span id=curtopay2></span></td>
<td>&nbsp;<td><td><button id="calcreturnbtn" type="submit" data-theme="b" style="width:200px;"><span id="calcreturn">Berechne</span></button>
<p><span id="choosepayway">Auswahl der Zahlungsart</span></p>
<div id=paymentlist>
<a href="#" class="sure-do" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-rel="back">Ja</a>
<!-- Dialog page -->
<div data-role="dialog" id="sure" data-title="Entfernen?">
<div data-role="content">
<a href="#" class="sure-do" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-rel="back">Ja</a>
<a href="#" class="sure-do" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-rel="back">Wert2</a>
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="c" data-rel="back">Nein</a>
<!-- Dialog page for cash insert -->
<div data-role="dialog" id="cashinsertdialog" data-title="Kassenaktion">
<div data-role="content">
<h3><span id="cashtakeintxt">Bareinlage in die Kasse</span></h3>
<label for="moneyToInsert"><span id="amounttxt">Betrag:</span></label>
<input type="text" id="moneyToInsert" value="" data-mini="true">
<div id=paymentlistcash>
<a href="#" class="sure-do" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-rel="back"><span id="putinact">Einlegen</span></a>
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="d" data-rel="back" id="cash_insert_cancel"><span id="canceltxt">Abbruch</span></a>
<!-- Dialog page for cash insert -->
<div data-role="dialog" id="cashtakeoutdialog" data-title="Kassenaktion">
<div data-role="content">
<h3><span id="cashtakeouttxt">Barentnahme aus der Kasse</span></h3>
<label for="moneyToTakeOut"><span id="amounttxt2">Betrag:</span></label>
<input type="text" id="moneyToTakeOut" value="" data-mini="true">
<div id=paymentlist>
<a href="#" class="sure-do" data-role="button" data-theme="b" data-rel="back"><span id="takeoutact">Entnehmen</span></a>
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="d" data-rel="back" id="cash_takeout_cancel">Abbruch</a>
<div data-role="dialog" id="cashoverviewinfo" name="cashoverviewinfo" data-overlay-theme="a" style="max-width:70%;" class="ui-corner-all">
<div data-role="content">
<h3><span id="cashoverviewtxt">Übersicht Kellnerkasse</span></h3>
<p><span id="overviewdetails">Diese Übersicht enthält die Bewirtungseinnahme durch den Kellner seit der letzten Tageslosung sowie
als weiteren Wert den Kassenstand unter Berücksichtigung der eigenen Eingaben und Entnahmen.</span><p>
<p><i><span id="cashsum">Bewirtungseinnahmen:</span></i> <b><span id=cashbyguests></span></b></p>
<p><i><span id="includeowncash">inkl. eigener Kassen-Eingaben/Entnahmen:</span></i> <b><span id=cashtotal></span></b><p>
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="d" data-rel="back" id="cash_overview_ok">OK</a>
</div> <!-- popup -->
<div data-role="dialog" id="nocashitems" name="nocashitems" data-overlay-theme="a" style="max-width:70%;" class="ui-corner-all">
<div data-role="content">
<h3><span id="noelementstxt">Keine Rechnungselemente</span></h3>
<p><span id="noelementsdetailstxt">Es wurden keine abrechenbaren Produkte festgelegt (der Bon ist leer!).</span><p>
<a href="#" data-role="button" data-theme="d" data-rel="back" id="nocashitems_ok">OK</a>
</div> <!-- popup nocashitems -->