
201 lines
10 KiB

// Datenbank-Verbindungsparameter
require_once ('config.php');
class DbUtils {
private static $timezone = null;
private static $prefix = null;
public static function overruleTimeZone($timezone) {
self::$timezone = $timezone;
public static function overrulePrefix($prefix) {
self::$prefix = $prefix;
public static function openDbAndReturnPdoStatic () {
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . MYSQL_HOST . ';dbname=' . MYSQL_DB;
$user = MYSQL_USER;
$password = MYSQL_PASSWORD;
$pdo = null;
try {
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
return $pdo;
function openDbAndReturnPdo () {
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . MYSQL_HOST . ';dbname=' . MYSQL_DB;
$user = MYSQL_USER;
$password = MYSQL_PASSWORD;
$pdo = null;
try {
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
return $pdo;
function testDbAccess($host,$dbname,$user,$pass) {
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $host . ';dbname=' . $dbname;
$password = $pass;
$pdo = null;
try {
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
catch (PDOException $e) {
if ($pdo != null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
* To use sql strings that are easy to read the table names are used
* without variables. But since the user can specify a prefix for all
* tables the substitution must be done somewhere. This is the function
* that replaces the %TABLE% by $prefix_table
public static function substTableAlias($sqlString) {
$prefix = TAB_PREFIX;
if (!is_null(self::$prefix)) {
$prefix = self::$prefix;
return self::substTableAliasCore($sqlString, $prefix);
public static function substTableAliasCore($sqlString,$prefix) {
$out = str_replace("%queue%",$prefix . 'queue',$sqlString);
$out = str_replace("%products%",$prefix . 'products',$out);
$out = str_replace("%user%",$prefix . 'user',$out);
$out = str_replace("%room%",$prefix . 'room',$out);
$out = str_replace("%resttables%",$prefix . 'resttables',$out);
$out = str_replace("%bill%",$prefix . 'bill',$out);
$out = str_replace("%customerlog%", $prefix . 'customerlog', $out);
$out = str_replace("%customers%",$prefix . 'customers',$out);
$out = str_replace("%groups%",$prefix . 'groups',$out);
$out = str_replace("%groupcustomer%",$prefix . 'groupcustomer',$out);
$out = str_replace("%vacations%", $prefix .'vacations',$out);
$out = str_replace("%tablemaps%",$prefix . "tablemaps",$out);
$out = str_replace("%tablepos%",$prefix . "tablepos",$out);
$out = str_replace("%pricelevel%",$prefix . 'pricelevel',$out);
$out = str_replace("%config%",$prefix . 'config',$out);
$out = str_replace("%closing%",$prefix . 'closing',$out);
$out = str_replace("%printjobs%",$prefix . 'printjob',$out);
$out = str_replace("%hist%",$prefix . 'hist',$out);
$out = str_replace("%histprod%",$prefix . 'histprod',$out);
$out = str_replace("%histconfig%",$prefix . 'histconfig',$out);
$out = str_replace("%histuser%",$prefix . 'histuser',$out);
$out = str_replace("%histactions%",$prefix . 'histactions',$out);
$out = str_replace("%payment%",$prefix . 'payment',$out);
$out = str_replace("%billproducts%", $prefix . 'billproducts',$out);
$out = str_replace("%work%",$prefix . 'work',$out);
$out = str_replace("%comments%",$prefix . 'comments',$out);
$out = str_replace("%hsin%",$prefix . 'hsin',$out);
$out = str_replace("%hsout%",$prefix . 'hsout',$out);
$out = str_replace("%reservations%",$prefix . 'reservations',$out);
$out = str_replace("%logo%",$prefix . 'logo',$out);
$out = str_replace("%log%",$prefix . 'log',$out);
$out = str_replace("%extras%", $prefix . 'extras',$out);
$out = str_replace("%extrasprods%",$prefix . 'extrasprods', $out);
$out = str_replace("%queueextras%",$prefix . 'queueextras', $out);
$out = str_replace("%ratings%",$prefix . 'ratings', $out);
$out = str_replace("%prodimages%",$prefix . 'prodimages', $out);
$out = str_replace("%roles%",$prefix . 'roles', $out);
$out = str_replace("%recordsqueue%",$prefix . 'recordsqueue', $out);
$out = str_replace("%records%",$prefix . 'records', $out);
return (str_replace("%prodtype%",$prefix . 'prodtype',$out));
public function resolveTablenamesInSqlString($sqlString) {
return DbUtils::substTableAlias($sqlString);
public static function getTimeZone() {
if (is_null(self::$timezone)) {
if(session_id() == '') {
if (isset($_SESSION['timezone'])) {
return $_SESSION['timezone'];
} else {
return "Europe/Berlin";
} else {
return self::$timezone;
public static $userCols = array(
array("col" => 'id', "hist" => 1, "new" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'username', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'username', "update" => null),
array("col" => 'userpassword', "hist" => 0, "new" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'is_admin', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'isAdmin', "update" => 'isAdmin'),
array("col" => 'right_waiter', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rWaiter', "update" => 'rWaiter'),
array("col" => 'right_kitchen', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rKitchen', "update" => 'rKitchen'),
array("col" => 'right_bar', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rBar', "update" => 'rBar'),
array("col" => 'right_supply', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rSupply', "update" => 'rSupply'),
array("col" => 'right_paydesk', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rPayDesk', "update" => 'rPayDesk'),
array("col" => 'right_statistics', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rStat', "update" => 'rStat'),
array("col" => 'right_bill', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rBill', "update" => 'rBill'),
array("col" => 'right_products', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rProducts', "update" => 'rProducts'),
array("col" => 'right_reservation', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rReservation', "update" => 'rReservation'),
array("col" => 'right_rating', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rRating', "update" => 'rRating'),
array("col" => 'right_changeprice', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rChangeprice', "update" => 'rChangeprice'),
array("col" => 'right_customers', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rCustomers', "update" => 'rCustomers'),
array("col" => 'right_manager', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rManager', "update" => 'rManager'),
array("col" => 'right_closing', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rClosing', "update" => 'rClosing'),
array("col" => 'right_dash', "hist" => 1, "new" => 'rDash', "update" => 'rDash'),
array("col" => 'active', "hist" => 1, "new" => null ,"default" => 1, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'lastmodule', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'ordervolume', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'language', "hist" => 0, "new" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'receiptprinter', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'roombtnsize', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'tablebtnsize', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'prodbtnsize', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'prefertablemap', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => 1, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'preferimgdesk', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'preferimgmobile', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'showplusminus', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => null, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'keeptypelevel', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => 0, "update" => null),
array("col" => 'extrasapplybtnpos', "hist" => 0, "new" => null ,"default" => 1, "update" => null)
public static $prodCols = array(
array("col" => 'id', "hist" => 1, "property" => "prodid"),
array("col" => 'shortname', "hist" => 1, "property" => "shortName"),
array("col" => 'longname', "hist" => 1, "property" => "longName"),
array("col" => 'priceA', "hist" => 1, "property" => "priceA"),
array("col" => 'priceB', "hist" => 1, "property" => "priceB"),
array("col" => 'priceC', "hist" => 1, "property" => "priceC"),
array("col" => 'unit', "hist" => 1, "property" => "unit"),
array("col" => 'days', "hist" => 1, "property" => "days"),
array("col" => 'tax', "hist" => 1, "property" => "tax"),
array("col" => 'taxaustria', "hist" => 1, "property" => "taxaustria"),
array("col" => 'amount', "hist" => 0, "property" => "amount"),
array("col" => 'category', "hist" => 0, "property" => "category"),
array("col" => 'favorite', "hist" => 1, "property" => "favorite"),
array("col" => 'sorting', "hist" => 1),
array("col" => 'available', "hist" => 1, "property" => "available"),
array("col" => 'audio', "hist" => 1, "property" => "audio"),
array("col" => 'prodimageid', "hist" => 1, "property" => "prodimageid"),
array("col" => 'display', "hist" => 1, "property" => "display"),
array("col" => 'removed', "hist" => 0)