2014-01-24 02:04:05 +01:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resources >
2014-02-28 18:46:01 +01:00
<string name= "app_name" > Conversations</string>
2014-01-24 02:04:05 +01:00
<string name= "action_settings" > Settings</string>
<string name= "action_add" > New conversation</string>
<string name= "action_accounts" > Manage accounts</string>
2014-04-06 15:23:40 +02:00
<string name= "action_end_conversation" > End this conversation</string>
2014-02-28 18:46:01 +01:00
<string name= "action_contact_details" > Contact details</string>
2014-07-03 18:15:47 +02:00
<string name= "action_muc_details" > Conference details</string>
2014-01-24 02:04:05 +01:00
<string name= "action_secure" > Secure conversation</string>
2014-01-28 19:21:54 +01:00
<string name= "action_add_account" > Add account</string>
2014-05-16 01:13:07 +02:00
<string name= "action_edit_contact" > Edit name</string>
2014-05-22 22:58:25 +02:00
<string name= "action_add_phone_book" > Add to phone book</string>
2014-05-16 01:13:07 +02:00
<string name= "action_delete_contact" > Delete from roster</string>
2014-05-23 16:20:49 +02:00
<string name= "title_activity_manage_accounts" > Manage Accounts</string>
<string name= "title_activity_settings" > Settings</string>
<string name= "title_activity_conference_details" > Conference Details</string>
<string name= "title_activity_contact_details" > Contact Details</string>
<string name= "title_activity_conversations" > Conversations</string>
2014-05-29 18:17:21 +02:00
<string name= "title_activity_sharewith" > Share with Conversation</string>
2014-07-02 16:13:25 +02:00
<string name= "title_activity_start_conversation" > Start Conversation</string>
2014-07-18 18:36:22 +02:00
<string name= "title_activity_choose_contact" > Choose contact</string>
2014-01-26 03:27:55 +01:00
<string name= "just_now" > just now</string>
2014-06-15 18:27:20 +02:00
<string name= "minute_ago" > 1 min ago</string>
2014-06-07 13:57:03 +02:00
<string name= "minutes_ago" > %d mins ago</string>
2014-05-20 18:49:58 +02:00
<string name= "unread_conversations" > unread Conversations</string>
2014-01-26 03:27:55 +01:00
<string name= "sending" > sending… </string>
2014-04-15 15:19:02 +02:00
<string name= "encrypted_message" > Decrypting message. Please wait… </string>
2014-03-03 05:01:02 +01:00
<string name= "nick_in_use" > Nickname is already in use</string>
2014-05-24 00:17:42 +02:00
<string name= "admin" > Admin</string>
<string name= "owner" > Owner</string>
2014-03-04 02:51:01 +01:00
<string name= "moderator" > Moderator</string>
<string name= "participant" > Participant</string>
<string name= "visitor" > Visitor</string>
2014-07-15 19:41:58 +02:00
<string name= "remove_contact_text" > Would you like to remove %s from your roster? The conversation associated with this contact will not be removed.</string>
<string name= "remove_bookmark_text" > Would you like to remove %s as a bookmark? The conversation associated with this bookmark will not be removed.</string>
2014-03-13 04:32:19 +01:00
<string name= "register_account" > Register new account on server</string>
2014-03-13 21:37:27 +01:00
<string name= "share_with" > Share with</string>
2014-03-15 04:59:18 +01:00
<string name= "start_conversation" > Start Conversation</string>
2014-07-17 00:03:37 +02:00
<string name= "invite_contact" > Invite Contact</string>
2014-05-23 16:20:49 +02:00
<string name= "contacts" > Contacts</string>
2014-03-15 15:13:35 +01:00
<string name= "cancel" > Cancel</string>
2014-05-22 22:58:25 +02:00
<string name= "add" > Add</string>
<string name= "edit" > Edit</string>
<string name= "delete" > Delete</string>
2014-05-23 16:20:49 +02:00
<string name= "save" > Save</string>
2014-06-01 19:08:42 +02:00
<string name= "ok" > OK</string>
2014-03-27 16:09:23 +01:00
<string name= "crash_report_title" > Conversations has crashed</string>
<string name= "crash_report_message" > By sending in stack traces you are helping the ongoing development of Conversations\n<b > Warning:</b> This will use your XMPP account to send the stack trace to the developer.</string>
<string name= "send_now" > Send now</string>
<string name= "send_never" > Never ask again</string>
2014-04-03 09:21:45 +02:00
<string name= "problem_connecting_to_account" > Unable to connect to account</string>
<string name= "problem_connecting_to_accounts" > Unable to connect to multiple accounts</string>
<string name= "touch_to_fix" > Touch here to manage your accounts</string>
2014-04-16 23:58:53 +02:00
<string name= "attach_file" > Attach file</string>
2014-04-10 14:12:08 +02:00
<string name= "not_in_roster" > The contact is not in your roster. Would you like to add it?</string>
<string name= "add_contact" > Add contact</string>
2014-05-30 08:04:24 +02:00
<string name= "send_failed" > delivery failed</string>
2014-04-11 09:13:56 +02:00
<string name= "send_rejected" > rejected</string>
2014-04-15 15:19:02 +02:00
<string name= "receiving_image" > Receiving image file. Please wait… </string>
2014-05-09 20:46:43 +02:00
<string name= "preparing_image" > Preparing image for transmission</string>
2014-04-16 18:16:23 +02:00
<string name= "action_clear_history" > Clear history</string>
2014-04-21 19:51:03 +02:00
<string name= "clear_conversation_history" > Clear Conversation History</string>
2014-04-16 18:16:23 +02:00
<string name= "clear_histor_msg" > Do you want to delete all messages within this Conversation?\n\n<b > Warning:</b> This will not influence messages stored on other devices or servers.</string>
<string name= "delete_messages" > Delete messages</string>
<string name= "also_end_conversation" > End this conversations afterwards</string>
2014-04-16 23:58:53 +02:00
<string name= "choose_presence" > Choose presence to contact</string>
<string name= "send_plain_text_message" > Send plain text message</string>
<string name= "send_otr_message" > Send OTR encrypted message</string>
2014-05-31 06:11:47 +02:00
<string name= "send_pgp_message" > Send OpenPGP encrypted message</string>
2014-04-16 23:58:53 +02:00
<string name= "your_nick_has_been_changed" > Your nickname has been changed</string>
2014-04-21 19:51:03 +02:00
<string name= "download_image" > Download Image</string>
2014-04-25 16:24:56 +02:00
<string name= "image_offered_for_download" > <i > Image file offered for download</i> </string>
2014-04-26 12:40:21 +02:00
<string name= "send_unencrypted" > Send unencrypted</string>
2014-07-15 17:33:48 +02:00
<string name= "decryption_failed" > Decryption failed. Maybe you don’ t have the proper private key.</string>
2014-05-02 12:02:18 +02:00
<string name= "openkeychain_required" > OpenKeychain</string>
2014-07-15 17:48:45 +02:00
<string name= "openkeychain_required_long" > Conversations utilizes a third party app called <b > OpenKeychain</b> to encrypt and decrypt messages and to manage your public keys.\n\nOpenKeychain is licensed under GPLv3 and available on F-Droid and Google Play.\n\n<small > (Please restart Conversations afterwards.)</small> </string>
2014-05-02 12:02:18 +02:00
<string name= "restart" > Restart</string>
<string name= "install" > Install</string>
2014-05-08 11:53:00 +02:00
<string name= "offering" > offering… </string>
2014-06-12 23:04:28 +02:00
<string name= "waiting" > waiting… </string>
2014-05-31 06:11:47 +02:00
<string name= "no_pgp_key" > No OpenPGP Key found</string>
<string name= "contact_has_no_pgp_key" > Conversations is unable to encrypt your messages because your contact is not announcing his or hers public key.\n\n<small > Please ask your contact to setup OpenPGP.</small> </string>
2014-06-01 11:24:35 +02:00
<string name= "no_pgp_keys" > No OpenPGP Keys found</string>
<string name= "contacts_have_no_pgp_keys" > Conversations is unable to encrypt your messages because your contacts are not announcing their public key.\n\n<small > Please ask your contacts to setup OpenPGP.</small> </string>
2014-05-09 20:46:43 +02:00
<string name= "encrypted_message_received" > <i > Encrypted message received. Touch to view and decrypt.</i> </string>
<string name= "encrypted_image_received" > <i > Encrypted image received. Touch to view and decrypt.</i> </string>
<string name= "image_file" > <i > Image received. Touch to view</i> </string>
2014-08-27 09:43:53 +02:00
<string name= "pref_general" > General</string>
2014-05-11 13:55:15 +02:00
<string name= "pref_xmpp_resource" > XMPP resource</string>
<string name= "pref_xmpp_resource_summary" > The name this client identifies itself with</string>
<string name= "pref_accept_files" > Accept files</string>
<string name= "pref_accept_files_summary" > Automatically accept files smaller than… </string>
<string name= "pref_notification_settings" > Notification Settings</string>
<string name= "pref_notifications" > Notifications</string>
<string name= "pref_notifications_summary" > Notify when a new message arrives</string>
<string name= "pref_vibrate" > Vibrate</string>
<string name= "pref_vibrate_summary" > Also vibrate when a new message arrives</string>
<string name= "pref_sound" > Sound</string>
<string name= "pref_sound_summary" > Play ringtone with notification</string>
<string name= "pref_conference_notifications" > Conference notifications</string>
<string name= "pref_conference_notifications_summary" > Always notify when a new conference message arrives instead of only when highlighted</string>
<string name= "pref_notification_grace_period" > Notification grace period</string>
<string name= "pref_notification_grace_period_summary" > Disable notifications for a short time after a carbon copy was received</string>
<string name= "pref_advanced_options" > Advanced Options</string>
<string name= "pref_never_send_crash" > Never send crash reports</string>
<string name= "pref_never_send_crash_summary" > By sending in stack traces you are helping the ongoing development of Conversations</string>
2014-06-04 18:44:15 +02:00
<string name= "pref_confirm_messages" > Confirm Messages</string>
<string name= "pref_confirm_messages_summary" > Let your contact know when you have received and read a message</string>
2014-09-08 23:58:37 +02:00
<string name= "pref_ui_options" > UI Options</string>
2014-07-20 12:21:04 +02:00
<string name= "openpgp_error" > OpenKeychain reported an error</string>
2014-05-12 14:59:46 +02:00
<string name= "error_decrypting_file" > I/O Error decrypting file</string>
<string name= "accept" > Accept</string>
<string name= "error" > An error has occurred</string>
2014-05-13 11:23:11 +02:00
<string name= "pref_grant_presence_updates" > Grant presence updates</string>
<string name= "pref_grant_presence_updates_summary" > Preemptively grant and ask for presence subscription for contacts you created</string>
<string name= "subscriptions" > Subscriptions</string>
<string name= "your_account" > Your account</string>
<string name= "keys" > Keys</string>
<string name= "send_presence_updates" > Send presence updates</string>
<string name= "receive_presence_updates" > Receive presence updates</string>
<string name= "ask_for_presence_updates" > Ask for presence updates</string>
2014-05-13 15:25:04 +02:00
<string name= "attach_choose_picture" > Choose picture</string>
<string name= "attach_take_picture" > Take picture</string>
2014-05-13 18:06:56 +02:00
<string name= "preemptively_grant" > Preemptively grant subscription request</string>
2014-05-14 18:32:58 +02:00
<string name= "error_not_an_image_file" > The file you selected is not an image</string>
<string name= "error_compressing_image" > Error while converting the image file</string>
<string name= "error_file_not_found" > File not found</string>
<string name= "error_io_exception" > General I/O error. Maybe you ran out of storage space?</string>
<string name= "error_security_exception_during_image_copy" > The app you used to select this image did not provide us with enough permissions to read the file.\n\n<small > Use a different file manager to choose an image</small> </string>
2014-05-16 16:16:35 +02:00
<string name= "account_status_unknown" > Unknown</string>
<string name= "account_status_disabled" > Temporarily disabled</string>
<string name= "account_status_online" > Online</string>
<string name= "account_status_connecting" > Connecting\u2026</string>
<string name= "account_status_offline" > Offline</string>
<string name= "account_status_unauthorized" > Unauthorized</string>
<string name= "account_status_not_found" > Server not found</string>
<string name= "account_status_no_internet" > No connectivity</string>
<string name= "account_status_regis_fail" > Registration failed</string>
<string name= "account_status_regis_conflict" > Username already in use</string>
<string name= "account_status_regis_success" > Registration completed</string>
<string name= "account_status_regis_not_sup" > Server does not support registration</string>
<string name= "encryption_choice_none" > Plain text</string>
<string name= "encryption_choice_otr" > OTR</string>
2014-05-31 06:11:47 +02:00
<string name= "encryption_choice_pgp" > OpenPGP</string>
2014-08-20 11:40:01 +02:00
<string name= "mgmt_account_edit" > Edit account</string>
2014-08-20 11:32:49 +02:00
<string name= "mgmt_account_delete" > Delete account</string>
2014-05-16 16:16:35 +02:00
<string name= "mgmt_account_disable" > Temporarily disable</string>
2014-08-12 18:31:14 +02:00
<string name= "mgmt_account_publish_avatar" > Publish avatar</string>
2014-08-20 11:32:49 +02:00
<string name= "mgmt_account_publish_pgp" > Publish OpenPGP public key</string>
<string name= "mgmt_account_enable" > Enable account</string>
2014-05-24 00:17:42 +02:00
<string name= "mgmt_account_are_you_sure" > Are you sure?</string>
<string name= "mgmt_account_delete_confirm_text" > If you delete your account your entire conversation history will be lost</string>
2014-05-17 19:21:16 +02:00
<string name= "attach_record_voice" > Record voice</string>
2014-07-10 13:19:42 +02:00
<string name= "account_settings_jabber_id" > Jabber ID</string>
<string name= "account_settings_password" > Password</string>
2014-05-24 00:17:42 +02:00
<string name= "account_settings_example_jabber_id" > username@example.com</string>
2014-07-10 13:19:42 +02:00
<string name= "account_settings_confirm_password" > Confirm password</string>
2014-05-24 00:17:42 +02:00
<string name= "password" > Password</string>
<string name= "confirm_password" > Confirm password</string>
2014-05-18 11:49:44 +02:00
<string name= "passwords_do_not_match" > Passwords do not match</string>
<string name= "invalid_jid" > This is not a valid Jabber ID</string>
2014-07-15 20:59:32 +02:00
<string name= "error_out_of_memory" > Out of memory. Image is too large</string>
2014-05-22 22:58:25 +02:00
<string name= "add_phone_book_text" > Do you want to add %s to your phones contact list?</string>
<string name= "contact_status_online" > online</string>
<string name= "contact_status_free_to_chat" > free to chat</string>
<string name= "contact_status_away" > away</string>
<string name= "contact_status_extended_away" > extended away</string>
<string name= "contact_status_do_not_disturb" > do not disturb</string>
<string name= "contact_status_offline" > offline</string>
2014-05-24 00:17:42 +02:00
<string name= "muc_details_conference" > Conference</string>
<string name= "muc_details_other_members" > Other Members</string>
2014-08-23 15:56:30 +02:00
<string name= "server_info_carbon_messages" > XEP-0280: Message Carbons</string>
<string name= "server_info_stream_management" > XEP-0198: Stream Management</string>
<string name= "server_info_pep" > XEP-0163: PEP (Avatars)</string>
<string name= "server_info_available" > available</string>
<string name= "server_info_unavailable" > unavailable</string>
2014-06-01 18:52:27 +02:00
<string name= "missing_public_keys" > Missing public key announcements</string>
2014-06-06 19:39:55 +02:00
<string name= "last_seen_now" > last seen just now</string>
2014-06-15 18:27:20 +02:00
<string name= "last_seen_min" > last seen 1 minute ago</string>
2014-06-06 19:37:34 +02:00
<string name= "last_seen_mins" > last seen %d minutes ago</string>
2014-06-15 18:27:20 +02:00
<string name= "last_seen_hour" > last seen 1 hour ago</string>
2014-06-06 19:37:34 +02:00
<string name= "last_seen_hours" > last seen %d hours ago</string>
2014-06-15 18:27:20 +02:00
<string name= "last_seen_day" > last seen 1 day ago</string>
2014-06-06 19:37:34 +02:00
<string name= "last_seen_days" > last seen %d days ago</string>
2014-06-06 11:39:17 +02:00
<string name= "never_seen" > never seen</string>
2014-06-09 21:25:01 +02:00
<string name= "install_openkeychain" > Encrypted message. Please install OpenKeychain to decrypt.</string>
2014-06-27 11:15:06 +02:00
<string name= "unknown_otr_fingerprint" > Unknown OTR fingerprint</string>
<string name= "openpgp_messages_found" > OpenPGP encrypted messages found</string>
2014-06-29 13:44:59 +02:00
<string name= "reception_failed" > Reception failed</string>
2014-07-08 11:41:19 +02:00
<string name= "your_fingerprint" > Your fingerprint</string>
<string name= "otr_fingerprint" > OTR fingerprint</string>
2014-07-09 21:45:03 +02:00
<string name= "verify" > Verify</string>
<string name= "decrypt" > Decrypt</string>
2014-07-02 16:13:25 +02:00
<string name= "conferences" > Conferences</string>
2014-07-04 11:36:02 +02:00
<string name= "search" > Search</string>
<string name= "create_contact" > Create Contact</string>
2014-07-11 19:48:41 +02:00
<string name= "join_conference" > Join Conference</string>
2014-07-10 01:55:19 +02:00
<string name= "delete_contact" > Delete Contact</string>
<string name= "view_contact_details" > View contact details</string>
2014-07-10 13:19:42 +02:00
<string name= "create" > Create</string>
<string name= "contact_already_exists" > The contact already exists</string>
2014-07-11 19:48:41 +02:00
<string name= "join" > Join</string>
<string name= "conference_address" > Conference address</string>
<string name= "conference_address_example" > room@conference.example.com</string>
<string name= "save_as_bookmark" > Save as bookmark</string>
2014-07-14 11:47:42 +02:00
<string name= "delete_bookmark" > Delete bookmark</string>
2014-07-15 14:32:19 +02:00
<string name= "bookmark_already_exists" > This bookmark already exists</string>
2014-07-16 12:34:09 +02:00
<string name= "you" > You</string>
<string name= "action_edit_subject" > Edit conference subject</string>
2014-07-18 12:44:33 +02:00
<string name= "conference_not_found" > Conference not found</string>
<string name= "leave" > Leave</string>
2014-07-21 16:16:09 +02:00
<string name= "contact_added_you" > Contact added you to contact list</string>
<string name= "add_back" > Add back</string>
2014-07-24 01:17:34 +02:00
<string name= "contact_has_read_up_to_this_point" > %s has read up to this point</string>
2014-08-29 10:24:25 +02:00
<string name= "publish" > Publish</string>
2014-08-05 22:39:52 +02:00
<string name= "touch_to_choose_picture" > Touch avatar to select picture from gallery</string>
2014-08-05 01:36:17 +02:00
<string name= "publish_avatar_explanation" > Please note: Everyone subscribed to your presence updates will be allowed to see this picture.</string>
2014-08-05 12:21:08 +02:00
<string name= "publishing" > Publishing… </string>
<string name= "error_publish_avatar_server_reject" > The server rejected your publication</string>
<string name= "error_publish_avatar_converting" > Something went wrong while converting your picture</string>
2014-08-06 18:36:33 +02:00
<string name= "error_saving_avatar" > Could not save avatar to disk</string>
2014-08-09 09:38:52 +02:00
<string name= "or_long_press_for_default" > (Or long press to bring back default)</string>
2014-08-09 10:20:16 +02:00
<string name= "error_publish_avatar_no_server_support" > Your server does not support the publication of avatars</string>
2014-08-22 13:22:07 +02:00
<string name= "private_message" > whispered</string>
<string name= "private_message_to" > to %s</string>
2014-08-10 15:27:44 +02:00
<string name= "send_private_message_to" > Send private message to %s</string>
2014-08-15 17:31:24 +02:00
<string name= "connect" > Connect</string>
<string name= "account_already_exists" > This account does already exist</string>
<string name= "next" > Next</string>
2014-08-19 15:06:50 +02:00
<string name= "server_info_session_established" > Current session established</string>
<string name= "additional_information" > Additional Information</string>
2014-08-23 20:00:05 +02:00
<string name= "skip" > Skip</string>
2014-09-03 12:36:54 +02:00
<string name= "disable_notifications" > Disable notifications</string>
<string name= "disable_notifications_for_this_conversation" > Disable notifications for this conversation</string>
<string name= "notifications_disabled" > Notifications are disabled</string>
<string name= "enable" > Enable</string>
2014-09-03 19:35:45 +02:00
<string name= "conference_requires_password" > Conference requires password</string>
<string name= "enter_password" > Enter password</string>
2014-09-05 13:29:45 +02:00
<string name= "missing_presence_updates" > Missing presence updates from contact</string>
<string name= "request_presence_updates" > Please request presence updates from your contact first.\n\n<small > This will be used to determine what client(s) your contact is using.</small> </string>
<string name= "request_now" > Request now</string>
2014-09-07 23:08:40 +02:00
<string name= "delete_fingerprint" > Delete Fingerprint</string>
<string name= "sure_delete_fingerprint" > Are you sure you would like to delete this fingerprint?</string>
2014-09-08 12:46:48 +02:00
<string name= "ignore" > Ignore</string>
<string name= "without_mutual_presence_updates" > <b > Warning:</b> Sending this without mutual presence updates could cause unexpected problems.\n\n<small > Go to contact details to verify your presence subscriptions.</small> </string>
2014-09-08 13:37:22 +02:00
<string name= "pref_encryption_settings" > Encryption settings</string>
<string name= "pref_force_encryption" > Force end-to-end encryption</string>
2014-09-19 10:14:00 +02:00
<string name= "pref_force_encryption_summary" > Always send messages encrypted (except for conferences)</string>
2014-09-08 13:37:22 +02:00
<string name= "pref_dont_save_encrypted" > Don’ t save encrypted messages</string>
2014-10-23 21:27:41 +02:00
<string name= "pref_dont_save_encrypted_summary" > Warning: This could lead to message loss</string>
<string name= "pref_enable_legacy_ssl" > Enable legacy SSL</string>
<string name= "pref_enable_legacy_ssl_summary" > Enables SSLv3 support for legacy servers. Warning: SSLv3 is considered insecure.</string>
<string name= "pref_expert_options" > Expert options</string>
2014-10-20 00:22:06 +02:00
<string name= "pref_expert_options_summary" > Please be careful with these</string>
2014-10-22 04:53:30 +02:00
<string name= "pref_about_conversations" > About Conversations</string>
<string name= "pref_about_conversations_summary" > Build and licensing information</string>
<string name= "pref_about_message" >
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published
by the Free Software Foundation.\n
Link: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html\n
OpenPGP API is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0; You may
obtain a copy of the License at:\n
2014-11-03 14:49:05 +01:00
Minidns © 2014 Rene Treffer and is provided under the WTFPL\n
2014-10-22 04:53:30 +02:00
2014-11-03 14:49:05 +01:00
MemorizingTrustManager Copyright © 2010 Georg Lukas\n
2014-10-22 04:53:30 +02:00
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions:\n
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n
2014-09-11 16:32:49 +02:00
<string name= "pref_use_larger_font" > Increase font size</string>
<string name= "pref_use_larger_font_summary" > Use larger font sizes across the entire app</string>
<string name= "pref_use_send_button_to_indicate_status" > Send button indicates status</string>
2014-09-20 15:49:25 +02:00
<string name= "pref_use_indicate_received" > Request message receipts</string>
2014-09-29 19:03:53 +02:00
<string name= "pref_use_indicate_received_summary" > Received messages will be marked with a green tick if supported</string>
2014-09-19 10:14:00 +02:00
<string name= "pref_use_send_button_to_indicate_status_summary" > Colorize send button to indicate contact status</string>
2014-09-21 00:45:33 +02:00
<string name= "pref_expert_options_other" > Other</string>
2014-09-22 13:23:35 +02:00
<string name= "pref_conference_name" > Conference name</string>
<string name= "pref_conference_name_summary" > Use room’ s subject instead of JID to identify conferences</string>
2014-10-03 15:55:06 +02:00
<string name= "toast_message_otr_fingerprint" > OTR fingerprint copied to clipboard!</string>
2014-10-06 13:34:19 +02:00
<string name= "conference_banned" > You are banned from this conference</string>
<string name= "conference_members_only" > This conference is members only</string>
<string name= "conference_kicked" > You have been kicked from this conference</string>
2014-10-13 12:36:41 +02:00
<string name= "using_account" > using account %s</string>
2014-10-14 18:16:03 +02:00
<string name= "checking_image" > Checking image on HTTP host</string>
2014-10-15 22:08:13 +02:00
<string name= "image_file_deleted" > The image file has been deleted</string>
2014-10-17 13:09:02 +02:00
<string name= "not_connected_try_again" > You are not connected. Try again later</string>
2014-10-19 23:42:53 +02:00
<string name= "check_image_filesize" > Check image file size</string>
2014-10-23 21:27:41 +02:00
<string name= "message_options" > Message options</string>
<string name= "copy_text" > Copy text</string>
<string name= "share_image" > Share image</string>
<string name= "copy_original_url" > Copy original URL</string>
<string name= "send_again" > Send again</string>
<string name= "image_url" > Image URL</string>
<string name= "message_text" > Message text</string>
<string name= "url_copied_to_clipboard" > URL copied to clipboard</string>
<string name= "message_copied_to_clipboard" > Message copied to clipboard</string>
2014-10-29 11:31:03 +01:00
<string name= "image_transmission_failed" > Image transmission failed</string>
2014-11-03 22:47:07 +01:00
<string name= "scan_qr_code" > Scan QR code</string>
<string name= "show_qr_code" > Show QR code</string>
2014-11-04 17:38:41 +01:00
<string name= "account_details" > Account details</string>
2014-11-03 14:49:05 +01:00