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title: "Threema Transports"
date: "2019-06-01T01:52:54+02:00"
type: post
Hello together,<br/>
we run for [chat.sum7.eu](https://chat.sum7.eu) already an IRC-XMPP-transport.<br/>
So every person is able to join any IRC chat(room) without another IRC client.
Join a chatroom _#ROOM%SERVERNAME@irc.chat.sum7.eu/MYNICKNAME_, by replacing _MYNICKNAME_ with your nickname.<br/>
e.g. [#card10badge%irc.freenode.net@irc.chat.sum7.eu](xmpp:#card10badge%irc.freenode.net@irc.chat.sum7.eu?join) or [#ffhb%irc.hackint.org@irc.chat.sum7.eu](xmpp:#ffhb%irc.hackint.org@irc.chat.sum7.eu?join)
It is only for an IRC server one nickname possible.<br/>
A single person could be contact by using _NICKNAME%irc.freenode.net@irc.chat.sum7.eu_.
We use the software [biboumi](https://biboumi.louiz.org/) for it.
**Be careful**, IRC-Transport stores by default logs of the IRC channels to deliver them after you got online again.<br/>
(This could be disabled by changing the default settings persistent and history with your client [see](https://doc.biboumi.louiz.org/user.html#history))
By the way _irc.hackint.org_ run his own transport, so you do not have to trust us, to keep the logs safe.<br/>
Like [#ffhb@irc.hackint.org](xmpp:#ffhb@irc.hackint.org?join) with your normal xmpp username as nickname on irc.
Now we start to develop a Threema-XMPP-Transport, it is a really early state.<br/>
The current version is deployed at _threema.chat.sum7.eu_.
If you like to try it add [threema.chat.sum7.eu](xmpp:threema.chat.sum7.eu) and send her the message `generate`.<br/>
Afterwards, you get could write any person by use _THREEMAID@threema.chat.sum7.eu_ like [ECHOECHO@threema.chat.sum7.eu](xmpp:ECHOECHO@threema.chat.sum7.eu)-Bot.
So we like persons which test it and help us to improve the software.<br/>
Do not be shy to open an issue under [dev.sum7.eu/genofire/thrempp](https://dev.sum7.eu/genofire/thrempp).
For **Thrempp** we use the library of [o3ma](https://github.com/o3ma/o3) and [go-xmpp](https://gosrc.io/xmpp) for it.<br/>
The current structure of **Thrempp** makes it possible to add other transports, later.
We hope to support more functions than Threema's personal text, image and audio messages like group chats soon.
**Be careful**: We store your Threema Privatkey and open any encryption to other threema accounts. <br/>
Pictures- and Audio-Files are stored [for 7 days](https://sum7.eu/privacy_policy/) unencrypted as XMPPs HTTP-Upload.<br/>
It is technically necessary, because the end-to-end encryption in threema and xmpp are not interoperable. |